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Entries from August 1, 2017 - August 31, 2017


Better Parks Thanks to the 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan (NPP20)

Via an August e-newsletter from Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:

NPP20 funds garden care and a range of other maintenance at neighborhood parks

Gateway Park garden maintenanceGateway Park, Downtown

This summer, gardeners have been making the rounds more often at neighborhood parks, thanks to a historic 2016 agreement between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the City of Minneapolis.

The 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan (NPP20) protects current levels of park funding for 20 years and provides $11 million in additional funds annually. That includes $3 million to increase maintenance at all 160 neighborhood parks, funding care for planted areas, turf and trees; plus more inspections and repairs for playgrounds, pavement, plumbing systems, buildings and more.

While increasing maintenance makes for more appealing parks, it's also good economic sense: A wide range of park facilities can last longer and work better with regular maintenance. Over time, increased maintenance through NPP20 can reduce the need for costlier replacements, improving efficiency and sustainability throughout the neighborhood park system.

Every neighborhood deserves a great park.

NPP20 is a historic agreement between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the City of Minneapolis. It helps address racial and economic equity across 160 neighborhood parks and provides $11 million annually to maintain, repair and replace facilities.


Haunted Basement Tickets Now on Sale - New Location for 2017

Tickets for the 2017 Haunted Basement are now on sale! This will be the 11th year of production, and you'll find them at a new location: Building 9 of 2010 East Hennepin Avenue.

Performances will begain Friday, September 29, and run through Halloween; with performances on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays of each week, and a final show on Tuesday, October 31. All shows begin at 6:30pm, with performances running later into the night on Fridays, Saturdays and Halloween.

They have some new tricks up their sleeves this year, but will still offer some familiar experiences, such at the ‘Fraidy Cat tours and the Blind Invocation. The ‘Fraidy Cat tours are an opportunity to explore the Basement environs in lights-on, no-scare surroundings. These tours are also an excellent opportunity to get up close and personal with the set and costume designs of the Haunted Basement.

For those on the opposite end of the fear spectrum who desire a little added oomph to their Haunted Basement visit, the Blind Invocation option will once again provide brave patrons with a one-of-a-kind solo experience, complete with exclusive Easter egg environments and adventures designed only for Blind Invocation ticket holders.

Tickets for the Haunted Basement are $25 for Thursdays and Sundays, and $27 for Fridays, Saturdays, and Halloween. Enhanced experience Blind Invocation tickets are $40. The Haunted Basement is an 18+ with ID event. ‘Fraidy Cat admission is $15, with tours available on Wednesday, October 18 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, and Sundays on October 22 and 29, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. )‘Fraidy Cat tours are open to patrons of all ages, but parental guidance is always suggested.)


City of Minneapolis and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Launch Six Interactive Map Tours That Make it Easy to Explore Public Art in the City

Via an August 15 News Release:

There are hundreds of public artworks to visit in Minneapolis. The City of Minneapolis and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) have created six interactive map tours to make exploring the approximately 300 works in their public art collections by auto, bike or walking easy and fun. 

To celebrate the launch of these new interactive maps, on Thursday, August 17 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. City and MPRB staff, artists, Art Commissioners, neighborhood organizations, and other community members will be taking an abbreviated Nice Ride tour of two of the works of public art.

The tour will begin at the 35W Bridge Remembrance Garden designed by the landscape architecture firm oslund and assoc.  From this location, participants will ride bikes provided for the occasion by Nice Ride across the Stone Arch Bridge to the Marcy-Homes Gateway and Sixth Avenue Stroll. The group will be met by artist Aldo Moroni and author Penny Petersen whose book “Hiding in Plain Sight,” inspired Moroni’s sculptural buildings.

City and MPRB staff will demonstrate the new interactive maps.

For those interested in exploring these new unique tours, each is geographically organized and within each tour you will find detailed information about each artwork and directions to the works through Google Maps.  A tour goer can choose to follow the numbered tour order provided, or follow their own order and visit individual artworks that piqued their interest.

To find out the number of artworks, featured artists, and length of each unique visit this interactive the Minneapolis Public Art Tour interactive website. Tour goers are encouraged to share their adventures using hashtag #TourMplsArt.

Thursday, August 17, 2017 Agenda:

11:00am - 11:15am
Gather at 35W Remembrance Garden (across from Gold Medal Park)

11:15am - 11:25am
Nice Ride group ride across Stone Arch Bridge

Arrive at Marcy-Holmes Gateway (501 SE Main Street, Minneapolis, MN 55414)

11:30am – 12:00pm
- Aldo Moroni creator of Six Avenue Stroll
- Penny Petersen author “Hiding in Plain Sight”
- City and MPRB Staff demonstrate new interactive Public Art Tour maps  

City and MPRB Staff demonstrate new interactive Public Art Tour maps                      

Also located in the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood within walking distance of the media event is Tilted Bowl by artist Seitu Jones.


Updates from Friends of the Mill District

Article by Claudia Kittock

Mill City Singers

Remember the Friends of the Mill District Singers? What a title! Well, we discovered that no one got our name right, and have now changed the name of our group to the Mill City Singers. Better, right?

We are a group of friends and neighbors who gather to sing together on Saturday afternoons from 2:00-3:30. We are led by the magical JD Steele, and accompanied by the amazing Fred Steele.

This year’s session will begin September 9. Rehearsals are held on the 8th floor of the Guthrie theater. It is free and open to everyone. Don’t worry if you don’t think you can sing. JD’s magic will surprise you. He takes a group of ‘ordinary’ singers and puts us together in a way that makes beautiful music.

There are performances throughout the year, but attendance is not mandatory. We know that we all lead complicated lives, so being gone from some rehearsals and/or performances is not an impediment to being part of our group.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Claudia Kittock at Give it a try! If you can resist the magic, it is not a problem. However, I’m betting you can’t resist and you WILL be back! 

Yoga in the Park

Have you noticed a devoted group of neighbors, practicing yoga every Saturday morning in Gold Medal Park?  It is the Yoga in the Park program, begun and sponsored by the Friends of the Mill District. In its 3rd year, the program has grown, and is now averaging 43 practitioners every week.

The teachers are certified instructors who volunteer their time to teach yoga in this gorgeous setting. We are so grateful to them for their help.

The program begins on Memorial Day and runs through Labor Day weekend, September 2. We meet every Saturday at 9am and is free and open to anyone interested.

There are 3 more Saturdays in this summer’s program and we urge each one of you to give it a try. A beautiful setting, skilled teachers, free and open, and right in your backyard. We hope to see you there.

Partnership with the Guthrie Theater And YouthLink

The Friends of the Mill District, in collaboration with the Guthrie Theater and YouthLink, will begin a pilot project on August 14. It is a 2-week intensive class on acting and other aspects of the theater.  The culmination of this project will occur on August 24 at 7:30pm with a performance in the Dowling Studio.

The young people in this program will write and perform their own work. Each actor will play a significant role in the writing, performance, and even the naming of this group of actors. We are hoping this pilot project will become a year-round class.

Rehearsals will be held on August 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 and 24 from 4pm-6pm on the 8th floor of the Guthrie. Transportation and meals will be provided by the Friends of the Mill District with contributions from members of the community.

Jessica Finney, teaching artist at the Guthrie, has been hired to serve as the director. Jess was a founder and Producing Director for Emigrant Theater (City Pages Best Independent Theater 2007), where she staged a number of plays. A strong supporter of new plays, she regularly directs workshops at the Playwrights’ Center. A frequent mentor for Pillsbury House Theatre’s Chicago Avenue Project, she has also worked on Pericles and A Christmas Carol (Guthrie). She is a member of the Lincoln Center Theatre Directors Lab and has trained with Augusto Boal. She has stage managed for the Jungle, Mixed Blood, Guthrie, and Park Square, among others. Jess recently earned her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and continues to use the arts as a tool for transformation while working with children, couples, and families.

We invited the neighborhood to help provide meals, and within 12 hours we had more than enough volunteers. Just one of the many reasons why this is an amazing place to live.

Please reserve August 24 at 7:30 to attend the performance. We are planning a ‘talk back’ after the performance and hope everyone will attend. Tickets are free and will be available at the Guthrie box office. Details will follow.

Claudia can be reached at


New Sculpture in Gold Medal Park: "NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

The design for Charles Ginnever's mammoth steel sculpture was inspired by one of nature's unique primitive structures: the spiraling, chambered shell of the marine mollusk known as the nautilus. Like Richard Serra's Five Plates, Two Poles, also constructed from massive plates of industrial Cor-Ten steel, the sculpture's seemingly precarious balance merely suggests impending collapse. To understand its spatially complex form the viewer must circle around the piece, tracing the spiral motion of the progressively sized chambers to discover the secret of its design: six flat parallelograms, folded at regularly increasing intervals, that are welded together. Ginnever got the idea for folding flat sheets into a three-dimensional object--abstract yet suggesting a real figure--from Japanese origami, the decorative art of cut-and-folded paper. The changing light and seasons interact with the sculpture's surfaces to create subtly shifting visual effects.

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever

"NAUTILUS, 1976" by Charles Ginnever


Scenes from the August 12 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Whatever you want to call it - Romanesco broccoli, Roman cauliflower, Broccolo Romanesco, Romanesque cauliflower, Broccoflower or simply Romanesco - it is a most welcome sight! Combining the best of brocolli and cauliflower, it's a mild, delicious late summer vegetable for roasting, grilling or nibbling raw.

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

An unexpected treat - beautiful artichokes from GVY Fresh Produce.

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Chef Nettie Colon mixed up a batch of sweet corn ice cream during the Mill City Cooks demo.

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Bitter melons from the Bean Market. Do a little Googling to learn about them!

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Tickets are still available for the September 10 Harvest Social

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market\

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Gorgeous celery!

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Milly the goat!

August 12, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market


Tours, New Exhibits and More at Capitol Grand Opening This Weekend

Via an e-newsletter from the Minnesota Historical Society:

The Minnesota Historical Society and Minnesota Department of Administration are thrilled to celebrate four years of restoration work at the Minnesota State Capitol's Grand Opening Celebration this weekend, Aug. 11-13. 

Visitors can enjoy free tours of the restored Capitol led by MNHS interpreters throughout the weekend, which include special behind-the-scenes glimpses of locations like the Governor's Office and Senate and House Retiring Rooms. Forty-five-minute tours start at the MNHS Information Desk every half hour Friday 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

MNHS also invites the public to view the new exhibit “Reconciling History: Views on Two Minnesota Paintings” on the third floor in room 317A. This new exhibit space features two paintings formerly displayed in the Governor's Reception Room, "Father Hennepin Discovering the Falls of St. Anthony" and "The Treaty of Traverse des Sioux," with more robust interpretation, historic context and a range of current perspectives on the artwork, including those of American Indians. 

On the third floor in rooms 317 and 317B, visitors can discover two new panel exhibits from MNHS, curated in partnership with the Cass Gilbert Society, on the Capitol’s construction, history and restoration.

MNHS Press author and National Register Historian Denis Gardener will sign copies of his new book "Our Minnesota State Capitol" throughout the weekend in the Capitol's museum store Friday 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.-12 p.m.


Work Begins Soon to Unlock Mill Remnants Featured in Future Water Works Park Project

An indoor pavilion featuring repurposed mill remnants will be a central feature of Water Works

Work to locate/assess buried mill walls begins in August; deconstruction of Fuji Ya building begins in September

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and Minneapolis Parks Foundation today announced the start of new archaeological work in preparation for construction of Water Works, a transformative riverfront park project within Mill Ruins Park.

Work begins soon on, and adjacent to, the old Fuji-Ya building, located at the corner of 1st Street and 5th Avenue S, near the Stone Arch Bridge and West River Parkway. Archaeological exploration is necessary to fully locate and assess the condition of the former Bassett, Columbia and Occidental mill remnants. The mill walls are planned to be integrated into a new indoor riverfront pavilion and outdoor gathering spaces included in the updated Water Works design.
View Concept Design

In September 2017, careful deconstruction of the Fuji Ya building begins. Full-scale construction of Water Works will take place in 2018. The first phase of Water Works, called the Mezzanine Phase, will be complete and open to the public in 2019.

“We’re incredibly excited to have this opportunity to explore, unearth and adapt fascinating pieces of buried Minneapolis history for a new era of riverfront vitality,” says Jayne Miller, MPRB Superintendent. “These mills helped build Minneapolis into an industrial powerhouse and soon they’ll rejoin the Central Riverfront as part of its revitalization into a world-class cultural attraction.”

The Mezzanine Phase encompasses about 2.5 acres, from West River Parkway to 1st Street S, and 3rd Avenue S to Fifth Avenue S. It includes a new indoor riverfront pavilion with a food vendor, rooftop terrace and plantings, city steps overlooking the Mississippi River, outdoor play areas and gathering spaces, a connection to the Mill City Quarter woonerf and improved biking and walking connections. The Riverside Phase will follow the Mezzanine Phase and is expected to begin in 2021.

“Water Works will be a place for gathering and communing, just as Owamni Yomni or St. Anthony Falls has drawn people for millennia,” says Tom Evers, Executive Director of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation, which aligns community vision and philanthropic investment to bring parks to life and communities together. “By creating space for people and peoples to tell their stories, we’re honoring the site’s rich history even as we provide for new opportunities to connect to nature and each other for this generation and generations to come.”

The balance between park development and tree removal will be thoughtfully considered throughout construction on this project. Some trees need to be removed due to poor health, site circulation or grading, or interference with the buried cultural and historic resources that will be unearthed and showcased as part of Water Works. The site will be replanted with a diverse mix of trees using urban forestry best practices under the supervision of MPRB Arborists.

Through the Parks Foundation, the majority of Mezzanine Phase funding will be provided by philanthropic investment. In 2015, the Parks Foundation launched the RiverFirst Capital Campaign, which has to-date raised $12.3M in philanthropic gifts and commitments.

About this project

Water Works is a transformative park development project adjacent to St. Anthony Falls and the Stone Arch Bridge that will bring significant new historic, cultural, and recreational amenities to one of the most iconic locations in Minneapolis.


Raise a Monarch That Will Go to Mexico!

Article and photo submitted by Jenny Winkelman

Volunteers are needed to raise adult butterflies for the 9th annual Minneapolis Monarch Festival – Festival de la Monarca™ on September 9, 2017.

At the Festival, the University of Minnesota Monarch Lab will release over 100 butterflies marked with a small, weatherproof identification sticker (tag). The tagged adult monarchs, raised from eggs by volunteers, will be part of a large scale study of the monarch’s migration. Monarchs tagged and released at the Festival are raised in small numbers from eggs collected in the wild. These individuals will be physiologically programmed for migration. Also, since wild monarch populations are now perilously small, they are particularly vulnerable to disease or genetic adaptations, which can be introduced from large rearing operations.

A one-and-a-half-hour training teaches volunteers about monarch biology and best rearing practices for each stage of the monarch life cycle. Each person will receive three monarch eggs and all equipment needed to raise an adult from an egg and bring it to the Festival. Two training sessions will be held, both at the Lake Nokomis Community Center, 2401 Minnehaha Parkway, in Minneapolis:

Training Session 1:  Saturday, August 12, 10:00am-11:30pm
   Register here:

Training Session 2:  Wednesday, August 16, 6:00pm-7:30pm
   Register here:

Training costs $5 per person to cover staff time, rearing supplies, and eggs. Class sizes are limited, so register soon! Spanish speakers are welcome. Classes will be conducted in English and training materials are available in both languages.

“Anyone can sign up for a session. We welcome those with zero experience wishing to learn, as well as those with years of experience wishing to ask specific questions or just hone their skills,” says staff at the Monarch Lab. Kids are especially welcome to participate. However, one requirement for successful rearing is access to a consistent source of non-treated milkweed.

Most tagged butterflies are recovered in Mexico, where local residents are hired to find them. However, many more monarchs are tagged than found. Data about these butterflies is collected by Monarch Watch and used to learn about monarch orientation and navigation, and estimate their populations.

The Minneapolis Monarch Festival – Festival de la Monarca™ celebrates the 2,300 mile monarch migration from Minnesota to Mexico, and will take place at Lake Nokomis on September 9 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. This bilingual, family oriented event features hands-on learning, art activities with local artists, and a musical lineup with Salsa del Sol and Ballet Folklorico. The monarch and habitat exhibits offer many ideas for actions that will help preserve the iconic monarch butterfly and its migration.

Contact for rearing monarchs:
Aislyn Keyes, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab

Contact for information about the Festival:
MaryLynn Pulscher, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board


News from the Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA)

Excerpts from an August 8 -newsletter from MCBA:

Open Book Takedown, August 14–18

In the spirit of community and letting everyone’s voices be heard, visit us between Monday, August 14 and Friday, August 18 and choose up to five prints from the Open Book Takeover to take with you free of charge! Pick from thousands of letterpress posters printed by Amos and others. Must be present to collect prints. Free and open to the public.

Fall Classes Now Online
Feed your curiosity and stretch your creativity at MCBA! In addition to our ever-popular bookbinding, papermaking, and letterpress printing classes, this fall we're offering some brand new things! Kick-start your creative journaling practice with Nichole Rae from the Art of Daily Practice, learn how to make woven baskets with marbled paper, and more! Classes fill up quickly, so register soon.


Exploring the Upper River: Paddle Share

Article by Kathleen Boe, Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership

Exploring the Upper River

 A look at hidden gems along the Minneapolis Riverfront

This monthly series has been about areas along the river – places to visit alongside the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. But it’s also possible to take that one step further.

People ask, can I swim in the Mississippi River, can I fish in it, can I touch it with my toe. And the reality is, yes, you can fish. You can swim in the mighty Mississippi – given, of course, the appropriate level of care and caution. 

But there’s another easy way to get on the river as well, and that’s with the Mississippi River Paddle Share program.  

This is one of the new cool things you can do on the river: renting a kayak. It was originated by the National Park Service and it’s overseen by the Mississippi Parks Connection. It’s everyone’s opportunity to get out on the river.

Photo: the National Park Service

There are two options now, and there’s a third on the way.

You can start at North Mississippi Regional Park, at the north end of the Minneapolis riverfront and rent a single-person or two-person kayak for a three-hour span. The return station is at Boom Island Park, just under four miles down the river. The paddling itself should take around half that time, so there is plenty of time to relax and observe.

The other option is to start at the Lowry Avenue Bridge, at the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization building, and paddle a little less than two miles down to Boom Island. This station has only single-person kayaks, but the price is a little lower. It’s under an hour to get to Boom Island, so there’s plenty of time to actually go upstream a little bit and see the heron rookery before heading downstream.

Each rental location has everything you need – the kayak, a life jacket for each person and a paddle. You reserve your kayak online at

If you don’t have your own kayak and you want to get out on the river, this is a cool way to do that. Soon there will be a third option as well, to start at Hidden Falls Regional Park and continue down to Harriet Island in St. Paul.

The history of our river is really about the pathway, where the river was the centerpiece around how you would get somewhere. You would start by going along the river, then fan out from there.

Over time we’ve changed that. Instead, we approach the river from our neighborhoods and now perhaps we see the river as a border we can’t go across.

One of the things that’s great about this program is that it’s an opportunity to get people actually on the river. This is your chance to be in it.

This area is pretty neat because the water isn’t very deep. Depending on the day, it’s a nice current as well. If you’re going from point A to point B, you are going downstream the whole way.

With the lock closed, there’s no commercial traffic on this part of the river, either. It’s a very peaceful way to see the Mississippi. You see the river and the shoreline from an entirely different viewpoint. You can see into people’s yards and into the industrial area. There’s something about the character of the river up here that’s unique in its own way and you get that sense when you’re on the river, in a kayak.

Photo: the National Park Service

Given the leisurely time frames – a three-hour rental for a ride that takes less than half that – you have plenty of time to stop somewhere along the way. Or, after you take the kayak out at Boom Island, hop on a Nice Ride bike and stop somewhere on the way back to your car. There are many options, not the least of which would be the Northeast Yacht Club, 1029 Bar, Elsie’s or The Draft Horse.

Kathleen Boe is Executive Director of the Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership. She can be reached at via email, or online at


Water Works Site Preparation Begins in Early August

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board anticipates that soon after Friday, August 4, fencing will be installed near the north parking lot adjacent to the Fuji-Ya building to secure that area for exploratory archeological work. The process should be completed during August, and when complete this fencing will be removed. 
During archeological activity, some trees need to be removed due to poor health or interference with the buried mill remnants that will be unearthed and protected as part of the future park. Throughout construction on this project, the balance between park development and tree removal will be thoughtfully considered; new plantings will of course be made as phase 1 nears completion.
Following the archaeological work, in September, fencing will be re-installed to secure a perimeter around the Fuji-Ya building, and careful deconstruction of the structure will begin. This work is anticipated to continue through February 2018.
In November 2017, more significant archaeological excavations are planned in the parking lots just north of the Fuji-Ya building. This work is anticipated to last until mid-December and will continue in the spring of 2018. Excavation in these areas will be permanent and the areas will be fenced and closed until project completion.
While this activity is not full-scale construction, some disruption to routine may occur. The sidewalk adjacent to the park along First St. may be closed and there may be intermittent, temporary disruptions to one lane of traffic. 
For information about construction activities, residents are encouraged to sign up for project notifications on the Park Board's website, via

Scenes from the August 5 Mill City Farmers Market

We were in full summer bounty mode at the August 5 Mill City Farmers Market, with the arrival of melons, apples, celery and full-size Yukon Gold potatoes (which you'll find at Burning River Farm).

Remember, if you missed the MCFM on Saturday, check out their Tuesday Night Market at The Commons, 3:30p-7:00p. :)

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Barkley's Bistro has introduced some new products that will interest cat owners, too - freeze dried minnows and blueberries! Another new product is freeze dried cheese curds.

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

The first apples of the season are the mantet variety from Prairie Hollow Farm. Don't let a few blemishes fool you - they are delicious! (And I'll take blemishes over pesticides any day.)

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Someone discovered they like green beans! 

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market

Milly the goat!

August 5, 2017 Mill City Farmers Market


EPNI to Offer Entrepreneur Training Classes this Fall 

Via an August 2 e-newsletter from East Town Business Partnership:

Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. (EPNI) is offering Entrepreneur Training Classes this fall at the Finnegans office. EPNI has contracted with the nonprofit Neighborhood Development Center to conduct the classes.

NDC has been promoting and developing small businesses in low income neighborhoods throughout the region for over 20 years. They also provide ongoing support to small business owners – from developing the seed of an idea to start-up to business loans to ongoing advice and counsel.

Students do not need to live in the neighborhood to take the class, nor do they have to be low-income themselves, but they should be interested in opening a business in the Elliot Park Neighborhood or in other low-income communities in the twin cities area.

The class includes 12 two-hour sessions and it is expected to start late-September/early October. The fee is $650 with a sliding scale for payment. EPNI has some people who are interested in sponsoring students, so they may be able to get help financially. The class size will be limited, 8-12 people.

EPNI is offering two informational meetings: August 8 at Segue Coffee, 811 11th Avenue, and August 21 at Jaur Café, 609 10th Street South. Both sessions are 6-7 p.m.

Applications are due August 30th. Questions can be directed to Lynn Regnier at EPNI at or to NDC online at


Friends of the Mill District Partners with Guthrie Theater and YouthLink to Introduce Young People to Acting

Article by Claudia Kittock

The Friends of the Mill District, in collaboration with the Guthrie Theater and YouthLink, will begin a pilot project on August 14. It is a 2-week intensive class on acting and other aspects of the theater. The culmination of this project will occur on August 24 at 7:30pm with a performance in the Guthrie's Dowling Studio.

The young people in this program will write and perform their own work. Each actor will play a significant role in the writing, performance, and even the naming of this group of actors. We are hoping that this pilot project will become a year-round class.

Rehearsals will be held on August 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 and 24 from 4-6:00pm on the 8th floor of the Guthrie. Transportation and meals will be provided by the Friends of the Mill District, with contributions from members of the community.

Jessica FinneyJessica Finney, teaching artist at the Guthrie, has been hired to serve as the director. Jess was a founder and Producing Director for Emigrant Theater (City Pages Best Independent Theater 2007), where she staged a number of plays. A strong supporter of new plays, she regularly directs workshops at the Playwrights’ Center. A frequent mentor for Pillsbury House Theatre’s Chicago Avenue Project, she has also worked on Pericles and A Christmas Carol (Guthrie). She is a member of the Lincoln Center Theatre Directors Lab and has trained with Augusto Boal. She has stage managed for the Jungle, Mixed Blood, Guthrie, and Park Square, among others. Jess recently earned her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and continues to use the arts as a tool for transformation while working with children, couples, and families.

We invite anyone who is interested to help Friends of the Mill District by providing meals for the actors.  Meals will be served at 6:00pm on each of the rehearsal dates, and we hope the person/s bringing food for that night will stay and enjoy dinner with the actors.  If interested, please contact Claudia Kittock at

Please reserve August 24 at 7:30pm to attend the performance. Tickets are free and will be available at the Guthrie box office.


Hennepin County Employee Art on Display in Hennepin Gallery thru August


Via an August 1 Hennepin County News Release:

Hennepin County employee art on display in Hennepin Gallery August 1 - 29

The Hennepin County employee art show is on display in the Hennepin Gallery from now until August 29

From checking out books at one of Hennepin’s 41 libraries to providing security services; from managing key organization initiatives through IT resources and processes to child protection, Hennepin County employees perform a myriad of tasks. This exhibit offers them the opportunity to display talent that isn’t part of their daily work routine.  Employees show their abilities in painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, textiles and more. 

The Hennepin Gallery is free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the Hennepin County Government Center, A-level, 300. S. Sixth St., Minneapolis.

The exhibit is sponsored by and a project of Hennepin County Communications. The Gallery is a project of Hennepin County Communications. Look for more news on the Hennepin County website at


MPRB is Seeking Coaches for Fall Sports

Soccer Coach

The Mineapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is seeking enthusiastic volunteer coaches for youth soccer, flag football and volleyball.
• Practices start in August for soccer and football, October for volleyball
• Athletes range from 5-18 years old
• Teams practice 1-2 times per week
• Games/meets are scheduled for a weeknight and/or Saturdays
• MPRB will provide orientation for all new coaches

Can't coach this Spring? We'll need coaches for basketball, hockey, gymnastics, and wrestling this winter.

To receive more information or to express interest in MPRB volunteer opportunities, contact 612-230-6493 or, or click here for the Volunteer Interest Form.


Renaissance Minneapolis’ Sinisa Djukic Receives Meet Minneapolis Hospitality Hero Award

Via an August 3 News Release from Meet Minneapolis:

Sinisa Djukic, a banquet manager at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot has been named a Hospitality Hero award winner for first quarter by Meet Minneapolis, Convention and Visitors Association. The award is given quarterly to members of the Minneapolis hospitality community who have been nominated by their colleagues. The award honors an individual or company that has made valuable contributions to the image and culture of Minneapolis through outstanding hospitality and service.

Sinisa Djukic, a banquet manager at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel – The Depot with Stuart McKay, director of Food & Beverage

Clients and employees of the Renaissance will vouch for Djukic’s commitment to his job and the city of Minneapolis. Although he is not from Minnesota, Djukic is incredibly proud what Minneapolis has to offer, and can easily tell his clients all about this city, according to his nomination. He will offer help and suggestions that go beyond his role as banquet manager. Sinisa is the perfect representative of Minneapolis’ culture and warmth.

Managing Director Michael Clark raves that clients often rebook thanks to Djukic’s dedication to his job. Djukic is known to go in on his day off to ensure all is running smoothly for events. In addition to his attention to the events, Djukic’s leadership to his team is significant. He motivates and empowers his team by working alongside them during jobs. Djukic turns “transactions into memorable experiences” for the clients and guests, making hospitality a priority for every interaction. For these reasons, the Renaissance is proud to have Sinisa represent the company to clients, according to Clark.

“The Hospitality Hero program is something we are very proud of,” said Madonna Carr, vice president of Destination Services, Meet Minneapolis. “Visitors and clients’ first impressions are often the front-line staff they encounter at our hotels and other establishments, so the dedication of these staff members, like Sinisa, are vital to the impression people have of our destination.”

“We receive comments after every single event about how much Sinisa was the perfect backbone to the group’s success,” said Clark. “By creating a welcoming environment for guests, Sinisa leaves a lasting impression that encompasses Minneapolis’ hospitable nature.  His faithfulness continues to impress visitors, he leads team effectively, and his role is essential to the Renaissance.”


Washington Avenue Reconstruction Update

Generic Save the Date AB bannerVia an August 3 e-newsletter from Hennepin County:

Road striping begins on Washington Avenue Monday

On Monday, August 7, crews will begin a two to three week process for striping lanes of Washington Avenue (County Road 152).

Expect noise
For this project, the striping will be done in stages. First, a grinder will be used to create grooves for the new road lines. Then, painting trucks will place the reflective paint on top of the grooves to form lines.

Please be aware that this work will be noisy. The grinder can be loud and may be used as late as 10 p.m.

Painter trucks will be working overnight to help cut down on traffic impacts. These trucks are not as loud as the grinder machine, but residents should still prepare for some construction-related noise during this time.

Expect delays

Striping will be completed under traffic - both during the day and at night. This means crews will be working alongside traffic. Lane restrictions, including at intersections with flaggers, will occur as striping progresses along Washington Avenue.

Motorists and pedestrians should expect some delays during this work.

Last weekend, crews paved the final layer of bituminous, or pavement, on eastbound lanes of Washington Avenue.

Detour remains in place

The existing detour will remain in place as crews complete striping work.


For the remainder of the work, motorists should stay alert and follow the signs posted around the area.
• All eastbound through traffic must use the detour of 2nd Avenue, 4th Street South and 5th Avenue.
• Continued lane restrictions in intersections at 3rd, 4th and 5th Avenues are expected.


In addition, bicyclists should continue to stay off the cycle track until the project announces they are open. It is anticipated the lanes will open in August.


North Loop Street and Pedestrian Improvement Project Surveys

The City of Minneapolis is undertaking two major North Loop projects: One to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety, and the second to improve the condition of several neighborhood streets.
Intended to improve pedestrian and bicycle crossways at 22 intersections in the North Loop area by adding a combination of curb extensions, pedestrian crossing medians, Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS), ADA compliant curb ramps, durable crosswalk markings, and upgrades to existing signals to add leading pedestrian intervals. 
The City will be reconstructing several streets in the North Loop along with pedestrian spot improvements at about a dozen additional intersections. Public Works staff will be engaging with the community and business owners this summer and fall to gather input and to incorporate this feedback into a recommended design. 
Currently in the planning stages, both projects are scheduled to be completed in 2019. The City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works is holding a series of public meetings to gather feedback regarding the proposed project. Please see for days and times for these meetings.
North Loop Pedestrian Improvement North Loop Paving Project