Scenes from the August 12 Mill City Farmers Market

Whatever you want to call it - Romanesco broccoli, Roman cauliflower, Broccolo Romanesco, Romanesque cauliflower, Broccoflower or simply Romanesco - it is a most welcome sight! Combining the best of brocolli and cauliflower, it's a mild, delicious late summer vegetable for roasting, grilling or nibbling raw.
An unexpected treat - beautiful artichokes from GVY Fresh Produce.
Chef Nettie Colon mixed up a batch of sweet corn ice cream during the Mill City Cooks demo.
Bitter melons from the Bean Market. Do a little Googling to learn about them!
Tickets are still available for the September 10 Harvest Social.
Gorgeous celery!
Milly the goat!