Scenes from the August 5 Mill City Farmers Market

We were in full summer bounty mode at the August 5 Mill City Farmers Market, with the arrival of melons, apples, celery and full-size Yukon Gold potatoes (which you'll find at Burning River Farm).
Remember, if you missed the MCFM on Saturday, check out their Tuesday Night Market at The Commons, 3:30p-7:00p. :)
Barkley's Bistro has introduced some new products that will interest cat owners, too - freeze dried minnows and blueberries! Another new product is freeze dried cheese curds.
The first apples of the season are the mantet variety from Prairie Hollow Farm. Don't let a few blemishes fool you - they are delicious! (And I'll take blemishes over pesticides any day.)
Someone discovered they like green beans!
Milly the goat!