EPNI to Offer Entrepreneur Training Classes this Fall

Via an August 2 e-newsletter from East Town Business Partnership:
Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. (EPNI) is offering Entrepreneur Training Classes this fall at the Finnegans office. EPNI has contracted with the nonprofit Neighborhood Development Center to conduct the classes.
NDC has been promoting and developing small businesses in low income neighborhoods throughout the region for over 20 years. They also provide ongoing support to small business owners – from developing the seed of an idea to start-up to business loans to ongoing advice and counsel.
Students do not need to live in the neighborhood to take the class, nor do they have to be low-income themselves, but they should be interested in opening a business in the Elliot Park Neighborhood or in other low-income communities in the twin cities area.
The class includes 12 two-hour sessions and it is expected to start late-September/early October. The fee is $650 with a sliding scale for payment. EPNI has some people who are interested in sponsoring students, so they may be able to get help financially. The class size will be limited, 8-12 people.
EPNI is offering two informational meetings: August 8 at Segue Coffee, 811 11th Avenue, and August 21 at Jaur Café, 609 10th Street South. Both sessions are 6-7 p.m.
Applications are due August 30th. Questions can be directed to Lynn Regnier at EPNI at info@elliotpark.org or to NDC online at www.ndc-mn.org.