Ahead of Police Recruitment Push, City Prioritizes Minneapolis Residency, Social Service Experience
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Chief Human Resources Officer Patience Ferguson announced new recruitment priorities for incoming Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) recruits. Throughout every level of the hiring process, the City is assigning greater weight to applicants who have experience in social service and live in Minneapolis.
Amid a significant opportunity to recruit new officers into the department, placing a higher value on residency and social service experience will help ensure the MPD is better embedding Minneapolis’ values throughout its recruitment and hiring practices.
The changes also include assigning greater weight to volunteer experience, educational and on-the-job experience in social service, mental health work, and substance use disorder counseling. The department will also emphasize degrees in criminal justice, social work, social sciences (psychology, sociology, criminology), counseling and other related fields. These new recruitment priorities will begin with summer class recruitment, with postings expected in mid-February.
Read more.
Joint Operation Results in Nearly 50 Carjacking and Robbery Arrests
Officers from the Minneapolis Police Department and deputies with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office Violent Offender Task Force teamed up recently with air support from the Minnesota State Patrol to target people responsible for ongoing violent robberies and carjackings in parts of south Minneapolis.
The three-day joint operation, which took place Jan. 26-28, resulted in 46 arrests, including 69 felony level charges. Law enforcement recovered 15 firearms and 12 stolen vehicles. Six of the vehicles were occupied at the time officers and deputies seized the vehicles.
The felony level arrests included probable cause charges of carjacking, drugs and weapons violations, auto theft and fleeing police. Last year, there were 405 carjackings in Minneapolis, a 301% increase over 2019.
Tips to reduce your risk of becoming a carjacking victim:
- Park in well-lit areas.
- Always be hyper-aware of your surroundings.
- Equip your car with an anti-theft device.
- Lock your doors while driving.
Don’t stop for apparently stranded strangers along the road. Note their location and pull over in a safe place once you’ve passed to call for help.
Gov. Walz Authorizes National Guard to Provide Public Safety Assistance During Trials of Former Officers Involved in George Floyd's Death
Gov. Tim Walz has issued an executive order authorizing the Minnesota National Guard to provide public safety assistance to Minneapolis and Saint Paul during the upcoming trials of the former officers involved in the death of George Floyd. Members of the National Guard will be visible and available as needed as public interest increases surrounding the trials.
Walz’s executive order is part of a monthslong public safety planning process among local law enforcement agencies and all levels of government, including City and County governments, to prepare for heightened interest in the upcoming trials of the former officers.
The governor called on the Legislature to quickly pass his SAFE Account proposal. This funding is a critical tool to help ensure there are enough sworn law enforcement officers to be able to employ the National Guard. Because the National Guard is not a law enforcement agency, they must partner with police to help prevent or respond to any unrest.
This will require significant mutual aid from adjacent cities and counties, which has a fiscal cost. The SAFE Account would ensure that cities and counties across the state that volunteer to send additional police officers are reimbursed for their efforts to help secure this extraordinary event.
Emergency Assistance Programs from the State and County
ApplyMN is a simple, secure online application that connects you with Minnesota and Hennepin County services to help meet your and your family's basic needs. You can use ApplyMN to apply for:
Find more information on the Minnesota Department of Human Services website.
Free and Affordable Food
There are many places to get local, affordable or free emergency food in Minneapolis this winter.
Emergency food
Find a map and hours of food shelves and food distribution pop-ups for emergency food in Minneapolis.
Free food boxes for all youths
All families are invited to pick up free meal boxes for their children. Food boxes contain a week’s worth of breakfasts and lunches that meet Minneapolis Public Schools’ high standards for nutrition and quality ingredients. In every box, children will find school favorites, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Milk is offered on the side.
- Youths do not need to be enrolled in Minneapolis Public Schools.
- Youths, parents or siblings can pick up one box per child, per week.
- Pick up at any of the 15 school sites. No registration is required.
- All sites are open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Learn more and find a food box location.
Minnesota Ramps Up COVID-19 Vaccinations
The State of Minnesota is developing a diverse, stable network of different ways Minnesotans can get vaccinated so everyone will have access to a vaccine, no matter where they live and no matter their personal circumstances. In Minnesota, Walmart and Thrifty White are now participating in the first phase of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program launching across the state to help vaccinate adults 65 years of age and older.
Vaccine supply still small
The State notes that the supply of vaccine each week from the federal government is still small. While it has more vaccine available for seniors than ever, it is still a drop in the bucket. Nearly 1 million people are 65 or older in Minnesota. Until more vaccine comes, it will stay difficult to get an appointment.
The State launched a statewide vaccine finder to better connect Minnesotans 65 and older to vaccination opportunities in communities near where they live.
Learn more about the State's vaccine distribution plan.
Free COVID-19 Tests Detect the Virus Even as Variants
The City of Minneapolis is offering free COVID-19 saliva tests. Testing is encouraged and available to everyone, whether or not you have symptoms. It’s one of the best ways to stop the spread of COVID-19 and help prevent exposing your loved ones to the virus.
The tests detect COVID-19 whether it’s the original strain or a variant. Some of the recently found variants seem to spread more easily than the original strain – up to 70% more – and two of the three known variants have been identified in Minnesota.
The State of Minnesota especially asks these people to get tested:
- Students returning to school, youth sports or extracurricular activities. Testing doesn’t sideline your team but helps identify the virus early so it doesn’t have a chance to spread.
- College and trade school students returning to campus or classes.
- Anyone who regularly interacts with people outside of their family unit or household.
- Anyone with symptoms or who was exposed to someone who tested positive or someone they don’t live with.
- Anyone who is working at places that remain open during the pandemic such as critical infrastructure, first responders, health care, retail, schools and child care.
Free COVID-19 tests
Do not eat, drink or use tobacco products for 30 minutes before taking a COVID-19 saliva test.
Columbia Manor Golf Course, 3300 Central Ave. NE 4-7 p.m. Thursdays, Feb. 18 and 25
Minneapolis Public Schools Davis Center, 1250 West Broadway 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13 and 20
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe building, 1308 E. Franklin Ave. 3-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16
Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, 1301 10th Ave. N. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27
You can expect to get your test results in about two business days.
More free COVID-19 saliva tests
Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 Second Ave. S., Exhibit Room E 10 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekends Make an appointment here. Find instructions here.
Native American Community Clinic, 1213 E. Franklin Ave. 2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays Appointments required: Call 612-872-8086 to schedule an appointment.
Southside Community Health Services, 324 E. 35th St. 2-3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays Appointments required: Call 612-821-3548 to schedule an appointment. You can expect to get your test results in about two-three business days. Same day testing can be done for health care workers, first responders and essential workers.
Find a current list of free COVID-19 tests on the City website.
If you can’t attend one of these testing events, you can use this directory to find a testing location near you.
The State is also offering free at-home saliva tests. Any person in Minnesota can order a saliva test kit from the COVID-19 Test at Home program.
The COVID-19 test is free, and you do not need insurance for the test. If you need medical care but don’t have health insurance, the Minnesota Department of Health offers resources to find low-cost health care or health insurance.
Why get tested? Videos in Spanish, Somali and Hmong
Whether you feel sick or not, get tested. This will protect your loved ones and help us all return safely back to school, work and other activities.
COVID-19 Situation Update as of February 10, 2021
Situational updates: Minneapolis
- As of February 10, there are 32,049 cases in Minneapolis and 382 deaths. The total number of cases increased by 1.1% over the previous week. Both hospitalizations and ICU admissions increased by less than 1%. Minneapolis-specific data are available at www.minneapolismn.gov/coronavirus/dashboard.
- Over the past week, there have been about 50 new cases per day on average. This rate has decreased significantly, however we are still seeing at least 10 new cases per day as well as averaging three hospitalizations and one death per day.
- The seven-day rolling average case rate for Minneapolis is 14.4 cases per 100,000. The rate continues to decrease, but the re-opening of bars and restaurants, the return of students to in-person learning, and the new COVID variants circulating in the community may all cause case rates to increase in the future.
- COVID-19 testing in Minneapolis and across the State has decreased by 30% from November. It’s possible we may be missing mild or asymptomatic infections.
- Please continue to wear a mask, wash your hands, maintain physical distance, get tested, and stay home if you’re sick. These actions will help contain the spread of the virus.
- Mayor Frey’s Emergency Regulation No. 12 regarding masks remains in effect. The regulation requires people to wear face masks in all indoor public places.
Situational updates: Minnesota
- As of February 10, there are 469,905 cases in Minnesota out of over 6.8 million tests completed. There have been 6,319 deaths from COVID-19 in Minnesota. There are 97,559 cases and 1,557 deaths in Hennepin County.
- The State uses a color-coded map to track a seven-day rolling average of new cases. As of January 31, Minnesota is reporting 16.6 cases per 100,000.
- The State continues to work with the CDC to conduct surveillance to determine how prevalent the newly identified strains of COVID-19 might be in Minnesota. As of today, 16 cases of the B.1.1.7 and two cases of the P.1 variant have been detected in Minnesota.
- The statewide mask mandate remains in effect. People are required to wear masks in all indoor public places where people gather and some outdoor venues where physical distancing is difficult.
- Governor Walz’s Emergency Order 21-01 is in effect. Details are available on the City’s Guidance for Restaurants, Bars and Breweries and Distilleries web page.
Health Department Incident Command updates
- The Health Department is offering multiple community testing and vaccination clinics every week. Any City employee who is interested in volunteering at these events can fill out a brief survey. Staff who volunteer will receive training and personal protective equipment, including COVID vaccination for those volunteering at multiple events.
Case investigation/Contact tracing
- We continue to conduct follow-up with individuals diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as contact tracing at workplaces and with exposed individuals. Of the cases in Minneapolis, 65% have been interviewed and 2.4% have refused. Thirty-two percent of cases have been lost to follow-up and less than 1% of new Minneapolis cases still need to be interviewed.
- Twenty percent of interviews of Minneapolis residents have been conducted in a language other than English, representing over 15 different languages.
- We have 50 active case investigators, including two non-MHD enterprise staff and 17 AmeriCorps staff. With the decrease in cases, case investigators are interviewing an average of 40 cases per shift and making an average of 80 calls per shift, plus conducting workplace and other contact follow-up.
- People now have the option of completing the case investigation interview online. Cases receive a text and are able to choose one of four languages to complete the survey in. About 5% of Minneapolis cases have chosen to complete the interview online.
COVID-19 vaccination
- We continue to partner with Hennepin Healthcare to vaccinate Phase 1A priority groups in Minneapolis. To date, we have hosted 32 vaccination clinics and given out approximately 2,700 vaccinations.
- This week we are hosting ten clinics for assisted living facilities, Blue & White Taxi drivers (which provide medical transportation to COVID patients), Minneapolis Park Police, school health staff, and other congregate care facilities.
- We are finalizing plans for vaccinating Phase 1B populations, with an emphasis on BIPOC communities who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, as well as vulnerable older adults living in public housing.
- The State continues to focus on vaccinating adults over 65, educators, and childcare workers. Updates on their vaccination efforts can be found on the State’s vaccination website.
- Vaccine demand continues to far outpace available doses. While waiting to be vaccinated help stop the spread of the virus by continuing to wash your hands, stay 6ft apart, and wear a mask.
- We are offering community conversations about COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, and ways to prevent the virus. Please use this form to request a conversation.
- We are hosting vaccine briefings for Enterprise Leaders every other Monday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. The next briefing is scheduled for Monday, February 22. Past recordings can be found on the COVID Vaccination Channel.
COVID-19 testing
- Despite the vaccine roll-out, it is still important to get tested to help stop the spread of the virus.
- We continue to offer regular community testing events, which are free and open to everyone. In the past week, we provided 132 COVID-19 saliva tests at two community events and a local business.
- Please help us promote the following saliva testing events:
o Minneapolis Public Schools Davis Center, 1250 West Broadway, February 13 and February 20 (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.). No pre-registration required.
o MN Chippewa Tribe Building, 1308 East Franklin Ave, February 16 (3 p.m. to 7 p.m.). No pre-registration required.
o Columbia Manor, 3300 Central Ave. N.E., February 11, 18, and 25 (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.). No pre-registration required.
o Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, 1301 10th Ave N., February 27 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). No pre-registration required.
o Minneapolis Convention Center - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.
o Brooklyn Park Starlight Center – 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.
o Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport - 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.
- We are also offering free saliva testing kits and on-site testing for community partners, organizations, and businesses. To date there have been 64 requests from businesses and community partners for 6,989 test kits. Please use this form to submit a request for testing kits or onsite testing. Priority will be given to businesses and organizations with recent outbreaks.
- Any person in Minnesota can order a free at-home saliva test kit from the State’s COVID-19 Test at Home program. The test will be delivered to your home with rush shipping.
- The City's testing web page offers information on testing sites and guidance about what to do while you wait for COVID-19 test results. Staying away from others while you wait for your results is extremely important, especially if you have any symptoms.
Support for Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS)
- About 2,600 MPS educators are preparing to welcome approximately 9,600 elementary school students back to in-person learning this month. Pre-K and Kindergarten students returned on February 8, while first and second grade students returned on February 10. Third through fifth grade students will return on February 22.
- We are conducting case investigation and contact tracing for MPS staff diagnosed, exposed, or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, and providing recommendations to MPS on next steps. We are receiving an average of these situations that require follow-up per day.
- We have provided 1,200 saliva test kits for MPS educators as well as 700 tests for MPS students, families, and staff to help with re-opening efforts.
- Health inspectors responded to two outbreaks in restaurants that were reported last week. One outbreak occurred among restaurant patrons while the other occurred among staff.
- Inspectors continue to reach out to businesses to provide guidance on COVID-19 cleaning and sanitizing practices, isolation and quarantine guidance for employees, best practices on masking and physical distancing, and other critical safety guidance.
- Restaurants continue to request saliva test kits for their employees, which health inspectors and other health department staff are delivering.
Other community needs
- Over the past week we have supplied personal protective equipment (PPE) upon request to Somali Community Resettlement Services, the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, and the Twin Cities Recovery Project.
- We have a good stock of PPE on hand (masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves) and are able to fulfill additional community and business requests for supplies. These items may be requested through the COVID-19 Requests and Inquiries form.
The City specific COVID email address is: COVID19@minneapolismn.gov.