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Entries from April 1, 2014 - April 30, 2014


Two Bike Plan Open Houses, May 7 and May 8

Via an April 28 Hennepin County e-newsletter:

Bike plan open houses hosted by Hennepin County, Three Rivers Park District

Hennepin County and Three Rivers Park District are working together on updating a county-wide bicycle plan that reflects current and growing use of cycling in the region. The organizations have been working since June 2013 to gather input from the community, cities and other stakeholders to add to the draft plan.

The public is welcome to attend two open houses during bike week to learn more about the status of the current plan, help set the priorities for project implementation and the location of the enhanced network, and find out what trends were identified from the last fall’s community input.

Join county and park district staff from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 7 at Minnetonka Community Center (at City Hall); or county and City of Minneapolis staff on Thursday, May 8 at Minneapolis Central Library (Doty Board Room).

For more information visit  

Look for more news on the Hennepin County website.


National Park Service announces River Trip Planner

River Trip Planner

Now you can visit your national park without a car. The National Park Service - Mississippi National River and Recreation Area is excited to share their long awaited River Trip Planner.

This online resource will help you plan a route anywhere in the park, identify bus, rail lines and the best points of access (river nodes) for popular river destinations. It's an easy-to-use Google-based map with embedded park destination and alternative transportation (bus, rail, bike, boat, and walking) information that builds on existing regional transit, recreational trails and river access.

Click here for more information about destinations in the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.


Get to know Minneapolis native James Hong, in town for Comic Con

Article by Rachel Kahn, MCT Contributor

James Hong is a true testament to the power of following dreams.  His heart of gold shines through his voice and, oh my goodness, he is funny. And guess what? He is returning to his hometown of Minneapolis to reconnect with his roots and make us all laugh at Comic Con, taking place May 2nd - 4th at the Convention Center.

You know James! He entertained you in Kung Fu Panda, Balls of Fury, Big Trouble in Little China, Blade Runner, Mulan, Seinfeld, and hundreds of others television and movie credits. Check out this impressive list.

Additionally, as one of the founding members of the East West Players, an organization created to lend a voice to Asian actors, he describes the vital goal of casting empowered roles to the American Asian acting community. James speaks with a kind humbleness when describing his dedication to the work and the steps yet to be taken.

The son of Chinese immigrants, James was born in Minneapolis in 1929 and describes growing up on 3rd Avenue in the then Chinatown of the Twin Cities. The area he remembers of his youth is long since gone, replaced by high-rise buildings and a parking ramp, yet his Minnesota spirit remains proudly in tact. James told me stories of the laundry men of his era that would join his family in camaraderie each weekend; allowing for connection in a native language far removed from their original homes.

James and his family attended Westminster Presbyterian, a stunning cathedral that still stands today on Marquette and 12th. He speaks with gratitude about the lovely members of his childhood church. James’ parents built a proud life for their seven children, promoting education and hard work. One of his first jobs was as the self–proclaimed ‘pastry boy’ at the Minneapolis landmark Nankin. Or as I would suggest, pie and pastry cutter extraordinaire? He laughingly tells me about the crabby chefs. Of course, I ask him if that was inspiration for his many roles over the years. He cheerfully agrees and describes his fun with the director and cast when playing Bruce the maître d' on Seinfeld’s Chinese restaurant episode.

As life is full of the many turns that create our journey, James was attending the University of Minnesota studying Civil Engineering when he was called to serve in the Korean War. After returning to Minnesota, he resumed school and quite outside his “good boy engineer” reputation began taking steps towards his secret dream of becoming an actor and comedian. He joined forces with his long time friend Don Parker and named their new duo act, Hong and Parker. James and Don set out on a true adventure of driving to San Francisco and Los Angeles knocking on every door.  James’ dedication paid off and he landed his first job on the Groucho Marx show in 1954. He finished his education at USC and speaks a bit mournfully of having to not only transfer all his credits, but also having to give up the 50 yard line University of Minnesota seats given to Seniors during that time.

We, of course, before concluding had to speak of food! What would a Mill City Times LoveSelf article be without making mention of health and culinary delights? My, Minnesota obvious, first question was to ask James if he had tried Lutefisk. He had not! Although, the topic inspired the best Swedish accent I have ever heard and quite a story about the Minnesota version of Chow Mein. I laughed until tears ran down my face. For those heritage Minnesotans if you are going to convince James to try this Minnesota famous food, be sure to lower the salt for the healthy guy. And because James is a brilliant man after my own heart, he takes great care of himself. No MSG for us, we happily mention when chatting about future dinner options. 

James is continuing an adventure started many years ago; reaching new heights with his next film Kung Fu Panda III, a Big Trouble in Little China comic book, and several incredible new movie scripts (stay tuned!). I speak on behalf of Minnesota, when we warmly welcome this gentle scholar with a huge personality. Welcome Home James! We are happy to see you. 

You can find James on Facebook or at

James Hong in Kung Foo Panda:

- - - - -

You can reach Rachel at,


Red Stag Supperclub Offers Heritage Menus in Honor of Preservation Month

To celebrate Preservation Month, Red Stag Supperclub, 509 First Avenue Northeast, will feature a special Heritage Menu each week in May highlighting an architectural era and style. 

Weekly menus are created by Executive Chef TJ Rawitzer, based on an architectural era or style:

May 5 -11: Victorian era (1890's)
May 12 – 18: Bungalow (1920's)
May 19-25: Tudor (1930's)
May 26 – June 1: Mid-Century Modern (1950's)

Established in 1973 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Month is supported and co-sponsored by local preservation groups and state historical societies across the country. Many events are scheduled with the goal of instilling community pride, promoting heritage tourism and showing the economic and social benefits of historic preservation.

Preservation Alliance of MN (PAM) was established in 1981 by a small band of citizens concerned about the loss of Minnesota’s old buildings and the lack of protection for existing ones.


Northern Spark 2014 - Update #5

Luftwerk's Anamorphic Forest Will Illuminate the Minneapolis Gateway District

Seemingly fragmented video imagery of flora and fauna will be projected onto the slender columns of Minoru Yamasaki’s 1964 ‘new formalist’ structure that many Minneapolitans know as the former ING building at the corner of Washington and Hennepin Avenues.

Anamorphic Forest is an intervention that merges light with structure, nature with industry and the singular with the whole. Each of the 85-foot concrete columns will serve as a singular svelte video canvas that, when viewed at a specific perspective, will suggest an expanse of forest, with projections in the building's portico creating a sheltering sense of an illuminated canopy of leaves and branches.

Chicago-based duo Luftwerk creates multi-media art installations that merge visual elements of light and projected video with sculptural facets of architecture and design. Their interest lies within the perception of how the built environment and natural elements integrate, constructing a visual dialogue that transforms and creates new and temporal experiences.

West River Parkway Zone Hosts Art at the Riverfront

Northern Spark is again partnering with local organizations to bring art to the Mississippi riverfront in Minneapolis, this time focused on the west side of the river.

Large scale projections, performances and participatory projects by local and national artists will be installed along West River Parkway from Hennepin Avenue to the Guthrie Theater, turning the riverfront into a preeminent walking gallery for the night.

Audiences often comment on their delight at experiencing art along (and on) the Mississippi River at night as part of Northern Spark's magic. Historic buildings from the Mill District's past and new structures that point to the city's future are transformed into canvases, stages, and monumental counterpoints for the works of the dynamic group of artists and presenting partners we're gathering along the river this year.

These include Luke Savisky's E/x MN on the Gold Medal Silos, The Soap Factory's presentation of Benjamin Entner's monumental inflatable Ego Sum under the Guthrie Theater's Endless Bridge, Kelley Bell's Garden of Earthly Delights projected onto the Mill City Ruins, Kate Casanova/Daniel Dean/Ben Moren's Hotel Hotel insect installation and projection onto the North Star Blankets tower, HOTTEA's yarn installation La Maroma under 3rd Ave Bridge, and Sam Hoolihan and John Marks' City Symphony in 16mm: A New Work for Expanded Cinema projection onto the long-empty but oh-so-alluring former Fuji-Ya building. And many, many more. Look for complete maps of this and the other Northern Spark zones on our website in May. 


"We Are Water" Exhibit Opens May 10 at The Soap Factory

Starting with an Opening Reception on May 10, The The Soap Factory presents We Are Water, a month-long curatorial collaboration between Kinship of Rivers and The Soap Factory; artists from Twin Cities and New Orleans, music, performance, interactive creativity, poetry, food and celebration. The exhibition runs May 10 - June 7, 2014.  More Info.

The exhibition is the final iteration of the Kinship of Rivers project, the culmination of a three-year poetic multi-disciplinary project linking the spiritual cultures on the Yangtze and Mississippi rivers.


New Exhibit at Central Library: "Unpacked: Suitcases, Briefcases, and Bags from Hennepin County Hospitals”

Have you ever wondered what a nurse traveled with in 1917?  “Unpacked: Suitcases, Briefcases, and Bags from Hennepin County Hospitals”, a new exhibit from Hennepin Medical History Center, will show you.

The exhibition is now on display at the Central LibraryCargill Hall Gallery, until June 3. The History Center will tell 20 stories of patients, nurses, doctors, and other staff members through suitcases, bags, and briefcases, filled with items that might typically be brought to the hospital.

The exhibit is free. Gallery hours are the same as the library’s: 9am-9pm Monday through Thursday; 9am-5pm Friday and Saturday; Noon-5pm Sunday.


Vikings Stadium Construction - Week 22

Foundation starting to take shape...

Vikings Stadium Construction - Week 22

We're attempting to publish a photo with this same view each week from the start of construction through the first game played at the new Minnesota Vikings Stadium in Downtown Minneapolis.


What do the Pillsbury Doughboy and Grain Belt have in Common?

Recently seen together at the Mill City Museum - Pillsbury Doughboy and Grain Belt.  You'll just have to visit the museum and find out for yourself.  :)

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market


Northern Spark 2014 - Update #4

Your Public Acts of Drawing Projected onto the City

Public Acts of Drawing is a real-time art-making event that merges free-form collaboration with large-scale urban spectacle.
Participants put pen to paper alongside local artists, dignitaries, and a few hundred friends. Drawers of all ages, skill levels, and styles are welcome. Special contributors will help steer and energize the proceedings, but the results are delightfully unpredictable.
A spacious drawing table with a hand crank provides participants a gradual feed of fresh paper, lit by energy-efficient LEDs. The draw-a-thon is simulcast several stories tall on the exterior of a building near the Minneapolis Convention Center, turning each small gesture into a heroic act.
Public Acts of Drawing is a project of MakeSh!t, a free-form collective founded in 2010 with a mission to explore the social and process-based aspects of art—in other words, collaborative making. Current members include Lucas Alm, Justin Heideman, Aaron Marx, Jake Nassif, Craig Phillips, Paul Schmelzer, and Witt Siasoco.

David Luke Animates Poems from Upstream Arts

Interdisciplinary artist David Luke is collaborating with Upstream Arts to create a quartet of unique animated movies to be shown at Northern Spark. Upstream Arts provides arts programming for youth and adults with disabilities. They employ artists to teach theatre, dance, visual arts and poetry activities designed to develop social and communication skills central to success in school, work, and life.
Taking poems written by UA teaching artists and program participants as base text, Luke is transforming them into videos that make visual the vibrant voices of program participants, expanding the creative process from the UA programs into a new realm of public engagement. Projected large-scale near the Minneapolis Convention Center, viewers are invited to choose, by way of assistive technology often used by UA participants, which poem/movie they would like to watch.
A preview showing of Upstream Animated will be held as part of Upstream Art's first Annual Meeting and Fundraiser on May 17. The event will include specially-created performances by UA participants to accompany Luke's animations of their words.


Target Field Station May 17 Grand Opening Event

You're invited to celebrate a new community connection at the Target Field Station Grand Opening Saturday, May 17.

Come at 1 p.m. and stay through a Twins win! Overview of festivities:
1-5:30 p.m.   Music and activities
   3:00 p.m.   Ribbon cutting and program
   6:10 p.m.   Twins vs. Mariners game
Food and beverages available for purchase.

Take the METRO Blue Line, the Northstar commuter rail, walk or bike to the station.

Located in the North Loop neighborhood of Minneapolis at 5th Avenue N. and 5th Street N. Click for directions.

For help planning your trip on Metro Transit, call 612-373-3333 to speak to a transit expert or use the online Trip Planner at There will be regular Saturday METRO Blue Line service and special Twins game service on the Northstar commuter rail.


Volunteers Needed for Minneapolis Bike Week

Via an April 18 City of Minneapolis e-newsletter:

Spring is (nearly) upon us and Minneapolis Bike Week is just around the corner. May 4 - 11, Minneapolis Bike Week is a series of events and activities that promote and encourage bicycling. Bike Week is hosted by the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition in partnership with the City of Minneapolis.

Bike Week is powered by volunteers like you. We are currently looking for volunteers for two events: Mayday Parade and Festival Bike Corral and the Commuter Pit Stops. Both events are a fun, easy-going way to promote bicycling in your community and have fun while doing it. Check out the details at Bike Week's volunteer page where you can fill out the form to participate.

Like giving away free, fun stuff? Enjoy encouraging and celebrating bicycling? Need an excuse to knock off work early on a beautiful spring day? Consider volunteering for Bike Week!

Thanks so much to all of our volunteers. Contact Nick Ray with any questions at or 612.968.0722.


West River Parkway Temporarily Closed April 19

West River Parkway will be closed 8:00am – 11:00am April 19 for the Hot Chocolate Run 15K & 5K.  Please note that the duration of the closure is subject to change based on the event's start and finish times. 

A complete list of current and upcoming parkway closures is available online.


Ward 3 Update from Council Member Jacob Frey

Inside redevelopment of the A-Mill

Spotlight on Minneapolis growth

As you walk around Third Ward neighborhoods you see it everywhere - development projects that will increase residential density and spur economic growth for Minneapolis.

To keep you updated, we’ll be highlighting key projects in Third Ward News emails. In this issue, we’re kicking it off with two: Downtown East Block 1 and the Pillsbury A-Mill. To give you an inside look, our office is partnering with Third Ward photographer Sara Rubinstein who will be creating a “photo essay” of our tours.
  • Downtown East Block 1 (728 South 4th Street): This project refers to the sale of the “air rights” above the parking ramp adjacent to the new Vikings Stadium. I had two primary goals for this development: (1) maximizing eyes on The Yard (the two block park adjacent to the new stadium), and (2) securing significant financing for operations and programming of The Yard. This development meets both of these goals. Ryan Companies, the project developer, has proposed a 150-room Radisson Red hotel that would be built under a 200-unit apartment tower. View an animation of the development project.
  • A-Mill (301 Main Street SE): The Pillsbury A-Mill, constructed in 1881, was once the largest and most advanced flour mill in the world. Today, redevelopment of this iconic city landmark is well underway with occupancy expected sometime in 2015. This Dominion built project is one of several in the country designed to build a community around those engaged in a variety of creative pursuits, ranging from dance to visual arts. The 251 unit development will also offer community spaces where residents can create and display their work, a dance studio, and multiple gallery spaces. Recently we had an opportunity to tour the progress of the project and it was the first stop of our photo essay. Plans are also underway to light up the “Pillsbury’s Best Flour” sign.

Transforming surface parking lots

Photo by Joel Koyama STRIBWalking through downtown we see entire blocks of asphalt and parked cars, which do little to entice pedestrians. 

Our Third Ward Team is attacking the issue head on. By enforcing the city’s existing landscape requirements, we can improve surface lots  and give the city’s core a more continuous feel.

Chicago instituted a similar strategy approximately ten years ago. Many of the surface lots have been sold for development or green space. Those that remain have been improved so dramatically they are now jokingly referred to as “parking orchards.”

Ride sharing ordinance to offer alternative transportation options

I have proposed an ordinance change that will allow “peer to peer” ride share companies like Lyft and Uber to operate in Minneapolis. Ride sharing will provide an important addition to the landscape of transportation options in Minneapolis. As more options are available, fewer people are forced to rely on single-occupancy rides. This reduces the number of cars on the road, which in turn reduces traffic and lessens the wear and tear on our streets.

Working together, fast food and neighborhoods get big win

Recently, we heard from residents in the Sheridan neighborhood regarding a local McDonald's (located at 1100 and 1118 University Ave NE) about concerns of lighting, crime, noise, trash and "look" of the property.

Through a collaborative effort with McDonald's and the Sheridan neighborhood, a memorandum of understanding was achieved whereby McDonald's will contribute over $1 million to property improvements and, in the process, become a better neighbor in the Northeast Arts District.

Going forward, McDonald's will be making the following improvements:
  • Make the southernmost section of fencing available to the neighborhood association to work with local artists in developing a potential mural or other neighborhood art.
  • Upgrade customer order display system with newest digital sound system and automatic volume control.
  • Deficient portions of the existing fence line will be repaired and upgraded, and landscaping will be added along base of fence.
  • An additional walkway segment will be added from the east corner of the building.
  • Signs will be posted at the drive-thru to advise customers of Minneapolis noise ordinances
  • Removal of all existing site lighting and construction of new LED system.
  • Utilize 911 system to report suspicious or non-compliant activity, noting license plate numbers where appropriate.
This is a big win for the community, and is precisely the kind of collaboration we need between residents and businesses.

Cell Phone Theft Drives Up Minneapolis Crime Statistics

Cell phone theft is a major problem in Minneapolis with alarming trends particularly at the University of Minnesota and in downtown.
The Minneapolis Police Department reports that cell phone thefts account for approximately 40% of all thefts in the city. 
  • Typically the thief will steal an unattended phone or snatch it from the users hand and run. People distracted by their phones are often targets. Thieves sometimes follow their victims off the bus or train. Stolen phones are sold on the black market, and have a resale value from $100 to $300.
  • Our local, state and national leaders are working on public awareness campaigns and proposing legislative actions to combat this crime epidemic. One legislative action under consideration authored by State Senator Kari Dziedzic seeks a crackdown on cash-for-phone kiosks. The hope is that this will prevent "apple picking" crimes, in which thieves target iPhones that they can quickly fence for cash. “To combat this issue, partnership between the state and local level is essential," said Senator Dziedzic. "Council Member Frey has stepped forward to give it increased visibility, including coming to the State Capitol to advocate and provide committee testimony in support of our state legislative proposals.” 

Vikings Stadium Construction - Week 21

Moving right along...

Vikings Stadium Construction - Week 21

We're attempting to publish a photo with this same view each week from the start of construction through the first game played at the new Minnesota Vikings Stadium in Downtown Minneapolis.


April 12 at the Mill City Farmers Market

Check out these radishes from the April 12 Mill City Farmers Market.  As Jackie Chiles would say, "They're real - and they're spectacular!"  ;)

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

April 12 , 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

Mark your calendar for the first outdoor Market of the year - May 10th, 8am! :)


Northern Spark 2014 - Update #3

The Northern Spark 2014 Kickstarter is live.  Check out a handful of the rewards available when you back the Kickstarter:

  • Tickets to the Northern Spark Pancake Feed, a sunrise breakfast by The Bachelor Farmer, Al's Breakfast, and hosted by Aria.
  • Jump-the-line passes for instant gratification at Northern Spark projects.
  • Artist studio tours with Northern Spark artists.
  • Glam rock haircuts by Johnny Zygomatic at HiFi Hair and Records during the festival.

Big Watershed Game Update

Last month, while snow was falling and the ground was covered in ice, we were dreaming of liquid water -- lakes, creeks, watersheds. We spent some time workshoping our Big Watershed Game ideas with Ken Eklund and the  Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. In order to further develop our ideas for the game, we invited local watershed experts, game designers, and experiential educators to a couple feedback sessions to give us their thoughts on what an epic, fun, landscape-based watershed game should look like. We had excellent discussions and came away with some new ideas for what the game will look like.
Stay tuned for more information on the Big Watershed Game, coming to a watershed near you this September. If you are between the ages of 18 and 35 and are interested in gaming, we'd like your feedback. Email to receive information about the next feedback session.


Saturday, April 12: Mill City Farmers Market at the Mill City Museum

Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm, inside the Mill City Museum, 704 South 2nd Street.

Join us for our final Indoor Mill City Farmers Market!

March 8, 2014 Mill City Indoor Farmers Market

Help us bring Spring in as we prepare for our regular Outdoor Season, which kicks off Mother’s Day weekend on May 10th.
Enjoy a dynamic marketplace of over 40 local vendors where you can expect to find everything from beets and cabbage to artisan chocolates, local honey, maple syrup, hand-milled flour, locally harvested wild rice, specialty cheeses, baked goods, kimchi, preserves, and hand-made artisan ceramics, kitchen utensils, and jewelry.
Produce Planner: spinach, salad greens, turnip greens, pac choi, carrots, potatoes, onions, beets, garlic, parsnips, dried mushrooms, dried hot peppers, frozen raspberries, and MORE!
Live Music, 11 am – 1 pm: MCFM welcomes local harpist Reuben Correa today! Reuben’s harp music is a surround sound experience of beautiful original music, arrangements of popular melodies, classics, show tunes, light jazz, and Celtic stylings.
Featured Local Artists: The Ink Orchard, Chris Chookiatsirichai, Old World Cabinet, Aprilierre, and Christy Wetzig.
Community Booth: The Minneapolis/St. Paul Film Society. Come find out what’s going on at this year’s International Film Festival, April 3  – 19!


Temporary Parkway Closures April 12 for Goldy’s Run 

East River Parkway and West River Parkway will be closed April 12 for Goldy’s Run from 8:00a.m. – 11:00a.m.  Please note that the duration of the closures is subject to change based on the event's start and finish times.

A complete list of current and upcoming parkway closures is available online.


Tomorrow, April 11: Watershed Event: Exploring a New Water Ethic for Minnesota at Mill City Museum

Time: 3:00pm - 9:30pm

Location: Mill City Museum, 704 South 2nd Street

No registration necessary for April 11th events featuring Keynotes, Panel Discussions, Film Screening, and Audience Engagement. The event is free and open to the public.

The University of Minnesota Students for Design Activism are hosting the first ever Watershed Event, a free, public symposium on future scenarios and solutions to clean, abundant water in Minnesota. Set to take place at Mill City Museum on Friday, April 11th, 3pm (session 1), 5:30 pm reception, and 7pm (session 2). The event will bring together water-­focused leaders within agriculture, design, science, activism, and policy, to share knowledge, ideas, and strategies to build a future for how we use and value water. Partners include the Floodplain Collective and the University of Minnesota Department of Landscape Architecture.

In addition to thought-leaders such as William Wenk, Denver-based designer of the Saint Paul Great River Passage, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Commissioner, John Linc Stine, Dorene Day of the Indigenous Peoples’ Task Force , and Minnesota Public Radio’s Dave Peters of Ground Level, among others, the inaugural Watershed Event will include:

  • Building a future for water: Transforming practice, policy, and implementation (3:00-5:30)

Keynote speaker William Wenk of Wenk Landscape Architecture & Planning will discuss past and future realities of living and working in an arid climate, highlight lessons learned, and the bridge between small-scale strategies and the large problems facing the future of Minnesota’s waters.

  • Film Screening: Watershed (7:00-8:00)

Minnesota’s premier film screening of Watershed will examine the questions raised by the use and value of water transported from the Colorado River, activating a parallel conversation about how we can approach and impact the future of our water-rich state.

  • Steps towards change: Sources for a new water ethic in Minnesota. (8:00-9:30)

Moderator Matt Kucharski, Executive Vice President of PadillaCRT, branding and marketing, will pose questions that examine how we value water and the role of cultural beliefs, scientific data, and design innovation as sources for a new water ethic that supports clean, abundant water. Panelists such as Deborah Swackhamer, Co-Director of the Water Resources Center, will bring their expertise to discuss action-oriented possibilities affecting water in Minnesota.

The Watershed Event was made possible by the UMN College of Liberal Arts Imagine Fund Grant and UMN Institute on the Environment.

For more, please visit the Watershed Event website at Follow the event on Facebook at and tell us what you think of the event on Twitter: @SDAumn #watershedevent.