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Entries from August 1, 2019 - August 31, 2019


Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project Update

Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project

Hennepin Ave. reconstruction project, led by City of Minneapolis Public Works, will be reconstructed between 12th Street and Washington Avenue beginning Spring 2019.  The project will reconstruct the pavement from building face to building face, including improvements to public and private utility infrastructure, and improved infrastructure for pedestrians, bicycles, transit, and vehicles.
Latest Project News

Both Public and Private Utility construction continues throughout the corridor.  This work is continuing to be more and more as we go through the season. Traffic lane restrictions will continue on Hennepin Ave. as well as the cross-streets. The 9th Street intersection will be re-opened this week as the Sewer contractor completed the pipe crossing.  CenterPoint Energy has began some of their work north of 5th Street heading north toward Washtington Ave.  Centerpoint and Xcel will be working within the same lane closures on Hennepin.

What's Coming Up 

7th Street will remain reduced at Hennepin for the following weeks.  9th Street will have 2-lanes open this week. 10th street will be reduced significantly to cross street traffic starting 9/3.  Expect delays. 10th St will then be closed to cross traffic starting 9/7 through 9/14.

Xcel and Centerpoint continue their work on the north end of the project between 5th and Washington.  The City Sewer contractor continues work at 9th and progressing south, while Xcel is continuing their work at 7th St.  Xcel will continue to head south along the corridor to 12th.

Please see update attached for more details: Hennepin_Update_Vol11.pdf

For more information on this project contact: 

Construction Manager, or 612-225-4049 


Mill District Resident Doug Verdier Continues to Capture the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. Below are his photos from the August 28 press conference and groundbreaking ceremony.

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Far left is Commissioner Jono Cowgill of the Park Board, with Tom Evers, Executive Director of the Parks Foundation, Sean Sherman, founder of Sioux Chef is at podium, and Dana Thompson, Sioux Chef Co-owner/COO, on the far right.

Various groups of organization reps and sponsors took part in ceremonial groundbreaking with "golden shovels."

Attendees had an opportunity for a limited behind-the-scenes visit to the construction site. This photo is inside the former Columbia Flour Mill basement. 

Lineup of TV cameras on left in position during remarks. Park Board Superintendent Al Bangoura at podium.

Remnants of a railcar scale and pit uncovered during excavation of area on river side of the Columbia Flour Mill.


Annual Minneapolis Monarch Festival - Festival de la Monarca - is September 7

Via an e-announcement form Minneapolis Park and Rec Board:

Join the celebration from 10am to 4pm at Lake Nokomis Regional Park. It's free to all!

Butterfly, music and art lovers from the Twin Cities and beyond come together on Saturday, September 7, from 10 am to 4 pm for the free Minneapolis Monarch Festival - Festival de la Monarca. 

Filled with music, art activities, games, food, plants that monarchs love and more, the day offers many fun ways for people of all ages to learn about these amazing pollinators and their role in the ecosystem.

The festival takes place at Lake Nokomis Regional Park, near the Nokomis Naturescape, a certified Monarch Waystation featuring native plants that monarchs need to lay eggs, host caterpillars and get nectar.

More Info

Festival Highlights:

  • Costume parade 
    The Chicks on Sticks stilt-walking and performance group leads this always-popular march. Children ages 0–12 are encouraged to dress up in monarch-themed costumes. Line-up is at 10:50 am and parade at 11am.


  • Monarch migration & monarch-friendly plants
    Get an up-close and personal encounter with these incredible creatures and learn about their 2,300-mile journey between Minnesota and the mountains of Michoacán, Mexico. Find out about and purchase native flora to create a habitat in your yard for butterflies and other pollinators, and discover other simple actions restore their populations.

  • Performances galore on an all-day stage 
    Performers include In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre's "The Way of the Monarch" in English and Spanish with American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation; plus music and dance highlighting the Minnesota/Mexico connection: Mariachi Mi Tierra, Ballet Mexico Azteca, Marimba Bullies, the Aztec dance troupe Kalpulli Ketzal Coatlicue (“Precious Mother Earth”), Tropical Zone Orchestra, and Salsa del Soul.
  • Art activities 
    Get creative with Art in the Park with Mia; fold paper flowers with Karine Rupp; make prints with Sarah Nassif and Sol y Luna; paint giant monarch caterpillars with Heart of the Beast; create paper from plants with Paper Plains - or puppets with Lynette LaRue. And much more!

  • Great tastes 
    Minnesotan and Latin foods plus other eats and treats available for purchase from Taco Taxi, La Dulce Bakery, Habanero Tacos, La Loma Tamales, Naturally Delicious Ice Cream, Twin Cities Paella, Tibet Momo, Tequenice, 9Yum Yum ice cream treats, Taqueria Victor, La Guadalupana, Phil’s Mini Donuts, D & D Goodies, and Finer Meats & Treats.

  • ASL interpreters 
    Available upon request all day from the Info Booth.

  • Join us as a volunteer!

    The Festival offers many opportunities for a rewarding volunteer experience. For information please call 612 313-7781 or email


Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Minneapolis Parks Foundation Commemorate Groundbreaking at Water Works

Via an August 28 e-announcement form Minneapolis Park and Rec Board:

Representatives from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Minneapolis Parks Foundation and The Sioux Chef gather for a ceremonial golden shovel toss to commemorate the beginning of construction on Water Works

Grand opening of Mill Ruins Park expansion and Water Works Park Pavilion anticipated in fall 2020

Restaurant run by The Sioux Chef anticipated in spring 2021

The Minneapolis Parks Foundation and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) celebrated a milestone today when they commemorated groundbreaking on the expansion of Mill Ruins Park known widely by its project name, Water Works.

The occasion was marked by a “golden shovel” ceremony featuring MPRB Superintendent Al Bangoura and Commissioner Jono Cowgill; the Parks Foundation’s Tom Evers, Executive Director, and Tom Paul, Board Chair; General Mills Foundation Executive Director Nicola Dixon; Bank of America Minneapolis Market President Katie Simpson; Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey; and Sean Sherman and Dana Thompson, co-owners of The Sioux Chef.

Construction on the highly anticipated park project began in late July and will continue through winter, with grand opening of the 2.8-acre park space and mill-embedded pavilion expected in fall 2020. The Sioux Chef’s restaurant, tentatively called Owamni: An Indigenous Kitchen, is expected to open in spring 2021.

Water Works/Mill Ruins Park expansion overlooks St. Anthony Falls and the Stone Arch Bridge; it’s located on Dakota homeland and has been sacred to both the Dakota and Anishinaabe people for millennia. It is a RiverFirst signature project that will bring visitor services and recreational and cultural amenities to one of Minnesota’s most highly visited destinations – the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, which attracts more than 3 million visits annually, a number that is expected to nearly double in the next decade.

The park and pavilion are designed to reveal layers of untold stories, in acknowledgement of the location as both the birthplace of the city’s milling history and a spiritual place that has shaped cultural and economic connections for Indigenous people and immigrants. The project will be completed in two phases, beginning with the Mezzanine phase, now under way.

An illustration depicting Water Works from above

Park, Pavilion, and Restaurant Details

The 7,800 sq. ft. two-story Water Works Park Pavilion will include a public lounge, multi-purpose room, The Sioux Chef’s restaurant, along with restrooms, and stairs and elevator to transition between the site’s two levels on First St. and West River Parkway.

On the park grounds, and adjacent to the pavilion, tree-sheltered city steps will provide a place for contemplation and programming, while a south plaza will be a gateway to the Central Riverfront. The wooded hillside on the north end of the site will retain its character and be enhanced with native vegetation, including plants with edible or medicinal value, and a direct trail link into downtown promoting access and circulation.

The Sioux Chef will conceive and manage both the four-season dine-in and take-out restaurant, as well as programming in the Water Works Park Pavilion and on the grounds. The Sioux Chef plans to create events and educational opportunities to elevate Indigenous voices as part of its larger mission to promote Native American cultures, honor plants and natural resources, and foster a vibrant Indigenous food movement.

The restaurant’s name is derived from Owamni Yamni, the Dakota name for what is called St. Anthony Falls in English; it means swirling or laughing waters.

Minneapolis park officials and local media take a tour of the mill ruins that will be incorporated into the Water Works Park Pavilion

Construction Update

Initial construction activity started in July with excavation around the buried Columbia Mill walls and rehabilitation of historic stonework masonry. Much of the initial work consisted of site excavation, grading, and utilities work. Next steps include an enhanced crossing on West River Parkway in the late fall, ongoing site work and utility installation, selective building demolition, and framing for the new building. Over the winter construction will continue inside the building.

Minneapolis-based Damon Farber Landscape Architects with HGA Architects and Engineers and a multidisciplinary team that also includes expertise in cultural resources, programming, and engineering led the design development of the project.

Following completion of this first phase, the project’s second phase addressing the area between West River Parkway and the Mississippi River is anticipated to begin in 2021.


A Letter from Mayor Frey on Neighborhoods and His Proposed 2020 Budget

Via an August 27 e-announcement from David Rubedor, Director of Neighborhood and Community Relations, City of Minneapolis:

2020 Budget Letter from Mayor Frey

On August 15, the mayor presented his proposed budget for 2020 at his yearly budget address. In his budget, he outlines a path forward for funding of the Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) Department and neighborhood organizations.

I would like to share with you a letter from the mayor regarding his budget plan:

Dear neighborhood and community leaders:

On August 15, I shared my 2020 Budget priorities with the public and City Council. Our proposed 2020 budget includes funding for several tailored strategies for economic inclusion, affordable housing, and police-community relations.

Our budget proposal also includes an array of measures to protect the city’s financial security in the years ahead – a number of which will be relevant for those who work with our city’s neighborhood organizations.

The state-created consolidated Tax Increment Finance district – which has funded neighborhood associations and NCR for years – is set to expire in 2020. That would leave a big hole in the City’s budget of over 7 million dollars in 2021. It would have been easy to kick the can down the road. But I felt strongly that we could not leave our neighborhoods and an entire City department in limbo.

Instead, we have laid out a proactive plan to provide funding for this work and an opportunity for Council Members to make the best decisions for the future, freed from the looming question of whether any funding is available. In other words, we are ensuring that even with the elimination of TIF funding, NCR and neighborhood organizations are funded at current service levels from the general fund. With the issue of funding resolved in the short term, we can now shape both NCR and neighborhood funding in the best way possible for our city.

For further information on this funding change, please feel free to reach out to Jaime Makepeace on my staff, who can walk through any outstanding issues. You should also feel free to share your opinion and experience with your Council Member or at any of the upcoming budget hearings taking place through the end of the year.

Thank you for all you do for our city and diverse communities.

Yours truly,

Mayor Jacob Frey

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


David Rubedor

Director of Neighborhood and Community Relations
ADA Title II Coordinator

City of Minneapolis – Neighborhood and Community Relations
Crown Roller Mill, Room 425 105 5th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Office: 612-673-3129


Voting for Top Downtown Green Spaces Now Open for 2019 DID Greening & Public Realm Awards

Via an August 27 News Release:

The Greening Awards, a Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID) initiative since 2010, celebrate outstanding examples of greening and placemaking that improve public space in Downtown Minneapolis. Winners will be selected by public vote, which is open August 27 through September 13.

This year, 42 finalists were selected from more than 110 nominee submissions through an interactive public nomination process. These finalists were divided into 12 categories based on the project’s characteristics and size.  Among the finalists selected were 14 new nominees—a continued sign of the growing diversity of greening in the downtown area—as well as 15 past winners. Six of last year’s 12 winners are nominated again this year—including nine-time winner Loring Greenway.

“Each year our greening awards finalists represent the best of the best public and private greening we enjoy here in our downtown,” said Steve Cramer, Mpls Downtown Improvement District President & CEO. “We appreciate all the efforts done to enhance our downtown environment. The work being done throughout our community help make our downtown vibrant, welcoming and extraordinary.”

Winners will receive a commemorative Greening Award created by Wood from the Hood, a Minneapolis-based company that reclaims discarded trees from urban neighborhoods and creates high-quality wood products. Each award will display the year the award was issued.

The DID Greening Awards are intended to inspire all to work toward making downtown greener and more vibrant. DID’s mission through the Greening Awards is to encourage all downtown businesses and organizations to participate in the greening effort.

The public is encouraged to vote by visiting and clicking on the interactive vote link. Each category will showcase the finalists along with a photo of each location for easy viewing and identification. This year’s 12 categories include the following finalists:

Small Activated Space

  • Gethsemane Community Garden
  • Mill City Farmers Market*
  • Open Book Parklet*

Small Green Space

  • Gateway Park*
  • Hennepin Healthcare Pocket Park
  • RSM Plaza – Pocket Park*
  • WCCO Plaza

Large Activated Space

  • The Commons
  • Hennepin County Government Center
  • Loring Park
  • Nicollet

Large Green Space

  • Gold Medal Park
  • Loring Greenway
  • Peavey Plaza
  • Triangle Park

Façade Greening

  • Borealis North Loop Apartments*
  • Lenox Brownstones
  • The Local

Public Art

  • Hennepin Theatre Trust – It’s the People public art project*
  • Nimbus*
  • Radical Playground*

Outdoor Café

  • Bachelor Farmer Café Ally
  • Barrio*
  • The Freehouse*
  • The News Room


  • Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot*
  • Grant Park Median*
  • HQ Apartments

Streetscape Infrastructure

  • Hennepin-Lyndale Crossroads
  • Minneapolis Convention Center
  • North Loop Washington Avenue*

Entryway Greening

  • Canopy by Hilton*
  • Cynthia Froid Group
  • Demi (Parking Lot)*
  • The Marquette Hotel

Public Realm Improvement

  • Peavey Plaza
  • RSM Plaza – Pocket Park
  • Open Book Parklet
  • Grant Park Median
  • Borealis North Loop Apartments
  • Barrio
  • Nimbus
  • Radical Playground
  • Hennepin Theatre Trust – It’s the People public art project

Best Neighborhood

  • Downtown East
  • Downtown West
  • Elliot Park
  • Loring Park
  • North Loop

* First-time finalist

The public is encouraged to not only vote on a winner for each category, but to also celebrate greening on social media year-round. Send your greening photos to @MplsDID on FacebookTwitter and Instagram using the hashtag #GreenAwardsMpls.

For more information, visit


Two September Events Scheduled to Inform on, and Engage Volunteers for, the Greening Lab Project

Green Minneapolis and the Downtown Improvement District will host two September events to provide information about the Greening Lab project, and engage volunteers in a fall census of downtown street trees. Volunteers will receive a short training at the event and be assigned a block downtown to collect data (but they won't be conducting the data collection that night).


Mpls St. Paul Magazine shout out to Good Space Murals

Excerpt from a recent Mpls St. Paul Magazine e-newsletter:

Photo credit: Lauren Cutshall

Good Space Murals, a local arts organization that uses murals as a way to strengthen communities, partnered with the nonprofits Youthlink, Project for Pride in Living (PPL), and Kulture Klub to create this vibrant mural. The nonprofits share a building space downtown and aim to help the local youth homeless population in different ways. YouthLink helps coordinate access to healthcare, employment, and other resources, PPL provides homeless youth with safe housing, and Kulture Klub offers therapeutic art experiences that allow for personal growth and self-expression. Consider volunteering your time, talent, and donating to these instrumental organizations.


Construction Begins This Fall at Currie Park

The Currie Park Improvements project includes a new splash pad pictured here

New restroom building, splash pad, basketball court and more coming soon to Currie Park

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners approved the construction contract for the Currie Park Improvements project at its Aug. 21, 2019 meeting, along with allocating $480,000 of additional funding from the 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan Capital Investment Construction Contingency Fund.

Construction starts mid-September on the wide-ranging project that will bring significant upgrades to the park. Improvements include:

  • New restroom building
  • New splash pad
  • New basketball court
  • Playground safety fencing
  • Trail and lighting improvements

A map of park facilities that will be open while Currie Park is under construction

Almost the entire park will be closed during construction with the exception of the athletic field.

The MPRB appreciates the public's patience while the park overhaul is completed. There are several other parks nearby, including The Commons, Elliot Park, Riverside Park, Matthews Park, East Phillips Park, Phillip Aquatics Center and Peavey Park.

Construction is expected to be complete by summer 2020. The Currie Park Improvements project follows the master plan approved for Currie Park as part of the South Service Area Master Plan approved for all neighborhood parks in south Minneapolis in 2016. Find out more on the Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements project page, where you can sign up to receive email updates on this project.

Project Contact: Daniel Elias, 612-230-6435,

Every neighborhood deserves a great park.

Funding for this project includes a $2,812,400 allocation from NPP20, a historic agreement between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the City of Minneapolis. NPP20 helps address racial and economic equity across 160 neighborhood parks and provides $11 million annually to maintain, repair and replace facilities. 


North Loop Reconstruction & Pedestrian Improvements

Editor's note - This is an ongoing series of updates as the North Loop Reconstruction and Pedestrian Improvements project.

North Loop Reconstruction & Pedestrian Improvements

The North Loop Reconstruction & Pedestrian Improvements Project consists of two separate projects:

  1. A full street reconstruction along 3rd St N between 10th Ave N and 5th Ave N
  2. A pedestrian improvement project generally bounded by 10th Ave N on the north, 1st Ave on the south, West River Parkway on the east, and 4th St N on the west

North Loop Reconstruction Updates


5th Ave N

  • Placed 1st lift of asphalt
  • Placed 70% of the curb and gutter
  • Started driveway placement, most driveways will be poured ½ at a time, allowing continued access
  • East side sidewalk placement will start next week

7th Ave N

  • Completed driveway installation
  • Completed sidewalk installation
  • Placed the 2nd lift of asphalt
  • Began work on the north side of Washington Monday 9-19
  • Access at Washington now open

8th Ave N

  • Grading for walks and driveways
  • Salvaged granite curb has been reinstalled
  • Start placing sidewalks
  • Start placing driveways
  • Access at Washington now open
  • Began work on the north side of Washington Monday 9-19

9th Ave N

  • Continue placing driveways
  • Continue placing sidewalks
  • Access at Washington now open
  • Began work on the north side of Washington Monday 9-19

3rd St N

  • Continued amending poor soils
  • Complete underground utility work
  • Begin grading and bringing in aggregate in preparation for paving


5th Ave N

  • Driveway placement
  • East side sidewalk placement

7th Ave N

  • May place the 3rd lift of asphalt
  • Continue work on the north side of Washington

8th Ave N

  • Grading for walks and driveways
  • Finish placing sidewalks
  • Finish placing driveways
  • Start placing concrete parking bays
  • Continue work on the north side of Washington

9th Ave N

  • Continue placing driveways
  • Continue placing sidewalks
  • Continue work on the north side of Washington

3rd St N

  • Finish amending poor soils between 8th and 10th Aves N
  • Complete underground utility work
  • Begin grading and bringing in aggregate in preparation for paving
  • Placement of the first lift of asphalt is tentatively planned between 8-28 through 8-30
  • Installation of curb and gutter will follow asphalt placement

For more information on this project, visit the project website.

North Loop Pedestrian Improvements Updates

Crews will be coming back in September to finish up the job.


  • 1st St N & 4th Ave – Continuing water work
  • 2nd St N and 3rd Ave N – Continuing sewer work


1st St N

  • 2nd Ave SE corner
  • 4nd Ave SE and NE corner 

2nd St N

  • 1st Ave N - All corners
  • 2nd Ave N – NE, SE and SW
  • 3rd Ave N – All, currently the City is working in this intersection, pedestrian ramps will be done after the sewer work is complete
  • 5th Ave N – SE corner
  • 8th Ave N – South side and NE corner
  • 10th Ave N – SE and SW corners

4th St N

  • 10th Ave N – NE corner
  • 7th Ave N – South side


  • All signal installation will start late in September due to long lead times on materials
  • Remaining concrete work will continue through September

For more information on this project, visit the project website.


Stakeholder Meeting -These meetings are informal, held biweekly and intended to offer residents and businesses on the job an opportunity to get construction updates, ask construction and access related questions.

Date/Time:   September 4, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Location:    Corner Coffee 514 N 3rd St #102

Contact Information

Project Manager: Stephanie Malmberg,, 612-673-3365

Chief Field Inspector: John Benjamin,, 651-443-1096


The Southern Theater Announces New Performance Series, AMPLIFY

The Southern Theater Launches AMPLIFY Program Series this Fall

Performances will highlight important stories focused on underrepresented communities

The Southern Theater, 1420 S. Washington Ave., will present a new program series giving artistic voice to stories that are not always given a performance platform. AMPLIFY: ​to make larger, greater, stronger: to increase in strength. Through movement, music, and narrative, artists will share stories that support and represent the many voices that make up a community. “Art is a powerful way to connect,” says Acting Executive Director Janette Davis. “Our hope is that these performances will spark important conversations, open up minds, and share perspectives.”  

This inaugural year of the AMPLIFY series will feature four stories from African American, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ communities. A talkback after a designated public performance will allow each artist to connect with audiences, while special Pay What You Can performances make shows accessible to anyone who wants to attend. Youth performances for student groups and ASL shows are also being arranged.
PBC Nation presents: ​Pulling Back The Curtain:Remastered
September 19-Sept 22
Valuing freedom of expression and a community in communication, this show visibilizes the invisibilized narratives of marginalized communities and the oppression of African-American people, presented through movement, conversation, and interaction.  
Freaque presents: ​A Cripple’s Dance
October 14-20
This live music and dance performance began as an expression of Gabriel Rodreick’s (C5-C6) desire to dance, move, and reconnect with his body post injury, and has now become a deeper story about how to hold the acceptance of one’s injury and hope for a life beyond one’s injury in the same hand. 
Mixed Precipitation presents: ​Hit the Wall
November 11-17
Ike Holter's play honors queer ancestors and the historic events of a pivotal night at a gay bar known as the Stonewall Inn.    
The New Renaissance presents:​ ​Ancestral Origins: An Afrofuturist Exploration of Joy and Beauty
December 5-8
After discovering that their music powered experiments can open up doorways to other worlds, rebel scientists struggle to escape a post-apocalyptic future and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.  
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to legislative appropriations from the arts and cultural heritage fund. 

Save the Date: Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements Grand Opening Celebration scheduled October 5

Via an August 19 e-newsletter from Minneapolis Park and Rec Board:

A new picnic shelter is part of a major park improvement project at Sheridan Memorial Park

Major park improvement project includes new playground, picnic shelter, basketball court and playable art

Please join the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and Northeast Minneapolis neighbors and park users on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019, 10:30 am-1 pm for a special event celebrating the completion of a collection of new amenities at Sheridan Memorial Park.

Join us at the park for family-friendly activities on Oct. 5 between 10:30 am and 1 pm. Save the date and more details about the celebration will be available soon!

Local artist Zoran Mojsilov works on artwork installed at the new Sheridan Memorial Park playground, March 26, 2019

About the Project

The Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements project features a new playground, picnic shelter, basketball court and playable art, along with benches, a drinking fountain, portable toilets and path connections. The $1.5 million project held a groundbreaking ceremony last October and construction took place over the last year.

The MPRB would like to thank the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization, which has committed thousands of dollars in funds and many volunteers to help plan and construct past improvements in the park.

An illustration showing some of the new amenities at Sheridan Memorial Park

Project History

In April 2015 the MPRB received a $500,000 grant from the National Park Service Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership project to develop recreation facilities at Sheridan Memorial Park. The grant was matched with $1 million from Minnesota Parks and Trails Legacy Funding, administered by the Metropolitan Council.

Community engagement in 2016 and 2017 helped decide which improvements were chosen for the park and how those improvements were designed. Construction occurred fall 2018-summer 2019.

Northeast veterans, community members and public officials pose for a photo at the Sheridan Memorial Park Land Dedication event on Nov. 9, 2007

Park History

A grand opening celebration for the Sheridan Veterans Memorial occurred on June 28, 2014 after nearly 20 years of planning, fundraising and environmental remediation. Read more of the park’s fascinating backstory on the MPRB website: Sheridan Memorial Park History

Currently the park centers on a large spherical sculpture of protective shields created by local artist Robert Smart. The sculpture is surrounded with quotes about peace engraved into granite and vertical markers describing the ten conflicts in which Minnesotans have served. Smart imbued the steel and granite markers with faces of veterans cast in iron.

In 2016 the Mississippi East Bank Trail opened. The two-way, off-street, lighted riverfront trail runs through the park.

Project page


JUN Szechuan Kitchen & Bar Reopens September 12 in the North Loop

JUN Szechuan Kitchen & Bar Reopens September 12, 2019 in the North Loop

The Fiery Szechuan Restaurant by Jessie Wong Returns After Sudden Flood


Local restaurateur and chef Jessie Wong reopens JUN Szechuan Kitchen & Bar in Minneapolis’ North Loop on September 12, after being forced to close in October 2018 due to severe water damage caused by a sprinkler system malfunction. JUN originally opened in January 2017 and was Wong’s second restaurant to feature her elevated Chinese cuisine, following the success of Szechuan in Roseville.

Wong, who was born and raised in Shandong, China, is excited for the restaurant to reopen so she may continue to share the cuisine and culture of her heritage with the North Loop area that is lacking Chinese cuisine options. Wong will be working in collaboration with Chef Kyle Dahl, and General Manager Jeffery Fortson to continue the evolution of the restaurant.

Both Dahl and Fortson bring great experience and excitement to their new roles with Wong. Chef Dahl has extensive experience in the Twin Cities restaurant community, where he learned from top local chefs by working at Betty Danger’s, Sushi Fix, and most recently, as Executive Chef for Masu Sushi & Robata in Northeast Minneapolis. Dahl is driven to share his passion for food and create an experience for all guests that is captivating and memorable.

General Manager Fortson has a vast and varied background in food, beverage, and hospitality. Hailing from Queens, New York, Fortson honed his experience throughout a long and successful career in both front of house and back of house positions as a food and beverage director, general manager, director of operations and director of sales and marketing. He previously ran the large team at Tartan Park in Lake Elmo as well as being general manager of the Normandy Kitchen in downtown Minneapolis.

The menu at JUN Szechuan Kitchen & Bar will showcase dim sum and authentic Szechuan dishes. Special features include the handmade, signature Szechuan dumplings, steak and broccoli stir-fry in a sesame soy-ginger sauce and a crispy whole snapper topped with crispy garlic, chives and lime-chili vinaigrette. JUN Szechuan Kitchen & Bar will also offer a full bar serving handcrafted cocktails, sake and Japanese whiskey, as well as daily happy hour.

JUN Szechuan Kitchen & Bar will be open Monday through Thursday 4pm – 10pm, Friday 4pm – 12am, Saturday 10am – 12am, and Sunday from 10am – 10pm, with a daily happy hour from 4pm – 6pm and brunch on the weekends.

“Our team has been working diligently for many months to get the restaurant ready to serve our customers the great Szechuan food we know they have been missing,” said Wong. “We couldn’t be more excited to reopen the doors and welcome them back.”


STREY Collective Discontinues MOA Pop-Up; Available at Northrup King Building

Via an August 14 Release:

Brands Will Remain a Collective and NE Studio Location Will Be Open 6 Days A Week With Extended Hours

STREY Collective is a community of MN brands that have joined forces to promote sustainable, ethical, and local products. We’re artists, makers, chemists, designers, and visionaries celebrating a dynamic Minnesota. We support our community throughout our creative process because we acknowledge the benefit of embracing the local economy. We recognize our individual strengths but know we can be stronger together.

Sarah Butala - founder of Strey Designs, opened her first brick and mortar last fall at Mall of America and this Spring and converted her solo act into a collaborative pop up effort with 8 brands from the local maker community. “Along my journey I have met some amazing people. People who lift each other up, support one another's brands and understand what the Maker Movement is all about. Each of the artists participating in my new concept, STREY Collective, have been a quintessential part of my brand’s evolution. If there is one thing I'm more passionate about then Strey, it's the community of makers that support each other. Together we are stronger and can make a bigger impact on our world and the deeper sense of what this movement is about.”

The local makers who are part of the STREY Collective include:
  • Strey Designs - creates functional leather bags and accessories that are practical, yet fun. We design and manufacture all of our products in our studio in Northeast Minneapolis. We are committed to giving local artists jobs, providing a handmade product to our clients and giving back to our community.
  • Elixery - founded in a vintage laboratory and launched on the runway, the Elixery formulates and manufactures lipsticks and other cosmetic delights. We do Science from Scratch. 100% Vegan/Certified Cruelty Free.
  • Scott Lehmann - an inclusive clothing and accessory label that won’t be defined by gender, age or culture. Inspired by minimalism with a sense of the absurd; simple yet unexpected.
  • Karen Morris Millinery - contemporary hats and headpieces handmade by Karen Morris in Minnesota. We focus on high-quality craftsmanship and shopper experience.
  • Vikse Designs - sterling silver jewelry hand crafted by Jeannie Trelles. Vikse jewelry features unique stones from MN and around the world.
  • Mousework Glass - creates unique hand blown functional and decorative glass art. Using borosilicate tubes and solid rods of glass, each piece is created individually by manipulating the glass in different ways.
  • Sweet B Design - hand paints, letters, and designs home décor, so wonderful people can get unique artwork & gifts in an era of mass production & same-ness. This one-woman business creates positivity-infused astrological goodies that help you tune in to the moon, stars, and your celestial being.
  • Create Laser Arts - an artist run company based in South Minneapolis, MN. We have a passion for making and focus on creating high-quality, functional art-objects that bring joy to everyday life. Our heartfelt, sustainably made gifts share our love of Minnesota nature, combining the rich traditions of hand-craft with laser technologies.  
  • Kate Pearce Studios - collection of Minnesota and beyond items are sweet reminders of this place we call home. From flour sack towels and pillows, to a variety of baby gifts and kids apparel, there is something for every room in the house.  Each piece is hand-cut and sewn and features our state in charming themed fabrics.
STREY Collective has given nine Minnesota makers a more permanent space to call home through the summer after years of popping up at various makers markets throughout the Twin Cities. All of their products are authentically made in Minnesota. This collaborative store took over the current Strey Designs pop up shop located on the second floor in the Mall of America near Nordstrom. The pop up will end on Thursday, August 29th. Select items throughout the store will be on sale for the next two weeks.
All 9 brands will remain a Collective and their studio location at the Northrop King building will be open 6 days a week with extended hours (listed below.) Each of the brand owners will continue to bring their goods to art fairs, farmers markets and special events throughout the Twin Cities.
Boutique/Open Studio Hours at Northrup King Building, Studio #179, 1500 Jackson St NE:
Monday 10a - 4p
Tuesday 9a - 5p
Wednesday 9a - 5p
Thursday 9a - 5p
Friday 11a - 5p
Saturday 12p - 4p 
Or By Appointment
Our Mission:
- Support the local community with integrity, inclusivity, and compassion
- Celebrate small business instead of competing with small business
- Create a friendly & fun atmosphere for everyone to celebrate Minnesota’s entrepreneurs

Volunteer to Count Bicycles and Pedestrians in Hennepin County

Via an August 15 e-newsletter from Hennepin County:

Volunteer for the countywide bike and pedestrian count
September 10-12, 2019


Hennepin County is teaming up with the City of Minneapolis again for the fourth annual county bike and pedestrian count. The city is leading recruiting efforts for their locations, and we are leading recruiting efforts for suburban locations.

We have a new goal this year. We are aiming to recruit enough volunteers to cover more than 30 sites in 19 suburban locations. 

We don’t need much from those who volunteer. We need people willing to count the people they see walking, biking or rolling from 4 to 6 p.m. on any of these three dates:

  • Tuesday, September 10
  • Wednesday, September 11
  • Thursday, September 12

If you can help, click here to learn more about the counting process and register online for count locations outside of Minneapolis. You can also contact Emily Kettell at or 612-543-1963.

If you want to help with Minneapolis locations, contact Chris Kartheiser at or 612-673-2544.

Please let us know if you need any special accommodations, too.

Thank you for your willingness to consider playing a role in this effort. These counts help us better understand how our streets, sidewalks and trails serve people walking, biking and rolling. 


Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project

Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project

Hennepin Ave. reconstruction project, led by City of Minneapolis Public Works, will be reconstructed between 12th Street and Washington Avenue beginning Spring 2019.  The project will reconstruct the pavement from building face to building face, including improvements to public and private utility infrastructure, and improved infrastructure for pedestrians, bicycles, transit, and vehicles.
Latest Project News

Both Public and Private Utility construction continues throughout the corridor.  This work is continuing to be more and more as we go through the season.  Traffic lane restrictions will continue on Hennepin Ave. as well as the cross-streets.

What's Coming Up 

Both 7th Street and 9th Street will be reduced significantly to cross street traffic starting Monday next week.  Expect delays.  9th St will then be closed to cross traffic starting Friday 8/23 through the end of the month.

Xcel and Centerpoint continue their work on the north end of the project between 5th and Washington.  The City Sewer contractor continues work at 9th and progressing south, while Xcel is starting their work at 7th St.  Xcel will continue to head south along the corridor to 12th.

Please see update attached for more details


For more information on this project contact: 

Construction Manager, or 612-225-4049 


Joint Statement from Five Minneapolis Organizations Regarding Mayor Frey's 2020 Budget Plan for Public Safety

Via a joint statement from mpls downtown council, MPLS Regional Chamber, BOMA Greater Minneapolis, Warehouse District Business Association and North Loop Neighborhood Association regarding Mayor Frey’s 2020 budget plan for public safety:

Our City and downtown continue to experience too much violence and other dangerous behavior. This is a time for clarity, both in understanding the situation we face and the need for action. Policing is not the only response needed, but it is an essential response which must be better supported.

None of us deny the importance of investing in the future of our community and its residents through affordable housing, workforce training and quality education. In fact the private sector is frequently a key partner in such endeavors.

None of us deny the importance of implementing a wide range of strategies to keep neighborhoods and commercial districts safe. In fact, businesses and several of our organizations fund outreach, prevention and activation programs as priority components of a comprehensive approach to public safety.

But when it comes to denial, we are concerned that too many City Council Members deny the obvious need for investments in the Minneapolis Police Department.  Today, all the core functions of the MPD are stressed by the lack of available personnel. We are too often seeing the results on our streets.

Mayor Frey’s 2020 budget plan addresses long-term solutions, embraces a range of public safety strategies, and importantly adds additional resources including 14 sworn officer positions to the Police Department consistent with Chief Arradondo’s vision. His plan has our support.

Community health and vitality starts with confidence in personal security. Effective law enforcement is a necessary part of making our City secure. It’s essential that the City Council face this reality and provide MPD the additional resources needed to do their job of protecting residents, workers and visitors.


North Loop Reconstruction & Pedestrian Improvements

Editor's note - This is an ongoing series of updates as the North Loop Reconstruction and Pedestrian Improvements project.

North Loop Reconstruction & Pedestrian Improvements

The North Loop Reconstruction & Pedestrian Improvements Project consists of two separate projects:

  1. A full street reconstruction along 3rd St N between 10th Ave N and 5th Ave N
  2. A pedestrian improvement project generally bounded by 10th Ave N on the north, 1st Ave on the south, West River Parkway on the east, and 4th St N on the west

North Loop Reconstruction Updates


5th Ave N

  • Placing the first lift of asphalt today between Washington to just past 4th St N

7th Ave N

  • Completed curb placement
  • Placed the second lift of asphalt pavement
  • Completed most of the sidewalk placement
  • Continuing with the driveway placement

8th Ave N

  • Granite curb placed
  • Sidewalk placed at Washington Ave
  • Second lift of asphalt placed at Washington

9th Ave N

  • Sidewalk placed at Washington Ave
  • Second lift of asphalt placed at Washington

3rd St N

  • Completed pavement removals, with the exception of the south sidewalk
  • Finished water work
  • Finishing up the storm and sanitary work
  • Started removing poor soils at 5ht Ave N and working towards 10th Ave N


5th Ave N

  • Curb and gutter installation will follow asphalt
  • Driveway placement will start next week
  • East side sidewalk placement will start next week

7th Ave N

  • Complete driveway installation
  • Complete sidewalk installation
  • May place the 3rd lift of asphalt
  • Access at Washington will open Monday 8-19
  • Work will begin work on the north side of Washington Monday 9-19 – the lane closure that is currently on the south side of Washington will shift to the north side of Washington

8th Ave N

  • Grading for walks and driveways
  • Start placing sidewalks
  • Start placing driveways
  • Access at Washington will open Monday 8-19
  • Work will begin work on the north side of Washington Monday 9-19 – the lane closure that is currently on the south side of Washington will shift to the north side of Washington

For more information on this project, visit the project website.

North Loop Pedestrian Improvements Updates

The concrete crews are off site until the end of the month, however the sewer and water crews will be doing intermittent work in the next few weeks.


  • 1st St N & 4th Ave – Continuing water work
  • 2nd St N and 3rd Ave N – Continuing sewer work


1st St N

  • 2nd Ave SE corner
  • 4th Ave SE and NE corner

2nd St N

  • 1st Ave N - All corners
  • 2nd Ave N – NE, SE and SW
  • 3rd Ave N – All, currently the City is working in this intersection, pedestrian ramps will be done after the sewer work is complete
  • 5th Ave N – SE corner
  • 8th Ave N – South side and NE corner
  • 10th Ave N – SE and SW corners

4th St N

  • 10th Ave N – NE corner
  • 7th Ave N – South side


  • All signal installation will start late in September due to long lead times on materials
  • Remaining concrete work will continue through September

For more information on this project, visit the project website.


Stakeholder Meeting -These meetings are informal, held biweekly and intended to offer residents and businesses on the job an opportunity to get construction updates, ask construction and access related questions.

Sate/Time: August 21, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Location:  Corner Coffee 514 N 3rd St #102

Contact Information

Project Manager:

Stephanie Malmberg,, 612-673-3365

Chief Field Inspector:

John Benjamin,, 651-443-1096


NIEBNA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda for August 15

Thursday, August 15, 2019
6:30 - 8 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Church (Hofstede Hall)
1 Lourdes Place

NIEBNA meetings are open to the public and handicap accessible. If you need any special accommodation, contact Chris Lautenschlager at five (5) business days in advance of the meeting.

Welcome, Call to Order | Verification of Quorum | Approval of Agenda
Secretary’s Report (Kaufman)

Treasurer’s Report (Hondros)
2nd Precinct Crime & Safety Report (Meehan)

Update from Office of Council Member Steve Fletcher

Request to move additional NRP funds to existing NRP Phase II Strategy(Friends of the Mississippi River)

NCR Department’s Steve Gallagher on Neighborhoods 2020, and the recent AUP (Agreed Upon Practices) Audit of NIEBNA

Parks for All: A Vision for the next decade of the Minneapolis parks and recreation

ONYX Lounge introduction; a new business to be located at 24 University Avenue NE



PowerPoint from August 7 Crime and Safety Public Forum

Photo credit: DMNA

For anyone who was unable to attend the August 7 Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association / North Loop Neighborhood Association Crime and Safety Public Forum at Open Book, they have provided a link to the PowerPoint presentation from that meeting:

DMNA - NLNA Crime and Safety Public Forum 8/7/2019 Presentation

The following people served as members of the panel and helped in gathering information for the presentation:

MPD Deputy Chief Kathy Waite
MPD First Precinct Inspector Billy Peterson
DID Director of Safety Initiatives Shane Zahn
MPD First Precinct Crime Prevention Specialist Renee Allen
MPRB Chief Jason Ohotto
MPRB Lieutenant Calvin Noble
Assistant City Attorney Matthew Wilcox