Better Parks Thanks to the 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan (NPP20)

Via an August e-newsletter from Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
NPP20 funds garden care and a range of other maintenance at neighborhood parks
Gateway Park, Downtown
This summer, gardeners have been making the rounds more often at neighborhood parks, thanks to a historic 2016 agreement between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the City of Minneapolis.
The 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan (NPP20) protects current levels of park funding for 20 years and provides $11 million in additional funds annually. That includes $3 million to increase maintenance at all 160 neighborhood parks, funding care for planted areas, turf and trees; plus more inspections and repairs for playgrounds, pavement, plumbing systems, buildings and more.
While increasing maintenance makes for more appealing parks, it's also good economic sense: A wide range of park facilities can last longer and work better with regular maintenance. Over time, increased maintenance through NPP20 can reduce the need for costlier replacements, improving efficiency and sustainability throughout the neighborhood park system.
Every neighborhood deserves a great park.
NPP20 is a historic agreement between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the City of Minneapolis. It helps address racial and economic equity across 160 neighborhood parks and provides $11 million annually to maintain, repair and replace facilities.