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Entries from September 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016


Sheriff's Office Jail Mental Illness Study, Crime Tips and Swap Spot

From a September 30 Hennepin County Sheriff's Office e-newsletter:

One-Day Snapshot Study


This past Thursday we announced the results of a major study regarding mental illness in our jail. The study showed that approximately half of the inmates would benefit from or are in need of mental health services while incarcerated in the Hennepin County Jail.

On July 27, we conducted a One-Day Snapshot Study of all inmates in the jail. Study partners also reviewed other verifiable information for the 680 inmates, including medical histories, public court records, incidents during previous incarcerations, and county records from County Departments.

The study showed that 52% of the inmates had confirmed indicators or met other criteria associated with mental illness. 36% of the inmates had a confirmed mental health diagnosis or concern in the jail’s intake health assessment, or had confirmed prescriptions for neuroleptic medications. An additional 16% of the inmates displayed behaviors associated with serious mental illness or had a significant history connected to mental illness.

We conducted this study to better understand the issues our inmates deal with while in our custody, and how we can provide the best possible services. The Sheriff’s Office and other Hennepin County agencies have partnered to identify several innovations that we hope will provide enhanced services for inmates who are mentally ill, including the following new initiatives:

  • Registered Nurses will conduct 24/7 health screenings for all inmates during the booking process.
  • Housing/Classification decisions for inmates with mental illness will be based upon acuity levels as determined by Jail medical staff.
  • Inmates will be provided 24 hours’ worth of medications upon release from the Jail, RN’s from HCMC also will oversee this service.
  • The Sheriff’s Office Court “expediter” works to ensure inmates are making reasonable progress through court hearings and evaluations while in custody.

Anonymous Crime Tips


 Want to partner with us to fight crime? All four of the methods below allow you to submit a crime tip anonymously to the Sheriff's Office. We need your tips about drug activity, cold cases, suspicious activity, or general crime. 

  • Call: 1-888-988-TIPS (8477)
  • Text: 847-411, start your text with “HCSOtip” then enter your tip
  • App: Search "HCSOtip" to download the app
  • Online: then fill-out the form

Do NOT use these tip services if you need an urgent response. In case of emergencies, call 911.

Swap Spot


Do you buy or sell online items from sites like Craig's List? If so, try our Swap Spots for a safe place to conduct in-person transactions.

Swap Spots are designated public places where residents may exchange items that they have purchased/sold online. This allows people to have a public location to make legal transactions. 

Swap Spots are located in the lobby of three Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office facilities. 

  • Sheriff's Water Patrol, 4141 Shoreline Drive, Spring Park, MN
  • Enforcement Services Division, 9401 83rd Ave. N., Brooklyn Park, MN
  • Public Safety Facility, 401 S. 4th Ave., Minneapolis, MN

Swap Spots are available during regular business hours of operation: 8am-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.


Reflections On Radiance: The Photography of Susan Schaefer

Article by Bob Ingram, photos by Susan Schaefer

Riverview Tower is a Minneapolis condominium high rise overlooking the mighty Mississippi, T.S. Eliot’s “strong brown god,” Huck Finn’s magic carpet into the American soul, and a visual preoccupation of mine each time I visit the upper floor unit of Mill City Times’ reporter and photographer, Susan Schaefer.

Long ago and far away, she and I were married, and only since then have I learned so much more about her, each stay in that welkin aerie and the now unarmed flow of our voices at table and at rest adding leaves of insight and wonder to the book of a life I had only glimpsed through the blinkered eyes of the rude boy I was then, married or no. It is a big life, and fool that I was, I let it pass through me.

But enough of that. Let us talk now of radiance and visibility coaxed from the invisible, to use Susan Schaefer’s very words, that is all taking place in the Lobby Gallery of that same Mississippi-marked Riverview Tower in an exhibition of the photographic art of this same Susan Schaefer, whom I had known only as a writer – albeit talented and lucid – in my green and stumbling years with her.  

There are women from whom festive events – parties, weddings, and the like – provoke a visible radiance, always there, slightly subsumed, but streamlined by the heightened interaction inherent in these social mixes. 

So it was at the opening of Susan’s one-woman Riverview Tower show this past Saturday, September 24th. She flowed among the throng of neighbors and friends, totally into each moment and person: a touch here, a laugh there, a quick discussion of this or that piece. Dance time to inner music. Wonderful to watch.

Which is as it should be because the many photo portraits on the lobby walls partake of this same radiance. She finds it and gently grasps it in her subjects with a simple click of the shutter (not that simple, truth to tell; she studies this art with the quiet dedication of a medieval scholar).

One series of photos I’ve been especially taken with and always thought was a telling concept of Susan’s involves getting everyday people to pose in the Namaste position, hands clasped, fingers pointed up, at chest level. It is Sanskrit-derived and still used as a greeting in India.

Namaste Izzy’s

And my favorite in the Namaste series was taken of workers at the iconic Izzy’s ice cream parlor in Mill City. The red-haired young woman between two of her co-workers moves me in a sweet, complete way: she is her own version of an unconsciously, slyly, shyly modern-day beatific – a budding double-dip saint, if you will.     

Namaste Kieran

Namaste Worker

Fate favors the prepared, and the mailman in the Namaste pictures was actually completing his last day before retirement, and might have been giving prayerful thanks for a career well spent for the public good. Another telling photo in this series has a construction worker posing naturally in front of a heavy-duty machine whose brand name, Vermeer, becomes both part of the image and, of course, a reminder that art is afoot here.

The Director

The woman in a photo titled simply “The Director” makes me wish I worked where she directs. There is a responsible kindness and strength in that face that says more about what we call work in all its elements than a shelf of books in the business section. Sign me up, direct me, we’ll get it done together. I trust you, ma’am.


On an easel, separate and apart, as he was in real life, sits the portrait of Chester, bearded, top-hatted, the local nomad – alcoholic and grubby – whose jury-rigged lean-to sits behind Riverview Tower’s parking lot, still occupied by his woman. Chester is dead now, and the Riverview receptionist, a pleasant, well-spoken man, said that during the day of the evening opening, he had to inform passing residents who commented on Chester’s portrait, that he had indeed passed away. He said it with a sad, slow shake of his head.

Karla’s Wash

Besides the portraits in the show, there is a photo called “Karla’s Wash,” taken in Plum City, Wisconsin. It is wildly popular each time she has shown it, Susan says, and I think this disarmingly simple shot of drying, flapping wash on a clothesline evokes to those of a certain age memories of when laundry was hung out to absorb the freshness and subtle smells of the clean, fresh air that is part and parcel of the blue-drenched sky overhead in that picture. If I were a marketer at, say, Oxydol, I would grab that photo and build a campaign around it.

Crushed Cans

The happiest, brightest piece at the Riverview is a 2014 photo called “Crushed Cans.” (All the photos were taken beginning in 2014 and most in the last two years, an amazing progress.) In it the local artist Brant Kingman stands before a dazzling panoply of the crushed cans with which he has made part of his wide range of art, a riotous whirligig mosaic of color and texture. His arms are outstretched and the blue of his patterned shirt blends into his kingdom of cans. He is very somber-faced and wearing a beige vest and a light tan, straw pork pie hat. The whole effect is simultaneously one of the seriousness with which he takes his work and the playful, hi res color that is its basis. You want to reach out and shake his hand and wait for him to break down and laugh with you.

Red Door

“Red Door” is just that, yet it could be a magic door: the textures of the worn wood and faded color bring to mind the Walker Evans Appalachian cabin walls of “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.” What lies behind that red door? Enter and see.

My Lost Yiddish Civilization

Finally, Susan Schaefer has recently been working in collage and the result in the Riverview Tower show is a deeply religious work entitled, “My Lost Yiddish Civilization”, of two parallel strips of her collaged poetry, faded photos of her ancestors, and excerpts from the Kabbalah. It is a thoughtful and thought-provoking work of achieved reverence and respect.

Riverview Tower Lobby Gallery is located at 1920 S. 1stStreet, Minneapolis, MN. The phone number is 612-338-1920. Hopefully, a call ahead will admit you to see this memorable exhibit that runs until November 25, 2016. Her next one-woman show opens March 21, 2017 at the Birchwood Café in the Seward Neighborhood.

- - - - -

Editor’s Note: Bob Ingram is a writer/journalist/editor/filmmaker whose work has appeared in Philadelphia Magazine, Atlantic City Magazine, South Jersey Magazine, the Philadelphia Daily News, Philadelphia Weekly, Atlantic City Weekly, the Drummer, and the South Street Star, among others. A recipient of the Philadelphia Bar Association Scales of Justice Award for a story on Juvenile Court, and an award from Sigma Delta Chi, the national journalism fraternity, for a story on Vietnamese refugees, Ingram has also co-written, co-produced and narrated a documentary film about the Boardwalk in Wildwood, NJ, called Boardwalk: Greetings from Wildwood By-The-Sea that airs regularly on local PBS stations.


A Sip of Science Returns to the Aster Cafe October 20

A Sip of Science returns to the Aster Café's River Room on Thursday, October 20, with the topic Invasive Mammals vs Endemics: Who will be voted off the island?

Invasive species are the leading cause of bird extinctions on islands worldwide. Eradication of these animals is an increasingly used conservation tool to protect endemic island species. Protecting biodiversity through conservation actions can be an inexact science and a dirty proposition in a race against time — a high stakes contest to save species, protect populations and preserve biodiversity. Join us as Dr. Julia Ponder talks about the challenges and rewards in the effort to eradicate invasive rodent populations and protect endemic species in the Galapagos Islands.


Julia Ponder is Executive Director of The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine. She received her degree in veterinary medicine from Texas A&M University and has a Masters in Public Health from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Ponder has presented around the world on avian and raptor medicine. In addition to her clinical work, she is currently focused on the wildlife health component of Ecosystem Health, raptors as sentinels for infectious disease and environmental contaminants, and identifying emerging issues related to raptor health and populations. She has worked with endangered and threatened raptor populations, and consulted globally on raptor health issues. 

Please note - Due to the increased popularity of the Sip of Science program, RSVPs and tickets will be required at the door. Please be sure to RSVP early and bring your ticket to the event!

A SIP OF SCIENCE bridges the gap between science and culture in a setting that bridges the gap between brain and belly. Food, beer and learning are on the menu in a happy hour forum that puts science in context through storytelling. This science happy hour is sponsored by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics (NCED) and is a chance to hear about new and exciting research over beer, in a cool bar. Come talk with the experts about their efforts to address some of the Earth's most pressing problems. NCED's A SIP OF SCIENCE brings the wonder of science to happy hour.


2016 MiX to Shape Visionary Ideas Through Improv, Impact & Inspiration on October 12

MINNEAPOLIS (September 27, 2016) The Minneapolis Idea Exchange (MiX), an initiative of the Minneapolis Downtown Council’s Intersections: The Downtown 2025 Plan, will host its third annual gathering on Wednesday, October 12 from 4:30-7:00 p.m. at Brave New Workshop in downtown Minneapolis. Networking begins at 4:30 p.m., with the program beginning at 5:00 p.m.

MiX, a free event that is open to the public, aims to bring all different groups from within our community together to discuss major topics affecting our city in an interactive, engaging and entertaining way.

This year’s event includes insight into the improvisational mindset and exercises by John Sweeney, owner of the Brave New Workshop, as well as interactive questions, networking, food and beverages and a panel focused on discussing the thesis of University of Minnesota’s Metropolitan Design Center director Tom Fisher’s new book, “Designing Our way To A Better World.” Sign up for free online through October 10 at

“Minneapolis has always been an innovative city, and through the 2025 Plan this MiX event will provide an opportunity to bring our community together to engage in thought-provoking dialogue while taking part in an entertaining program,” Minneapolis Downtown Council President & CEO Steve Cramer said. “The end goal is to walk away having discussed opportunities to help create a thriving and more vibrant community for all of us who live, work, play and explore here.”

Those who attend MiX will enjoy a thought-provoking conversation about design thinking—during the event, Fisher will outline the design thinking process leading into audience breakout sessions focused on answering a pointed question while creating one key action. The topics will be centered around transportation, education, economy, the environment and healthcare.

A panel comprised of Dan Collison (East Town Business Partnership), Peter Frosch (Greater MSP) and Sondra Samuels (Northside Achievement Zone) will share stories and foster the discussion. Brave New Workshop will support the conversation through improvisational performances that provide humor and entertainment while moving the conversation forward.

This year, with the broader vision of an ideas festival in the making, we’re focusing on the process of design thinking,” MiX co-chairs Eric Caugh and Jennifer Gilhoi said. “Design thinking is a way for people to share challenges and their experiences in a conversation that focuses on an open-minded process, not a predetermined outcome. That’s where you get the really collaborative, inclusive and innovative ideas.”

The key to MiX is initiating a compelling dialogue between people of all different backgrounds within our community in an effort to create positive change for the future. To ensure diversity and inclusivity in our conversations, MiX will again tap into our Luminaries. The MiX Luminaries are Minneapolis leaders in areas from government and culinary to manufacturing and the arts.

This will be the third MiX event since officially launching in 2014. It has continued to evolve to provide a forum for the community to come together. Building off the momentum of previous years, MiX is primed as the vehicle to bring Minneapolis’ vision of ideas to a national and global audience—especially as the Twin Cities prepares itself for 10-day festival surrounding the February 2018 Super Bowl, currently titled Bold North.

MiX is supported by The Minneapolis Downtown Council, The Brave New Workshop, Ryan Companies and media partner The Line Media. The evening’s entertainment and beverage sponsors include MacPhail Center for Music and FINNEGANS. FINNEGANS will be providing beer sampling throughout the event, and food will be on-site for participants to enjoy. Attendees may purchase books prior to and during the event including Tom Fisher’s Designing Our Way to a Better World and John Sweeney of Brave New Workshop and Elena Imaretska, co-authors of The Innovative Mindset. All three authors will be available for book signing after the program’s main portion.

About the Minneapolis Downtown Council:

Founded in 1955, and one of the oldest central business associations in the nation, the Minneapolis Downtown Council (MDC) is a membership-based entity that works to create an extraordinary downtown. The MDC’s collaborative developments of Intersections: Downtown 2025 Plan was designed to help downtown businesses, community leaders and citizens build on downtown assets and implement future goals. For more information, please visit

About the 2025 Plan: 

The Downtown 2025 Plan is a vehicle to help leaders and citizens build on Downtown’s assets and guide its development in ways that reflect the community’s aspirations for a Downtown Minneapolis that is thriving, livable, green, connected and welcoming in the decades ahead. This includes initiatives to double downtown’s residential population, transform Nicollet Mall into a must-see destination, implement a Gateway area and other green elements throughout downtown, create a compelling and walkable environment around the clock, lead the nation in transportation options, end street homelessness, forge connections with the University of Minnesota and more. The 2025 Plan is a Minneapolis Downtown Council initiative established in 2010.

About the Minneapolis Idea eXchange:

MiX is a community-powered event that encourages discourse on the topics impacting our city and celebrates the nationally recognized ingenuity and talent rooted in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Idea eXchange is an initiative of the Minneapolis Downtown Council and supported through community leaders, our MiX Luminaries, including Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges.  For more information, visit or follow along @MiXMpls on Facebook and Twitter.


New Name for Downtown Community Choir

Our community choir, formerly known as the Mill City Emanuel Singers, has had a name change.  We are now the Friends of the Mill District Singers.  There had been confusion about which 'Emanuel' church we were associated with, and the board of Friends of the Mill District decided to change the name to reflect the Mill District as opposed to the Mill City, hopefully making the name and the singers reflect the  inclusion at the center of this groups' mission.

We have now had three of the six rehearsals in the first section of this season.  Our numbers have increased with every rehearsal and the enthusiasm and passion everyone brings to the Singers is wonderful. We leave rehearsal with more energy than we had at the beginning, with new friends, and a renewed sense of community and friendship.

On Sunday, September 25, the Friends of the Mill District Singers, were part of an event at International Market Square.  It was an event to End Gun Violence and was held throughout the United States.  We sang songs with two of JD Steele's other choirs in a massed choir. JD's magic and skill was evident as everyone in attendance were urged to sing along on the chorus.  It was a great experience, and only the first of many more performances to come.

It is not too late to join us.  Our next rehearsal is on Saturday, October 1st at MacPhail from 2-3:30 p.m. Please come sing with us.  You will not be disappointed.  If you have any questions, please contact Claudia Kittock at


A Handbook for the Streets of Downtown Minneapolis, and Beyond

By Claudia Kittock

Most of us spend our work lives giving very little thought to retirement.  It seems part of an amorphous future that has no connection to our present.  I assumed my post-work life would just ‘happen’. I had many false starts and stops, but I kept returning to work that involved people experiencing homelessness, particularly children and teens. The things I did not know were overwhelming and while I am much better educated today, I still have so much to learn. I began my education with people who work at St. Stephen’s.

St. Stephen’s is a 501c3 nonprofit that helps thousands of people find housing and other support. It began in the 1960s when members of the St. Stephen’s Church offered programs for the poor and homeless, initially staffed by volunteers from the parish. St. Stephen’s Church, along with ten other Minneapolis churches opened a few shelters that were believed to be temporary measures for a temporary crisis.

While many of these church-based shelters closed, St. Stephen’s remained open and created programming to assist people experiencing homelessness. The purpose of this programming was to help people access and retain permanent housing, while providing for their daily needs.

In 2002, its founding parish community determined that St. Stephen's Human Services should obtain nonprofit status independent of the church.  While the programs remain true to Catholic social justice teachings, St. Stephen’s Human Services is an independent nonprofit organization. The vision of St. Stephen’s is a community in which housing instability is rare, brief, and non-recurring, ending homelessness as we know it.

People experiencing homelessness live in every neighborhood. They are often invisible, because they ‘look like everyone else’. 80% of people experiencing homelessness have a job.  40% of those people have 2 or more jobs. Most people do not think of children when they think of people experiencing homelessness, yet children represent 35% of the overall homeless population, and young people age 24 or younger are the most likely age group to be homeless.

Homelessness can seem to be an overwhelming social problem.  However, there are ways everyone can help. St. Stephen’s has published a pamphlet titled, Handbook of the Streets.  It is a resource guide published annually for those who are homeless or living in extreme poverty, and is free is to those are homeless, and can be accessed online at:

MINNEAPOLIS: View the 2015-2016 Handbook of the Streets here!

ST. PAUL: View the 2016-2017 Handbook of the Streets here!

The Handbook has phone numbers and locations for places that provide assistance in finding a free meal, a place to sleep, public assistance, health care, education, employment, legal services, and services for immigrants. Anyone can use this resource to assist someone in need of help.

Not knowing what to do to help is as normal as it can be complicated.  However, the Handbook will help you point people in need to those who do this work and do it well.

St. Stephen’s has an outreach team that is out on the streets every day talking with and offering help to people experiencing homelessness. If you see someone in need, calling the outreach team can be a great first step. They can be reached at 612-879-7624.

Ending street homelessness is a huge job, but it can be accomplished. All of us are needed to do just that. Offering help to one person you meet is a start! Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in a community where housing is a basic human right.

Claudia can be reached at


Crews Begin City Hall Clock Face Overhaul

Work is now taking place in the clock tower of the Minneapolis City Hall/Hennepin County Courthouse building. This work will completely remove the white clock faces and replace them with glass similar to what was originally in place when the building was constructed more than a century ago. The steel framing will also be removed and replaced with cast aluminum. With neon lights already removed, the newly installed clock faces will be back-lit.

This week, crews will start removing the southern-facing clock face. Over the next few weeks, the other three clock faces will be removed one by one. Tarps will cover the clock opening until new glass clock faces can be installed. The hands of the clock will be taken down and refurbished as well. Plans call for all four faces of the clock to be completed by the end of 2016.

The Municipal Building Commission has served as the steward for the historic City Hall/Courthouse building since 1904. Free tours, including audio of the building are available every third Wednesday of the month at noon or call 612-596-9512.  For more information, visit


Scenes from the September 24 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24 was Oktoberfest at the Mill City Farmers Market (in conjunction with the Mill City Museumwhich included beer samples from Day Block Brewing, Hops ice cream from Sweet Science Ice Cream, information from local hops grower Mighty Axe Hops, and of course polka music from the Elk River German Band.

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

Silly boys - they called this a bobble head cabbage...

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

A group of kids from Phillips Elementary made a stop at the MCFM the highlight of their bike excursion.

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

Don't forget - next Saturday (October 1) is the annual Bread Festival!

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

My first encounter with watermelon radishes was at the Sanctuary restaraunt - Chef Patrick had shaved them into delicate spirals for a salad. They can be eaten raw or cooked - I'm going to experiment with grilling some this week.

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

The meat artisans at Red Table Meats Co let nothing go to waste.  For example, pig ears and tails become dog treats at Barkley's Bistro.

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

You know cooler weather is on the way when you see Ruth of The Abbey Alpacas at the market.  Her alpaca wool items are soft and super warm.

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

Milly the goat! :)

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 24, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market


Road Closures for Saturday, September 24

The following roads will be closed 8:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 24, for Dave Ryan’s Special Olympics 5K and 10K:

- Main Street - From Hennepin Ave to 6th Ave SE
- West River Parkway - From Plymouth Ave to S 4th Street
- Plymouth Bridge and Stone Arch Bridge 


Minneapolis Central Library 10 Year Anniversary Party - November 5

The library party of the decade! On a bright spring day in 2006, the new Minneapolis Central Library opened its doors to an awe-inspired public. A decade later, it's become a beacon of culture, hope, and learning, enjoying over 1.2 million visits per year.

Saturday, November 5, 2016
5:30pm | VIP Reception
6:00pm | Doors Open
6:45pm | Program Begins
Hennepin County Library - Minneapolis Central
300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Parking is available in the ramp under the library - Access from 4th St.
Celebrating our storied library...and turning a page after 10 extraordinary years!
- Literary host Marlon James, local author and winner of The Man Booker Prize
- Opening remarks by Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin and Library Director Lois Langer Thompson
- A special appearance from the world-renowned architect of Minneapolis Central Library, César Pelli
- Moving performances from the Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus, legendary soprano Maria Jette, and famed pianist Dan Chouinard
- An honorary tribute to Minneapolis Central champions David Doty and Arvonne Fraser
Purchase your tickets by Saturday, October 28.
Click here or call 612-543-8104
All proceeds will support vital library initiatives. 

‘State of the River Report’ Reveals Progress

MINNEAPOLIS (Sept. 21, 2016) — Over forty years after the passage of the Clean Water Act, a new report on the health of the Mississippi River shows that while progress has been made we must maintain our vigilance and explore new solutions to preserve the health of the river.

The State of the River Report, which was just released by Friends of the Mississippi River and the National Park Service Mississippi National River and Recreation Area unit examines the status and trends of 14 key indicators of the river’s health, including bacteria, phosphorus, nitrate and sediment levels, as well as the river’s viability for recreation and wildlife. It also addresses new or emerging contaminants of concern, such as microplastic fibers and chloride.

“The Mississippi River is a complex natural system, with many factors affecting its overall health and vitality,” said Whitney Clark, executive director of the Friends of the Mississippi River. “‘State of the River’ serves as a report card, helping us determine how the river is doing compared to the past, and which efforts have been effective at improving its health. In short, this report reveals that there has been a great deal of progress, but we must maintain our vigilance and push for new solutions — particularly in regard to agricultural pollution — to adequately conserve and protect the river for generations to come.”

Among the positive trends, bald eagle, mussel and fish populations are increasing, which are signs of a restored river that is home to healthy and abundant wildlife. However, there are also disturbing trends in lead levels for eaglets, and fish consumption advisories are in place throughout the river due to elevated levels of contaminants like PFOS and mercury.

Recreation and aquatic habitat on the river is being increasingly degraded by excess sediments and phosphorus, and some portions of the river are impaired with excess bacteria. Much of this can be attributed to agricultural sources.

Several indicators show disturbing trends and are causes for serious concern moving forward, according to the scientific advisors who helped compile the report: 

1.     River flows have multiplied to worrisome levels (24% increase since 1976). This leads to destabilization and also flushes large amounts of pollution into the river.

2.     Nitrate concentrations have increased substantially (44% increase since 1976), potentially expanding the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

3.     Invasive Asian carp continue to move upstream, threatening aquatic life and recreation throughout much of the state.

4.     A number of additional contaminants, such as triclosan, pharmaceuticals and microplastics  — tiny pieces of plastic shed from everything from car tires to washing our polyester and synthetic clothing — present risks to the river that, while not yet fully understood, are cause for concern due to their potential impacts on human and aquatic health.

“To solve these problems, we need to better understand their causes and consequences,” said John Anfinson, Superintendent, National Park Service, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. “This report provides a solid base from which to spur a public conversation about how to preserve and improve the river, and develop strategies for doing so.”

Three companion guides have been published with the report, 1) a Stewardship Guide that provides practical steps for individuals to take in their homes, yards and communities to improve the health of the Mississippi River, 2) a brand-new Teacher’s Guide to help teachers and students carry the lessons of the report into the classroom, and 3) Friends of the Mississippi River’s Policy Guide that offers priority actions that federal, state and local leaders can take for the river. The State of the River Report and companion guides are available at

The "State of the River Report" was funded by the McKnight Foundation, the Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation, the Mortenson Family Foundation, the Capitol Region Watershed District, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and Mississippi Park Connection.

Full report and all guides available to download at
About Friends of the Mississippi River:
About the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area:


Hennepin Gallery Exhibit: Fusing and Faces - The Quilts of Carol Hancuh on display September 20 - November 27

Carol Hancuh traded paints for fabric five years ago and hasn’t looked back. She uses no kits or patterns; her quilts are original in design, piecing and quilting. Hancuh’s work is influenced by Esterita Austin, who introduced her to the art of fusing. “My first fused quilt was a wall hanging – a face named ‘Bruce’.” The next, “Feed My People,” was of the homeless hungry in America.  It won the President's Award at the Minnesota Quilters 2015 show, was shown at the Houston Festival of Quilts 2015 and published in Quilters Newsletter Magazine in 2016. In September of 2014, she made the 50th anniversary quilt for her church. “Helping Hands” portrays three priests who have served at Mary, Mother of the Church in Burnsville, where the quilt hangs in the sanctuary.

Hancuh, a member of Minnesota Quilters, has done abstracts, one original patterned quilt and several landscapes. Some quilts went to her church's Prayer Shawl ministry, others to silent auctions for non-profit organizations, visiting nurses, safe houses, and dignity quilts for a nursing home. Her quilts can be seen at

This collection is presented by Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Minnesota Quilters celebrates the art of quilting in all its forms, educates about this time-honored craft, and promotes the work of newly emerging quilt artists at its annual show and other events each year.

The Hennepin Gallery is free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the Hennepin County Government Center, A Level, 300. S. Sixth St., Minneapolis. The exhibit is sponsored by Hennepin County Communications.

The Gallery is a project of Hennepin County Communications.


Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District (DID) Announces 2016 Greening & Public Realm Award Winners

MINNEAPOLIS (September 20, 2016) — The Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District (DID) announced today its 7th annual Greening & Public Realm Award winners, a group that included four new winners among the 12 categories decided by an interactive public vote.

The Greening Awards aim to showcase greening efforts by organizations and companies that help beautify the downtown area through enhancing the public realm. Among the 12 award winners [full list below] in this year’s categories are first-time winners The Living Bus Shelter (Small Green Space Activation), The Times They Are A-Changin’ — Mural by Eduardo Kobra (Public Art), Wells Fargo Towers (Streetscape Green Infrastructure) and The Commons (Public Realm Improvement).

This year’s winners also includes Loring Greenway in the Best Large Green Space category—its seventh consecutive year earning a Greening Award. Target Plaza South Entry (Small Green Space) won its sixth Greening Award, and The Local (Outdoor Café) won its fifth.

“Each year the Greening Awards offer a chance for us to recognize and showcase organizations that truly help take the vibrancy of our downtown to a new level,” said Steve Cramer, President & CEO of the Minneapolis Downtown Council & Downtown Improvement District. “We congratulate all who were nominated and selected as finalists, and we look forward to seeing what enhanced green spaces will be part of next year’s vote.”

Winners will receive a commemorative Greening Award created by Wood from the Hood, a Minneapolis-based company that reclaims discarded trees from urban neighborhoods and creates high-quality wood products. Each award will display the year the award was issued.

The Minneapolis DID accepted public nominations for green spaces through the middle of August, and finalists were announced on August 25. Voting for finalists remained open from August 25 through September 14.

The finalists, nominated by the public, were selected by members of the Minneapolis DID staff based on criteria including overall year-over-year enhancements as well as continued excellence in adding vibrancy to the public realm.

This year’s results include the following winners:

Small Green Space Activation
• The Living Bus Shelter* — 30.78%
• The Loon Street Café* — 28.11%
• Parklet at 13th & Hennepin (Espresso Royale & Salon Rouge) * — 27.41%
• Living Room Station* —13.7%

Small Green Space
• Target Plaza South Entry — 41.28%
• Federal Courthouse Plaza — 36.58%
• American Academy of Neurology — 22.13%

Large Green Space Activation
• Target Field Station — 43.12%
• Hennepin County Government Center South Plaza — 28.94%
• Convention Center Plaza — 27.93%

Large Green Space
• Loring Greenway — 36.92%
• The Commons* — 34.99%
• Triangle Park — 28.09%

Façade Greening
• Kenosha Building — 40.73%
• JB Hudson — 26.88%
• MSFA Parking Ramp* — 19.72%
• 4Marq Apartments* — 12.68%

Public Art
• The Times They Are A-Changin’ – Mural by Eduardo Kobra* — 63.62%
• Gold Medal Park — 20.14%
• The Horn (Medtronic Plaza Sculpture)* —10.98%
• Greg Gossel Mural* — 5.26%

Outdoor Café
• The Local — 40.16%
• Bachelor Farmer* — 32.22%
• 8th Street Grill — 18.53%
• Mason’s Restaurant Barre — 9.09%

Streetscape Greening
• Target Plaza Commons — 49.14%
• Central Lutheran Church — 38.51%
• The Carlyle — 12.34%

Streetscape Green Infrastructure
• Wells Fargo Towers* — 42.84%
• 1st Street North Streetscape Improvements — 37.99%
• Boulevard Gardens at 4th & Hennepin* — 19.17%

Entryway Greening
• City Hall — 60.84%
• Textile Building* —  23.33%
• Lindsay Lofts* — 15.83%

Public Realm Improvement
• The Commons* — 41.37%
• The Times They Are A-Changin’ – Mural by Eduardo Kobra* — 29.2%
• Bachelor Farmer Outdoor Café* — 7.92%
• Wells Fargo Towers Streetscapes* — 7.09%
• The Horn (Medtronic Plaza Sculpture)* — 4.26%
• Boulevard Gardens at 4th & Hennepin* —  4.02%
• 4Marq Apartments Façade Greening* — 3.43%
• Greg Gossel Mural* — 1.89%
• MSFA Parking Ramp* — 0.83%

Best Neighborhood
• Loring Park — 33.18%
• Mill District — 32.83%
• North Loop — 16.99%
• Elliot Park — 16.99%

* = New Nominee in this category


Update on Gold Medal Park - Tonight's Movie Canceled

Note from the Gold Medal Park management company:

Last week the park started showing a number of areas of brown grass. This is highly unusual considering the amount of rain we have along with a pretty good watering system. After examination we found that the park lawn was inundated with beetle grub worms. These grubs eat the roots of the grass and without controlling them the park lawn would greatly diminish convert to weeds quickly. We have been proud that the majority of products used to keep the park in pristine condition are organic products. The park foundation has accepted the fact that the process of organic is substantially more expensive then normal chemical but defiantly worth it not only because it is environmentally the right thing but also for the consideration of all the people and the pets that use the park. We have hit one ugly issue of not being able to find a very effective way to stop the grub damage without using a chemical application. That is what took place today and why the caution tape is around the park. The chemical will be washed into the soil with the watering and will quickly dissipate within 24 hours. It is possible that another application will need to be applied next spring to completely eradicate the grubs.

Although immediate treatment was optimum we thought that closing down the park over the weekend when the highest park use takes place was not in the best interest. We pushed treatment off to Monday without remembering the park movie schedule. With that chemical treatment it is not advisable to  have heavy grass activity.  Hopefully the continual result of a great lawn will mitigate any inconvenience this may have caused. 


Making Connections, Building Community

By Claudia Kittock

In the fall of 2013, I was asked to run for the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association (DMNA).  I had taken early retirement from my full-time job as a college professor, and while I was still teaching part-time, I was looking for something new.  I knew nothing about DMNA, but was excited to learn more about our neighborhood, and to find ways to give back.

I spent the first few months of my tenure at DMNA listening, reading, and learning. The more I learned, the more I looked for ways I could contribute and knew it had to be some way that used my education and expertise. 

There were many false starts on the way to finding my niche. Everyone who worked with me over the decades knows of my horror of meetings, and now I was voluntarily going to meetings.  What I discovered was that I enjoyed meetings when things were actually accomplished!  Who knew???  It became very easy for me to ‘sort’ meetings according to purpose.

I also became a volunteer for an organization called Mile in My Shoes at the same time.  Mile in My Shoes is a group of volunteers who run with people who are experiencing homelessness and are living in either a shelter or supportive housing. It was a life changing decision.

The first day I arrived at the shelter at 5:45 a.m. for a 6:00 run.  A very tall young man came up to me immediately, introduced himself and said, “Just remember, I always have your back.” . . . .and he did.  It wasn’t until I had been running with the group for several months that I found out this young man was also experiencing homelessness.  I assumed he was a volunteer, because he seemed to be just like me!!

After a few months of running with Mile in My Shoes, the decision was made to start a cohort of runners at Emanuel Housing, just 3 blocks from my home at the Bridgewater. I was thrilled and excited. When I was asked to take over the leadership of the group, I happily volunteered. Within a few weeks, we had become a group of tight knit runners.

Emanuel Housing serves economically disadvantaged single men and women. The program includes specialized housing that serves 11 homeless veterans through the VASH Program, 54 units of housing that prefers GRH eligible homeless disabled adults, 14 units of housing that serve Chronically Homeless Disabled (CHD) adults through the Shelter + Care Program, 11 Affordable units, and 6 project based Section 8 subsidized units.

Running with a partner is a unique experience. Everyone is fueled by the desire to run and the difficulty of the task. When you run, you talk freely and complain just as freely. As one runner said, “This is the only time all day I just get to be me.  No demands, no meetings, no one wanting anything from me. Just a run with people doing the same thing.”

On one of those runs, a friend remarked that we needed more music in the neighborhood.  I agreed.  His suggestion was to talk to someone from MacPhail, so I did. When I broached the subject with people at MacPhail, the answer was, “What would you think about having JD Steele as your director?” I was stunned!

We now have a community choir with over 115 names on the roster.  JD and his brother Fred, who is the accompanist, lead us in joyful music on Saturday afternoons. Neighborhood businesses happily donate rehearsal space and we practice in Guthrie rehearsal spaces, at the American Academy of Neurology, MacPhail, and the Mill City Museum.

When I stop and think about how this all happened, it comes back to one word, connections. This story is about the first and most powerful lesson I learned and continue to learn.  Listen . . . . ask . . .  .and be prepared to be stunned by the responses of the good and kind people in our community.  Change can only happen person to person, and that is the essence of the work we all need to do. Connections matter.  Not the connections that lead to power, but the human connections that build us all up. I am better and stronger because of the people I know and count as my friend.

Claudia can be reached at


Update From Friends of the Mill District

The second rehearsal of this season of the Mill City Emanuel Singers was held at the MacPhail Music Center.  We continue to attract more singers and are becoming a truly diverse choir, representing our community in the truest sense.  Today's rehearsal was about sharing individual stories and getting to know each other better as we continue to form our musical identity.

The Singers will be part of a massed choir on Sunday, September 25 at International Market Square. We will be singing at the Concert Across America to End Gun Violence. There will be similar events going on all over the country at the same time with the same goal, ending the violence that has so plagued our city and our country.  For more details, go to

Please feel free to join the singers.  Our next rehearsal is on September 24th at 2:00-3:30 at the Mill City Museum.  The only requirement is a love of singing and a desire to be part of a community.  All are welcome.  Please contact Claudia Kittock at with any questions.


Scenes from the September 17 Mill City Farmers Market

That cute little bee manning the Great River Coalition booth at the September 17 Mill City Farmers Market is none other than former Minneapolis City Council Member Diane Hofstede. This member-supported nonprofit organization works collaboratively within the community to enhance the vitality of the river environment and create pollinator pathways.

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

It was a music-filled Market, featuring the Orange Mighty Trio as the main attraction. Prior to their arrival, guests were greeted by two fiddlers and there was a sweet little piano onsite available for anyone to play.

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

Vegetable humor - compliments of Urban Roots:

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

Keepin' it clean!

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

The Market was one of the stops for the Mill City Running The Fast and the Curious scavenger hunt.  (I resisted the urge to help them find what they were looking for.)

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market

Milly the goat! :)

September 17, 2016 Mill City Farmers Market


Sept 18 Traffic Alert/Street Closures for Vikings-Packers 7:30p Game

Minneapolis closing streets near U.S. Bank Stadium for Sunday’s Vikings game

The City of Minneapolis will close streets around U.S. Bank Stadium for Sunday’s 7:30pm Vikings game. 

Beginning at 1:00pm Sunday, the City will close:
• Chicago Avenue, from Fourth Street to Sixth Street.

Beginning at 4:30pm Sunday, the City will close:
• Fourth Street from Park Avenue to Interstate 35W.
• Norm McGrew Place from Third Street to Fourth Street.

These street closings are for traffic safety and security needs related to a large stadium event. All streets will reopen about one hour after the completion of the game.


Community Corner – News from Local Neighborhood Associations

News & resources from the Downtown & Riverfront Neighborhood Associations

Loring Park | Pedestrian Hit By Car, Seeking Witnesses. A woman was hit by a car while crossing Spruce Place on Friday, 9/9/2016. More details…

St. Anthony West | Your Neighborhood Needs You. Volunteer for the 13th Annual Historic Riverfront 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, Oct. 1. More details…

Downtown Minneapolis | Read the Latest Newsletter…

North Loop | Planning+Zoning Committee Meeting September 21. More details…

Marcy-Holmes | Board Meeting September 20. More details…

Nicollet Island/East Bank | NIEBNA Board Meeting Schedule…

Elliot Park | Free Arts Day. More details…


Enneagram Cafe with Becky Gorman at The Loft

Enneagram Cafe with Becky Gorman

Would you like to improve your relationships?  Feel more "in tune" with who you are?  Then you're invited to Becky's Enneagram Cafe.  During these sessions, identify your Enneagram type, learn how it impacts nearly everything you do, and help you find ways to harness the strength of your type.  The Enneagram is used around the world and is a tool proven to improve lives.

4 Saturdays October 1, 8, 22 and 29,   9:00am to Noon

Oct 1:  Your 3 Centers of Intelligence:  Head, Heart, Body

Oct 8:  How the 9 Enneagram Styles Function and Impact You

Oct 22:  Bringing the Enneagram Alive in Your Day-to-Day Life

Oct 29:  How to Optimize Self Care Based on Your Enneagram Type