Washington Avenue Reconstruction Update

Via an April 14 e-newsletter from Hennepin County:
Crews continue replacing storm sewer pipes and watermains underneath the roadway. Additional utility crews will be relocating telecommunications, gas and electric utilities in the project area. Curb and gutter concrete will be poured at 3rd Avenue this week.
New work at two intersections:
2nd Avenue South work begins
Beginning Tuesday, April 18, crews will begin working on the east side of 2nd Avenue South. Crews will be closing 2nd Avenue South between 3rd Street South and Washington Avenue to all through traffic, except buses. Weather permitting, this closure will last approximately four weeks.
Marquette Avenue work begins
Also beginning Tuesday, April 18, crews will begin working on the east side of Marquette Avenue. Crews will be closing Marquette Avenue between 3rd Street South and Washington Avenue to all through traffic. Southbound bus traffic will not be affected. There will be no street parking on the east side of this block during this work. This closure will last approximately three weeks, weather permitting.
Interim alternate routes
The closures on 2nd Avenue South and Marquette Avenue will not affect traffic on 3rd Avenue South or Hennepin Avenue South. These closures are necessary to remove and replace curbs and gutters, pavement, and relocate/install new underground utilities.
Get more information
Contact the project at washingtonave@hennepin.us or 612-543-3722.