Section of West River Parkway "Trail" (not the road) Will be Closed Monday-Friday Next 2 Weeks

Closure necessary for repair and preventative maintenance on Guthrie Theater Endless Bridge
West River Parkway Trail will be closed between Portland Avenue and 11th Avenue S, Monday-Friday over the next two weeks. The closure is necessary for repair and preventative maintenance on the Guthrie Theater's Endless Bridge, which juts out over the parkway and trail.
The parkway will remain open to motorized traffic. Trail users will be detoured west to 2nd Street. The trail closure begins Monday morning, April 17 and will continue until Friday evening, April 21. The closure will be suspended over the weekend and resume Monday morning, April 24 until work is completed later that week.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board appreciates the public's patience while this project is completed.