Small Business Spotlight: Kenneth Scales, CEO, BowTie Billionaire

Article by Becky Fillinger
Kenneth ScalesI don’t know about you, but I see beards everywhere. Meet Kenneth Scales, CEO of BowTie Billionaire and provider of best-in-class beard care products. (Check out a special offer for Mill City Times readers - details listed at the end of this article.)
Q: Let’s start with your Father’s Day offerings – please tell us about your BowTie Billionaire gift packages.
A: Yes – a great place to start! Aside from all of our amazing product offerings that can be purchased à la carte, we have two featured packages. The first is our intro beard care kit we call our Billi-Pack. It features our best-selling Billion Beard oil called Southern Blvd., our fresh Beard shampoo with the perfect combination of peppermint and tea tree oil, our star-studded Beard Balm which helps tame the beard (which doubles as a conditioner) and last but not least, our Billi-comb which helps style the beard.
The Billi-Pack
Second, we have our Billi-Box Elite, which features all of our greatest hits from our three types of Billion Beard oil, shampoo, beard comb, Beard brush and beard balm. Any father with a beard would love either package.
Billi-Box Elite
Q: Your website says that Billionaire BowTie represents the excellence within that you portray to the world. What does that mean to you?
A: I believe we all have greatness inside of us, sometimes we allow fear to over shadow our true light. We are reminding everyone that the face we present to the world represents the excellence inside of us and our products allow what you portray to the world to be a reflection of that excellence.
Q: In the beginning days of your business, you consulted with your grandmother on natural products for beards and haircare. Does your family still advise the business?
A: Absolutely! My family planted many seeds in this amazing company. I periodically consult them on new products that I and my business partner, Brian, dream up and make happen. I still talk to my grandmother almost weekly and pick her brain. Mostly I'm asking her about her generation and how health and beauty products changed over the years.
Q: Please tell us about your plans to offer entrepreneurial workshops to community youth.
A: Yes, it has always been our passion to give back to the community, especially to the youth. Since we started business five years ago, we have unofficially mentored youthpreneurs from food, services, to fashion. We are in the process of creating a mini bootcamp for youth to help discover their hidden entrepreneurial spirit or maximize what they're already doing. We are looking to launch this summer.
Q: Please keep us posted on the bootcamps. Where may we purchase your products? How may we follow your news?
A: Customers may purchase our products via our website, and can follow our latest news on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. *Please note: For Mill City Times readers we are offering 10% off Billi-Box Elite and Billi-Pack with promo code MCT2021. Offer runs until June 30th and includes free shipping on all orders.*