Be That Neighbor Fundraiser to Feature the Steele Family, October 20, at MacPhail

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided
An Evening with the Steele Family Fundraising Event for Be That Neighbor
Curious about the yoga at Gold Medal Park? Heard about the fantastic neighborhood Mill City Singers? You probably didn’t know they are two of the popular programs of Be That Neighbor, a local nonprofit group. We talked to Claudia Kittock, Co-Founder and Executive Director, about the organization’s areas of focus and the upcoming Steele Family fundraiser at the McPhail Center for Music.
Claudia KittockQ: Claudia, before you tell us about your upcoming fundraising event, please tell us more about Be That Neighbor.
A: Be That Neighbor is a small neighborhood charity. We create programs to connect neighbors. All of our programs are offered free of charge. The board is an all-volunteer board and all the money that is donated goes directly to programs. Our only goal is to connect neighbors to each other through programs we fund. We know that through those connections, communities flourish. When you sing with someone, when you do yoga in the park with someone, or when your young people learn about theater through a program at the Guthrie Theater, connections are made, and they make us all stronger.
Q: Your fundraising event happens in October this year – please tell us about the event and what programs are funded by the event?
A: Once a year, we hold a fundraiser and are honored that the Steele family will be performing this year. MacPhail Center for Music has generously donated Antonello Hall for this concert at 7:00p on October 20th. The Steeles will be singing for approximately 90 minutes and there will be a video presentation about the Sallie Steele Birdsong scholarship as well as introducing several of the recipients. If you have never seen the Steeles perform, you won't want to miss a minute of this. If you are familiar with the music of the Steeles, you know that it is impossible to leave one of their concerts without feeling happier and singing a tune! They transmit their joy to the audience, and it is an incredible experience. Tickets for the benefit are $125 and are tax deductible. Purchase tickets here:
Be That Neighbor depends on the kindness and the generosity of our donors. I can say it even plainer – our charity needs your help. Every dollar donated goes directly to the salaries of the professionals that lead our programs, which include the Mill City Singers, Yoga in the Park, the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship (which provides free music lessons for young people who come from families unable to afford those lessons), and a new partnership with the Guthrie Theater to provide arts programming that will allow juniors and seniors in high school to study acting at the Guthrie and receive high school and college credit. So, purchasing a ticket to our fundraiser serves a multitude of purposes, and will provide you with an unbelievable evening of music and laughter. Please tell your friends and family.
We are so grateful for the community support. With your help, these programs will continue.
Q: How may we follow your news and perhaps join one of your events?
A: You can follow Be That Neighbor on Facebook and through the Be That Neighbor weekly newsletter. Simply email me at and ask to be included. We would love to welcome you to our events! And again, please consider attending our fundraiser on October 20.
Tickets for the benefit are $125 and are tax deductible. Purchase tickets here: