2011 Mill City Flashback - Union Thugs Seize Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis

"Union thugs" is a term heard frequently on cable news and talk radio - search Google for and see for yourself:
- union thugs tea party 3,680,000 hits
- union thugs sarah palin 3,500,000 hits
- union thugs governor walker 2,270,000 hits
When I heard of the "Build Minnesota So Minnesota Works" rally, I wondered what it was really all about, so I decided to walk over to see some thugs for myself. What I witnessed was shocking. I hope my readers appreciate the bravery this reporter showed in covering this event. As the following pictures show, I was in fear for my safety every moment spent on the Stone Arch Bridge (View all of the photos on Flickr...):
Thugs gathering for their assualt on the Stone Arch Bridge
Thugs about to attack
Grandpa thug and his buddy
Future thug
Apprentice thug
Cute blonde thug
Scary Black thug
Girl next door thug
Gang signs
Thug propaganda
Watch the Rally and judge for yourself:
View all of the photos on Flickr...
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