2011 Mill City Flashback - Outrage in Minneapolis - Vandals Strike 35W Bridge Memorial

Vandals removed several letters from the just dedicated 35W Bridge Remembrance Garden sometime between 8:00 AM yesterday and this morning. I received a call this morning from Star Tribune reporter Matt McKinney inquiring about a photo shoot I did early yesterday morning to see if I caught the lettering still intact. I directed Matt to a site we just launched for the memorial - http://35Wbridge.org - so he could verify.
According to McKinney, the project manager had been there earlier this morning to removed the remaining letters out of respect for survivors of the tragedy. Matt let me know that Mayor Rybak was on his way to give a statement, so I headed over to the memorial.
Yesterday morning with the letters intact:
This morning, letters removed:
Mayor Rybak arriving on the scene:
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