ZeSa Fitness Founder Selected as a Presenter at the 2017 IDEA World Convention

Via a July News Release from ZeSa® Fitness:
Shanti Rainey, the founder and chief visionary officer of ZeSa® Fitness, a new Minneapolis company, has been chosen as a presenter at the 2017 IDEA® World Convention. This convention is the premier conference featuring the freshest, most diverse educational programming from world-renowned presenters, featuring personal training, sports conditioning, group training, nutrition, business, marketing and much more. This year is the 35th anniversary of the convention and it will be held July 19-23 in Las Vegas, Nevada, with more than 10,000 fitness, wellness, nutrition, business and mind-body professionals gathering from over 60 countries.
ZeSa® Fitness has taken balance training and functional training to the next level, and it’s unique focus on unstable training redefines strength as the maximum recruitment of ALL muscles – primary, secondary, and tertiary.
At the heart of ZeSa®, and what differentiates ZeSa® from all other programs, is its focus on training on a progressive series of rotating, unstable training platforms called ZeSa® Activators. When a participant is on the platforms, all muscle groups are recruited, including primary muscles as well as stabilizers and neutralizers. While training on the unstable ZeSa® Activator Platforms, the body’s natural bio-feedback system triggers the muscles resulting in the ultimate dynamic and rapid development of strength, agility and balance.
The new ZeSa® Fitness Studio, located in downtown Minneapolis at 1024 Washington Avenue S, is currently the only place you can try the Activators and take classes focused on their use. Those who try them instantly recognize the unique, profound effects on their bodies. The company name of ZeSa® is the Sanskrit word for balance.
ZeSa Studio offers a variety of classes several times a day, every day of the week. The patented equipment and unique classes were both created to enhance the lives of everyone at all levels of fitness, from workout beginners to fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes. ZeSa® is also effective for people requiring physical rehabilitation.
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Editor's Note - I've been practicing at ZeSa® weekly since they opened on the retail level of the Bridgewater Lofts building about a year ago. It is the perfect addition to my weight training and cardio routine because it adds a new dimension that cannot be attained any other way. Shanti and his business partner Cindy Vavra are both fantastic to train with, caring and inspirational. :D
Shanti and Cindy