Washington Avenue Reconstruction Update

Via a July 27 e-newsletter from Hennepin County:
Saturday paving on Washington Avenue
Starting at 7 a.m. on Saturday, July 29, crews will pave the final layer on eastbound lanes of Washington Avenues.
Expect noise and vibrations
Residents and businesses in the area should be aware that this work will be noisy and there will be vibrations. Bituminous paving is loud and involves a lot of truck operations. The vibrating roller used to smooth out and compact the pavement often shakes the ground.
Expect delays
The paving will be completed under traffic. This means crews will be working alongside traffic. Lane restrictions, including at intersections with flaggers, will occur as paving progresses along Washington Avenue.
This work is expected to last the duration of the day, weather permitting.
In addition to the county's paving efforts, the City of Minneapolis will be seal coating 3rd Avenue South on Saturday, July 29. The city expects that the 3rd Avenue work will only last the day, weather permitting.
Motorists and pedestrians should expect some delays on Saturday.
Last week, crews paved the first two layers of bituminous, or pavement, on eastbound lanes of Washington Avenue.
Detour remains in place
There is more work that needs to be completed before all lanes can fully open, including special striping for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists throughout the corridor.
As a result, the existing detour will remain in place as crews complete some paving and striping work.
For the remainder of the work, motorists should stay alert and follow the signs posted around the area.
All eastbound through traffic must use the detour of 2nd Avenue, 4th Street South and 5th Avenue.
Continued lane restrictions in intersections at 3rd, 4th and 5th Avenues are expected.
In addition, bicyclists should continue to stay off the cycle track until the project announces they are open. It is anticipated the lanes will open in August.
Contact us
Website: www.hennepin.us/washingtonavenue
Email: washingtonave@hennepin.us