Volunteer for Bicyclist & Pedestrian Counts – September 9-11

Volunteer for Bicyclist & Pedestrian Counts – September 9-11
Minneapolis Public Works is gearing up to conduct its 8th Annual Bicyclist and Pedestrian Count, and you can help! Volunteers are needed to count the number of bicyclists and pedestrians at several locations around the city. The main days for counting will be September 9-11. All count shifts are from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Public Works conducts bicyclist and pedestrian counts in order to understand the impact of non-motorized traffic on streets, sidewalks, and trails. Accurate counts enable the City to plan and build for bicyclists and pedestrians, while tracking what’s successful and what should be done differently.
If you’re interested in volunteering, register online or contact Simon Blenski at simon.blenski@minneapolismn.gov or 612-616-7345.
To learn more, visit the City's count page to view traffic flow maps and past count reports.
Reader Comments (1)
WIsh I could be there over the dates; this is very important project - Unfortunately, it conflicts with next iteration of DMC creative city making plans in Rochester. Best wishes for great results that help move your planning forward.