Volunteer at Open Streets Minneapolis on May 31st and June 8th!

Via a May 20 e-newsletter from the City of Minneapolis:
The City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition are proud to announce the launch of Open Streets Minneapolis 2014! We are just two weeks away from the first Open Streets Minneapolis event on the proposed North Minneapolis Greenway on May 31st, and closely followed by Open Streets MPLS on Lyndale Avenue on June 8th. These events are powered by volunteers, and we need you to help make this year another success. Together with over 400 volunteers in 2013, we drew approximately 30,000 people on more than six miles of streets across the city last year. Help us do it again in 2014, and sign up to volunteer today!
What is Open Streets Minneapolis?
Open Streets Minneapolis events temporarily transform major city corridors into safe, car-free places for one weekend day to give people an opportunity to enjoy the street on bicycle, foot, wheelchair, skateboard or roller skate. Each event is programmed with complementary activities such as yoga, live music and bike repair. Open Streets Minneapolis is a free and easy way to engage in physical activity, meet neighbors, and discover new businesses right in your own neighborhood. Check out the City Pages’ photos for a feel of the events.
This year Open Streets Minneapolis will be hosted on:
The proposed North Minneapolis Greenway (May 31st)
Lyndale Avenue (June 8th)
Central Avenue NE (July 27th)
Franklin Avenue (August 17th)
Nicollet Avenue (September 14th)
Lowry Avenue N (September 20th)
How can you get involved?
Volunteers can help with everything from rolling out sod for the greenway experience to facilitating chalk art activities as a street monitor, and helping us keep the street clean and car free. We need over 250 volunteers to sign up for the first two Open Streets Minneapolis events of the year. Help us kick off the summer right by volunteering for a couple hours at the first Open Streets MPLS event on May 31st for the North Minneapolis Greenway Experience or the Lyndale event on June 8th! You choose the location, the time, and what you’ll do -- we give you a t-shirt, a volunteer appreciation party, and a lot of high fives. Couldn't get much better than that.
Want to do more?
It’s fun to volunteer with friends. Bring a team from work, a group of your friends, or your family clan to volunteer for a shift! We can coordinate times and tasks for your crew -- just contact us at volunteer@mplsbike.org or at 612.810.0079. And help us spread the word by sharing this link!
Thanks so much to all our volunteers. To learn more, visit openstreetsmpls.com or contact Beth Wagner at Volunteer@mplsbike.org.
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