Urban Agriculture Activity Plan Released for Public Comment

Via a November 7 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
Urban Agriculture Activity Plan Released for Public Comment
Draft Available through December 21, 2013
A draft of the MPRB Urban Agriculture activity plan is available for public review and comment between November 6, 2013 and December 21, 2013. The Park Board encourages residents and park users to provide feedback on the draft document, and has made available a brief online survey and comment form to easily gather public opinion.
After reviewing the draft plan, you may respond to a survey or provide general comments online. Print copies of the draft plan are available in recreation centers.
Please refer to the MPRB project webpage for updated information.
All comments received are public record and will be considered for incorporation into the final plan for Board consideration and adoption in early 2014.
The draft plan was developed through an extensive community engagement process and contains recommendations related to policy, facility, program, and service improvements to better support urban agriculture activities within the park system.
The development of the Urban Agriculture activity plan is supported by the Board of Commissioners and directly linked to the goals of the MPRB Comprehensive Plan.
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