Upcoming Performances by Friends of the Mill District Singers

Article by Claudia Kittock, Photos by Rick Kittock
After the first 6 sessions of this cycle of rehearsals, the Friends of the Mill District Singers are better than ever. Averaging 45 singers/rehearsal, we are singing with great enthusiasm, and our skills are improving weekly. Every rehearsal brings us new members, and our roster now tops out at 155!
We have upcoming performances that you won’t want to miss. We are singing at the Capri Theater in North Minneapolis on May 16 at 7:00pm. The performance will include the MacPhail Community Youth Choir, the Capri Glee!, and the Friends of the Mill District Singers. Don’t miss it! The last performance there was standing room only.
The Friends of the Mill District Singers will also be featured at the Loring Park Music Festival on June 10th at 2:00pm. It is an outdoor music festival. Mark your calendars.
We will end our spring session with a performance at a Minnesota Twins game in June, singing ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’ during the 7th inning stretch. Watch for the date!
This is a vibrant, exciting part of our community. Membership is open to all that are interested. Come join us! It only takes one rehearsal to get hooked. Our next rehearsal is on April 22 at 2:00pm on the 8th floor of the Guthrie. If you're interested, contact cjkittock@gmail.com.