Tonight / Community Forum - 26th Ave N & 22nd Ave NE Greenways

From the Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership:
The forces are aligning. Between planned work on 26th Ave and plans for 22nd Ave NE this is an ideal time for North and Northeast residents to come together to develop a vision for the education corridor between Nellie Stone and Edison.
With the support of CM Reich and representatives from the Holland and Hawthorne Neighborhoods, the Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership is scheduling a community forum on Monday, December 8, 2014 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (2117 West River Rd., Minneapolis)
The Forum will be used to begin to develop a common vision of what this greenway can be for our community, with the immediate goal of developing community recommendations and input for the City Transportation and Public Works Committee.
Please invite your neighborhood to join us for this important event.
Kathleen Boe, Executive Director
MinneapolisRiverfront Partnership
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