Tomorrow - Gold Medal Park Hearing at City Hall

Community Development Committee Agenda
Standing Committee of the City Council, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
December 10, 2013
1:30 p.m. - Room 317 City Hall
Public Hearings 1:30 p.m.
Department of Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)
1. Gold Medal Park (1000 2nd St S, 1010 2nd St S, 1028 2nd St S):
a) Authorize a lease amendment with the Park Development Foundation for the City-owned portion of Gold Medal Park;
b) Approve the use as park space of a portion of Parcel A-2 that the Guthrie Theater Foundation proposes to sell to the Park Development Foundation, and waive the City’s one-time option to reacquire that portion of the property;
c) Authorize execution of documents and agreements as are reasonably necessary to implement the lease amendment and waiver (Also in W&M/Budget).
Download Staff Report: Gold Medal Pk RCA; Gold Medal Pk MAP1; Gold Medal Pk MAP2
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