Take the New Survey on Improvements at Riverside and Bohemian Flats Parks; September 29th Open House

Detail showing Riverside Park and Annie Young Meadow, from the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park master plan. Bohemian Flats Park, not pictured, is to the northwest along the river.
Plus, all are welcome at the open house this Thursday, September 29, 6:00 to 7:30pm
Everyone's invited to take a new survey about improvements coming to Riverside Park. Results will be used to help prioritize improvements to be constructed next summer, based on funding for the current project.
Options for improvements are guided by the 2019 Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan (note: some improvements, such as the picnic facilities in Annie Young Meadow, have already been constructed).
Open House, September 29, 6pm-7:30pm, Brian Coyle Community Center, 420 15th Avenue
- Join project staff and consultants from the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB), along with Cedar-Riverside community members
- Discuss upcoming Riverside Park improvements, including a playground, wading pool and other amenities
- Learn about the savanna landscape restoration planned for Bohemian Flats Park
- All are welcome to attend and give feedback!
More information and Updates
Visit project page for Riverside & Bohemian Flats Parks Improvements
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Project contact
Tyler Pederson, Design Project Mgr, Planning Division, Minneapolis Park and Rec Board
612-499-9084 | tpederson@minneapolisparks.org