Stronger Together - Call for Neighborhood Support to Assure Mill City Youth Players Program Continued Success

by Claudia Kittock
The Mill City Youth Players program, sponsored by the Friends of the Mill District in partnership with the Guthrie Theater, is returning. Actors are drawn from YouthLink and from the Cedar Riverside neighborhood. Rehearsals will begin the week of November 5 and will be held at the Guthrie from 4:30p-6:30p, twice a week through the end of January. The program will culminate with two performances in the Dowling theater.
There will be many more details as the program progresses, but there is an immediate need for help from the community. We are seeking community volunteers to provide meals at 6:30p on the nights of the rehearsals. There will be about 20 young people and when they finish rehearsing, they are famished! We invite people to volunteer to bring dinner for a rehearsal and/or be willing to supply snacks for our actors as they arrive at rehearsal.
If you are interested and can help, please contact Claudia Kittock at There will be at least three months of rehearsals, and your help is needed and greatly appreciated. If you can bring dinner, please plan to stay and eat with the actors. Listening to these talented young people talk about what they are doing is truly inspiring!