September 28 Bridge 9 Improvement Project Update

Bridge No. 9 was constructed in 1922 by the Northern Pacific Railroad to carry freight over the Mississippi. The City of Minneapolis acquired this bridge in 1986 and converted the bridge to a pedestrian use bridge in 1999. The bridge currently provides a Mississippi River crossing for the Dinkytown Greenway bike trail.
Beginning in July 2022, the City of Minneapolis started making repairs and improvements to Bridge 9, Pier 5.
Latest project news
Construction Update Meeting (online meeting)
Virtual monthly project stakeholder meetings will be held at 9:30 am the 1st Thursday of each month using Microsoft Teams. Please use the link below to join the meeting.
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or join by entering a meeting ID Meeting ID: 213 161 635 706 Passcode: KyceBr
Or call in (audio only)
+1 612-428-8778,,6668421# United States, Minneapolis
Phone Conference ID: 666 842 1#
These meetings help us to give you more detailed information about work progress on a monthly basis and to have discussion on any concerns or questions you have about the project. Please send an email or give a call to the project engineer if you have difficulty using the link above.
If no one joins the meeting within 15 minutes the meeting will end, but you can still contact the meeting coordinator via phone or email:
Rich Revering, Design Team Project Manager; 612-718-8412 or
Construction activities for Pier 5 repairs started in July 2022. The scheduled completion date is December 1, 2022. The contractor is currently anticipating substantial completion by the end of October 2022.
Traffic Impact
West River Parkway is scheduled to be open for vehicular traffic subject to occasional one-way traffic w/ flaggers during certain equipment and material loading operations. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic are open to traffic, with pedestrians sharing the bike path through the project area.
Current work
For the month of September, the following construction operations were performed: Forming and pouring pier wrap foundations and four lifts of pier wrap. The wrap is a thick layer of reinforced concrete to contain and strengthen the pier to extend its useful life. Current work involves preparing the pier cap and forming for the final lift of concrete.
Coming up
For the month of October, the following construction operations are scheduled: Complete final concrete pours and finishing work, grading and placement of riprap at the base of the pier, and turf establishment and site cleanup.
Stay Connected
For more details and to sign up for email updates please visit the Bridge 9 Improvement project webpage.