Scenes from the July 8 Mill City Farmers Market

Ta-da! It's raspberry season!
Wild and crazy heirloom tomatoes from Nistler Farms. According to their Facebook page, sweet corn is running about a week behind what Jeffrey considers normal, and the melon crop is looking fantastic.
It's like a cloud - if you stare at it long enough it will resemble something...
Big Rivers Farms is operated by Minnesota Food Association (MFA), a nonprofit that provides a guarenteed market for farmers representing 10 countries around the world. They are located by Marine on St. Croix, and are holding an Open House on July 15.
Stop by the Info Booth to learn what's in these Bee Friendly packets.
Squeezed while you wait - refreshing drinks from The Bolt!
Below, Cara Lahti and Anna Bottila debuted Fair Anita at the July 8 Market. The jewelry, clothing, cards and other items offered are fair trade products made by over 8,000 talented, yet marginalized, women in 16 countries. Look for an article about Fair Anita on our Farmers Market blog later this week.
With regard to the following three pictures - WEI Executive Director, Karen Clark, explained to me that these items diplayed at their booth are from the Mashkiikii Gitigan (Ojibwe for medicine garden). The garden was created on a formerly vacant, contaminated lot by the 24th Street Urban Farm Coalition as a way to address the food justice needs of people living in the Phillips community of South Minneapolis.
Beth Dooley and Mette Nielsen demonstrated Hot & Tangy Strawberry Jam during the Mill City Cooks demo. With only 5 ingredients, this one-pan recipe is quick and easy.
New from Horner's Corner: Maple Grenadine Syrup. Steve will be happy to provide suggestions on ways to use it.
Milly the goat!