Profiles in Courage Opening Reception, plus Fundraiser to Benefit Firefighters for Healing, Scheduled for March 23 at Birchwood Cafe

In 2015, Susan Schaefer was granted access to photograph the courageous firefighters of the Seward Neighborhood’s Minneapolis Fire Department (MFD) Station #7 for a University of Minnesota fine arts photography project. These stewards of public service graciously posed, sharing stories and intimate reflections. For Schaefer, whose godfather was fire captain of Philadelphia’s 50th Ward, they are genuine champions – selfless defenders of our public realm.
An opening reception for Susan's Profiles in Courage exhibit is scheduled for March 23 from 5 - 8pm at Birchwood Cafe, 3311 E 25th Street. This event will include a fundraiser to benefit Firefighters for Healing. Special guest speakers and auction, with some items provided by Welna II Hardware & Paint on Franklin Avenue.
Captain “Buck” Buchanan
Captain Kathrynne Baumtrog
Carrying up to 60 lbs. of gear while scaling precipitous heights, fearlessly facing scorching conflagrations, and administering life saving first aid are but a few of modern, highly skilled and trained firefighters duties. Firefighters for Healing is an acclaimed 501-(C)(3) that supports burn victims and their families in ways insurance companies and caretakers are unable to. Captain Kathrynne Baumtrog will speak about the work of firefighters and Firefighters for Healing. In 2012, she, along with four other firefighters, were seriously burned fighting a fire the destroyed Walker United Methodist Church.
This exhibit uses fine art portraiture and still lifes to create an accessible and universal portrayal of the humans of the MFD. The exhibit runs March 20 - May 21, 2017.
Susan Schaefer is a communications consultant, professor and photojournalist – a verbal and visual storyteller. Her work currently appears in The Southwest Journal’s monthly “Creative Class” column and Mill City Times. She studies in the University of Minnesota’s Fine Arts Department and is a recent graduate of St. Catherine’s Women’s Art Institute.