October News from the Minneapolis Parks Foundation

Via an October 18 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Parks Foundation:
Making Progress on Water Works
If you’ve been by the Water Works site on the Central Riverfront recently, it’s evident that a great deal of work is being done to prepare the land and mill remnants for the future park's next phase – construction. It's within this context that the Parks Foundation, together with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, recently released a refined design for the project that sets us up for a successful launch. Read More »
Design Team Named for Great Northern Greenway River Link
On October 3, 2018, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board approved the selection of a design team to advance the 26th Ave N Overlook, a RiverFirst signature project also known as the Great Northern Greenway River Link. The design team is led by two esteemed local firms with ties to the community - TEN X TEN landscape architecture and 4RM+ULA architecture. Design and planning get underway this month, ahead of planned construction and grand opening in 2019. Read More »
"The Nature Fix" with Florence Williams
Join us for opening night of the 2018-2019 Next Generation of Parks Event Series, featuring Florence Williams, renowned author of the best-seller, The Nature Fix. At the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Get your free tickets today! Thursday, Nov. 15, 6:30pm • Free Read More »
Three Fall Foliage Superstars
According to the Minnesota DNR, we're at peak leaf-peeping season. Now's the time - with sunshine and more temperate temps - to get out and explore these three sites for maximum color: Wirth Lake (from the boardwalk), West River Parkway near Bassett Creek, and Wabun Park to the Ford Bridge. Read More »
Call for Ideas
In 2018, we introduced small group tours of Minneapolis parks that opened eyes to new places and practices. These events proved so popular last summer that we're expanding the program in 2019. If you have an idea for a location, speaker, or theme that you think we could explore, please share it with Christine Moir at CMoir@MplsParksFoundation.org.
Stories and Ideas of Interest and Impact
- Minnesota History Magazine published a deeply-researched article called, "Fuji-Ya, Second to None: Reiko Weston's Role in Reconnecting Minneapolis and the Mississippi River." It's well worth the read!
- CityLab takes a look at how mayors of some 85 communities on the Mississippi River are promoting healthy ecology and sustainable development.
- Also in CityLab, take a tour of The Gathering, a new 66-acre riverfront park in Tulsa, fully funded by $465M in private contributions.
- The StarTribune reported that the Minneapolis Park Board reached an agreement with Graco that ends their dispute over a riverfront trail easement and brings $3 million to the Scherer Site, a RiverFirst signature project.
2018-2019 Next Generation of Parks™ Season
Through the Parks Foundation’s always-free Next Generation of Parks™ events, global design innovators and thought-leaders showcase the most exciting new parks destinations and delve into important issues of place affecting the Twin Cities community today.