MRAC Grant Awarded for Friends of the Mill District Singers

Article by Claudia Kittock
In June 13, 2017 the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council (MRAC) awarded a total of $740,272 to 77 organizations/projects in the second round of the FY 2017 Arts Activities Support grant program. The organizations and projects chosen demonstrate both strong artistic quality and a community connection. Friends of the Mill District received one of those grants, and it will be used to fund the Friends of the Mill District Singers.
“The occasion to sing with the wonderfully
diverse group that has gathered under the inspiring,
both musically and spiritually, leadership of
JD and Fred Steele is a unique life brightener
for which I am very grateful."
While being a choir for less than 2 years, the impact of this group has already been felt. Karen Johnson, manager of the Alliance Apartments, home to many of our singers, commented, “I can tell you how it has made difference in the lives of those women who have come from Alliance! It has allowed them to use their gifts, to feel part of and connect to the larger community. Through song and music they became one of many individuals from varied experiences and voices in the community, to create a group, that generates joy and peace. Thank you for making this happen. Thanks so very much!”
Sara Monick, community member and charter member of the Singers, added, “The occasion to sing with the wonderfully diverse group that has gathered under the inspiring, both musically and spiritually, leadership of JD and Fred Steele is a unique life brightener for which I am very grateful. I feel it adds a very special opportunity, not easily found, from which both we members and our audiences definitely benefit in a very positive way.”
Thank you to MRAC and to each contributor. Without the donation of spaces for us to rehearse, none of this would be possible. Special thanks to the Guthrie Theater, MacPhail Center for Music, Mill City Museum, and American Academy of Neurology for these generous donations of space.
Claudia can be reached at