MPRB’s Annual Fourth of July Celebration Red, White and Boom

MPRB’s Annual Fourth of July Celebration Red, White and Boom
Celebrate the Fourth of July during Minneapolis Red, White and Boom, a two-day celebration hosted by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. The event, held along the downtown Minneapolis Riverfront, features live music, great food, fun activities for the whole family, and the grand finale – fireworks!
On Tuesday, July 4, Father Hennepin Bluff Park will offer FREE family activities in the Family Fun Zone, 6:00pm–9:30pm including balloon twisters, caricature artists, hair and face painting,and a “Despicable Me 3” tattoo parlor, courtesy of event sponsor Universal Studios. Bands performing this year are as follows:
Father Hennepin Bluff Park
6–7:30 pm Sarah Morris
8-10 pm DJ to be announced
Mill Ruins Park
6–7:30 pm Jazz Ensemble: Acts of Persuasion
8–10:00 pm Tre Aaron
The Red, White and Boom Celebration closes with a spectacular fireworks display along the Riverfront at 10:00pm.
If interested in being a sponsor or donating to the Minneapolis Fireworks Fund, please call 612-230-6400.
Pre-Fourth of July Celebration
Monday, July 3 - 7:00 pm - Nicollet Island
Enjoy free live music starting at 7 pm courtesy of Annie Mack, followed by the outdoor film “Captain America: Civil War.” Movie starts at dusk.