MPRB to Own Downtown East Park After All

Ben Johnson with City Pages used more colorful language to describe the process establishing The Yard/Downtown East Commons/Downtown East Urban Park or whatever the name of the day is, but let's just say it's been chaotic.
On Wednesday, the Administration & Finance Committee of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board passed a resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding and Lease between the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Downtown East Commons. Look for an opinion piece next week (will take some time to digest all of the info), but for now here's what's available:
MPRB Committee Meeting Video:
Downtown East Urban Park MPRB Resolution 2014-371:
Memorandum of Understanding - Downtown East Commons - MPRB and City of Minneapolis:
Urban Park Use Agreement - Ryan and MSFA:
Strib - Plan Would Make Park Board Owner of Downtown Park:
City Pages - Park Board Will Own New Downtown East Park as Long as It Doesn't Have to Pay for Anything:
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