MPRB Adopts Plan to Support Urban Agriculture

From an August 12 Minneapolis Park and Rec Board e-newsletter:
On Wednesday, August 6th, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation (MPRB) Board of Commissioners adopted the Urban Agriculture Activity Plan at its regular meeting. The Urban Agriculture Activity Plan was developed in cooperation with residents and park visitors interested in the growth of a healthy, local food system. The activity plan addresses Board policy, programs, facilities and services to better support food-related activities within the parks.
As the plan is implemented, residents and park visitors can look forward to increased visibility and support for urban agriculture and over time, experience the benefits these activities provide to personal health and well-being, the local economy, and our environment.
Key goals of the plan include:
- Park programs and services provide public education, assess to healthy foods, and economic support for the local food system.
- Park facility renewal and development fosters urban agriculture activities.
- Food available on parkland benefits residents, park visitors and the environment.
The plan will help inform future budget strategies and park master plans, and be integrated into the revision of the MPRB’s 2007-2020 Comprehensive Plan.
To stay informed and involved of the plan’s next steps, please sign up for email updates by clicking on the red envelope at the bottom of this page or refer to this link for more details.
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