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Minneapolis Riverfront News

Covering life, work, and play in the Historic Mill District and Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront neighborhoods. Have an opinion, local news or events to share?  Contact us.

Entries from December 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011


2011 Mill City Flashback - Orange Mighty Trio at Mill City Farmers Market

Visitors to the August 20 Mill City Farmers Market were treated to a fantastic performance by the Orange Mighty Trio.  Also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Mill City Farmers Market on August 20, 2011

Mill City Farmers Market on August 20, 2011

Mill City Farmers Market on August 20, 2011

Mill City Farmers Market on August 20, 2011 


2011 Mill City Flashback - Spider-Man Among Runners in the Red, White & BOOM! TC Half Marathon

Watch for Spider-Man about 1:25 minutes into the video!  (Superman also ran, but unfortunatley we didn't get a shot of him.)

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

Red, White & Boom Half Marathon 2011

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

Red, White & Boom Half Marathon 2011

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon

Red, White & BOOM 1/2 Marathon

Red, White & Boom Half Marathon 2011

Red, White & Boom Half Marathon 2011

Red, White & BOOM 1/2 Marathon

july 4, 2011, Red, White and Boom Half Marathon


2011 Mill City Flashback - Outrage in Minneapolis - Vandals Strike 35W Bridge Memorial

Vandals removed several letters from the just dedicated 35W Bridge Remembrance Garden sometime between 8:00 AM yesterday and this morning.  I received a call this morning from Star Tribune reporter Matt McKinney inquiring about a photo shoot I did early yesterday morning to see if I caught the lettering still intact.  I directed Matt to a site we just launched for the memorial - - so he could verify.

According to McKinney, the project manager had been there earlier this morning to removed the remaining letters out of respect for survivors of the tragedy.  Matt let me know that Mayor Rybak was on his way to give a statement, so I headed over to the memorial.

Yesterday morning with the letters intact:

35W Bridge Memorial

This morning, letters removed:

Vandalism at the 35W Bridge Memorial

Mayor Rybak arriving on the scene:

Vandalism at the 35W Bridge Memorial


2011 Mill City Flashback - Union Thugs Seize Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis

"Union thugs" is a term heard frequently on cable news and talk radio - search Google for and see for yourself:

- union thugs tea party 3,680,000 hits

- union thugs sarah palin 3,500,000 hits

- union thugs governor walker 2,270,000 hits

When I heard of the "Build Minnesota So Minnesota Works" rally, I wondered what it was really all about, so I decided to walk over to see some thugs for myself.  What I witnessed was shocking.  I hope my readers appreciate the bravery this reporter showed in covering this event.  As the following pictures show, I was in fear for my safety every moment spent on the Stone Arch Bridge (View all of the photos on Flickr...):

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03018

Thugs gathering for their assualt on the Stone Arch Bridge

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03026

Thugs about to attack

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03106

Grandpa thug and his buddy

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03260

Future thug

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03290

Apprentice thug

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03048

Cute blonde thug

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03143

Scary Black thug

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03117

Girl next door thug

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03126

Gang signs

Workers Rally on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis DSC03285

Thug propaganda

Watch the Rally and judge for yourself:

View all of the photos on Flickr...



2011 Mill City Flashback - Another Performance by Light of the Moon Band at Mill City Farmers Market

Light of the Moon Band put on another great performance at the September 3 Mill City Farmers Market.



2011 Mill City Flashback - National Night Out in the Mill District [Sideshow]

Friends (new and old), food, drink, music, massages, door prizes and Segways - they all add up to a perfect 2011 National Night Out in our Mill District neighborhood. 

Special thanks to everyone who organized, provided refreshments, and helped set up and clean up.   Also, thank you to Mill City Commons, Sorella Wine & Spirits, The Doorway, Segway Tours and Mark Stillman.

Visit the Block Party Website for more photos...


Job Posting at the McKnight Foundation

Position announcement: Program Officer — Arts

Applications accepted through January 16, 2012

Background. Founded in 1953 and independently endowed by William and Maude McKnight, the Minnesota based family foundation has assets of approximately $1.9 billion and granted about $96 million in 2010. McKnight concentrates resources in the arts, early literacy, the environment, the region and communities, neuroscience, and crop research, and select efforts in Southeast Asia and East Africa. McKnight subscribes to the Minnesota Council on Foundations' "Principles for Minnesota Grantmakers."

The Arts program. The goal of the arts program is to support an environment in which artists are valued leaders in our community with access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. For more in-depth information on McKnight's arts program, click here.

Position purpose. The program officer for the arts program reports directly to the program director. This position is responsible for reviewing letters of inquiry and grant requests, conducting site visits and evaluating applicant capacity for success and for fit with funding criteria. Key to this work is to establish and maintain effective working relationships with grantees, key stakeholders, and other members of the Foundation staff.

Complete details on the McKnight website...


2011 Mill City Flashback - A Dogs Eye View of the Dog Day 5K [Video]

One of our favorite events of 2011.  A variety of breeds zipped across the Stone Arch Bridge during the 2nd Annual Dog Day 5K on June 11. 

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5k on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5K 2011 on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5K 2011 on the Stone Arch Bridge

Dog Day 5K 2011 on the Stone Arch Bridge

2011 Dog Day 5K

2011 Dog Day 5K

2011 Dog Day 5K

2011 Dog Day 5K

2011 Dog Day 5K

2011 Dog Day 5K

2011 Dog Day 5K

See the entire set of 167 photos on Flickr:


2011 Mill City Flashback - The Homegrown Experience on Nicollet Island [Slideshow]

The second Homegrown Experience, organized by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board(MPRB), took place August 21 on Nicollet Island.   This slide show is condensed down from the 1,000+ pictures we captured that afternoon.   Beautiful day, great food and drink!


Video - A Downtown Minneapolis Riverwalk Inspired by the Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership

A walk from the West Bank of the Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront, across the Stone Arch Bridge, through Father Hennepin Park, along Historic Main Street, and down on the East Bank of the Minneapolis Riverfront.

Our walk was inspired by a hike we attended in the winter of 2010 guided by Cordelia Pierson of the Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership. Support MRP - - and the Minneapolis Riverfront.

Downtown Ducks - Downtown Minneapolis River Walk


Periscope Featured in Star Trib Article

Periscope, a Mill District business located on Washington Avenue South across from Aloft, was featured in the December 26 print edition of the Star Trib.  Click here for the story.

With the relentless economic bad news and negative spins we are fed a daily basis, this positive article was a much needed breath of fresh air.

Periscope Mural


Blanket and Linen Drive at People Serving People

From People Serving People:

Where do I bring blankets and linens?
Please bring clean used or new blankets and linens to our shelter at 614 3rd Street South, Minneapolis, MN 55415. You can drop linens off at any time in the blue “Clothing donations” bin in our parking lot, or bring donations to the loading dock and ring the bell to the garage door.

What is needed specifically?

  • ·         Twin Fitted and Flat Sheets
  • ·         Double Fitted and Flat Sheets
  • ·         Pillow Cases
  • ·         Quilts
  • ·         Heavy blankets

Can I get a receipt for my donations?
If you ring the red door bell at the loading dock, you can get a receipt for your donations from our loading dock area. If you bring your donations during business hours, you may get a receipt for your donation from the security desk in our building right when you walk in.

I have a question – who can I ask?
Email Lauren at if you have further questions.


News - Mill City Farmers Market 2012 Dates Set

The Mill City Farmers Market 2012 will run from May 12 through October 27, 2012 according to the vendor application on the MCFM website.


Thank You, Mill City Commons, for Your Generosity! 

Mill City Commons Members were very generous in their response to the Fourth Annual Turkey, Dressings & Extra Helpings food and clothing drive organized by MCC members Delia and Tyrone Bujold, Barbara Goldner and Linda Willette.

- Members donated a car full of clothes to People Serving People, including job interview and cold weather clothing.

- Five bags of gifts were delivered to Exodus House and Mary's Place at Sharing and Caring Hands.

- Over $2200 in financial donations to purchase food for holiday dinners for 50 families in North Minneapolis.

The food was delivered to Ascension School where Principal Dorwatha Woods had identified 50 families with the most need. Woods told the volunteers "Your choices and generosity will help the families in many ways -- they will live off this food for a week. These children come from low income families, many of whom count on the school lunch program. Over the holidays, it's difficult for families to provide three meals a day." Ms. Wood also shared that she received a note from one of the mothers who said "Woohoo!" It was the largest pork shoulder roast she'd ever seen -- it would provide her family with multiple meals.

Photos courtesy of Linnea Tweed, Executive Director of Mill City Commons:

MCC members Delia and Tyrone getting into their vehicle after meeting five other drivers with 13 volunteers.

Meeting Rainbow Foods manager Jeff Hamm.

One of the Rainbow Foods team helping with the five rolling carts of food.

Loading up the SUV's and unloading at Ascension School in North Minneapolis.

A job well done!

Visit Mill City Commons on the web at to find out how to get involved in future projects.


West River Parkway Near Washington Avenue Bridge Closed December 22-23

West River Parkway, from 22nd Avenue South to 4th Street South, will be closed from 7am-6pm Thursday, December 22, and Friday, December 23.

The closure is needed to safely remove the north side of the Washington Avenue Bridge deck as part of the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Project.  Traffic will be detoured to 19th Avenue South during the closure.


The Week Ahead in Mill City / December 19-25

Each Monday morning we provide an easy to reference list of events and activities for the week ahead in the Mill City neighborhood.  Submit your events here...

Monday, December 19

Sounds of Blackness at the Guthrie

Thursday, December 22

Anna Boyer Opening Reception at Open Book

Taste Twin Cities Downtown Minneapolis Skyway Tour

Friday, December 23

Live Music at Crooked Pint Ale House

Live Music at Aster Cafe


Last Minute Holiday Items? Check out the Dec 23-24 Clearance Sale at The Shop at MCBA

On December 23 and 24, The Shop at Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) will be holding a two-day CLEARANCE SALE: 30% off select Holiday items including wrapping paper, holiday cards and ornaments! (Non-consignment goods only.)

Hours: Dec 23 (10am-5pm) and Dec 24 (10am-2pm).

NOTE: MCBA will close at 2:00pm on December 24, and remain closed through January 2, 2012.   The Open Book building will undergo floor refinishing and  maintenance during this time, so MCBA, Open Book and the Coffee Shop will all be closed to the public. They will reopen at 10:00am on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.


This Weekend in Mill City / December 16-18

Events this weekend in and around the Historic Mill District and Minneapolis Riverfront Neighborhoods.  Have an event to share?  Contact us...

Friday, December 16

STUCK BETWEEN STATIONS debut at St. Anthony Main Theatre

Live Music at Crooked Pint Ale House

Live Music at Aster Cafe

Tracking Minnesota’s Clean Water Legacy Effectiveness Meeting at McKnight Foundation

Saturday, December 17

Childish Films at Central Library

Farmers Market at Local D'lish

Washburn A Mill Tour at Mill City Museum

Minneapolis Central Friends Children’s Book Sale at Central Library

Live Music at Crooked Pint Ale House

Live Music at Aster Cafe

MCYC Winter Concert and CD Release Party at MacPhail

International Cartoonist Conspiracy Meet-up at MCBA

Sunday, December 18

Vikings and New Orleans Saints at the Dome

Sonomento Winter Concert, Featuring a Performance of Handel’s Messiah at MacPhail

Japan America Arts Forum with Sheila Asato at MCBA

Weekend Brunch

Saturday & Sunday

Brunch at Spoonriver
750 South 2nd St (at Chicago Ave S)
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Reservations recommended

10:00am - 2:00pm

See the menu...

Saturday & Sunday

Brunch at the Aster Cafe
St. Anthony Main
125 SE Main Street
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Until 2pm.

See the menu...


Brunch at Spill the Wine
1101 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55415

brunch buffet 10am- 2pm Sunday
$12/person (kids 3 and under eat free, 4-12 years are 1/2 price!)

includes: eggs, bacon, french toast, hash browns, fresh salad and fruit, pastries, build your own omlette bar and more...

featuring absolut bloody bar for $5.

also offering fair trade coffee and full bar.


Make a Difference and Have Fun this Season

Thanks to some wonderful community partnerships, December is a great month to have fun, complete your holiday giving, clean out your linen closets, and meet others ALL WHILE MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the lives of homeless families.
Below are four ways that you can make a difference this December. 
Need to do some last minute shopping?  Find unique and affordable home goods from WildHearts Collection in Hopkins, and 20% of your purchase in December will be donated to People Serving People. Any Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:30am to 3:30pm WildHearts is open and full of gifts that are one-of-a-kind.  Visit their website for location and inventory.
With the help of local musicians, Rock the Cause is partnering with People Serving People to put on a concert series – each concert collecting donations of socks, warm coats, books for children, and volunteers to help us help homeless families.  Concerts begin Thursday.   1-- Silver Back Colony, Matt Latterell, and Dirty Horse are playing at the Nomad World Pub on December 15 at 9pm.   2-- Maudlin's 3rd Annual Worst Christmas Pageant Ever at the Triple Rock Social Club on December 17 at 9pm. Artists include Little Man, Barb Abney, Pictures of Then, and more!   3-- Alison Scott’s Holiday Show on December 21 and 22 at Lyric Arts Anoka.   Go out, have fun, hear local music, and bring socks!
Clean out your linen closets and bring us your twin and double sized sheets, pillow cases, and clean, warm blankets. Our blanket supply is low - and we have never seen this many families at our shelter  over the holiday season before.  So if you have too many blankets, bring a couple to our shelter so the families and children here can stay warm at night. Blankets can be brought to People Serving People at 614 3rd Street South.  Click here for more details.
Still having trouble deciding what to give people for the holidays?  Show them how much you care about the families and children at  People Serving People with a gift in honor of someone you know.  If you donate online, you can tell us who to send a holiday card to (even if it's YOU so you can hand the card to the recipient personally).  This card will let them know you gave a gift in their name to help homeless children and families.   Go here to make a gift in someones honor.



Tonight - Community Meeting: Options for the Former Fuji-Ya Restaurant Site on the Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront

Date:  Thursday, December 15

Time:  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Place:  Mill City Museum, ADM Room, 710 Second Street South, Minneapolis MN 55401