Mississippi River Forum September 26

Mississippi River Forum: Live from the Storm Drain: Monitoring Stormwater Pollution in Minneapolis
Friday, September 26, 8 – 11 am
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, 2522 Marshall Street NE
You are invited to join the National Park Service for the Mississippi River Forum--your opportunity to learn about issues impacting the Mississippi River and to make sure other decision makers understand your perspective.
Drinking water and sanitary wastewater are critical components of our water lives, and Mississippi River Forum participants have had the recent opportunity to tour drinking water treatment plants and wastewater treatment facilities. Stormwater—the water that runs over land during storms or after a winter thaw—is a third critical factor. However, stormwater is not treated before it enters waterbodies such as the Mississippi River, and we don’t often know what kind of pollution, specifically, is in this runoff.
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) has a unique monitoring program to help determine what’s in the stormwater entering the Mississippi River. Come learn how the MWMO is monitoring stormwater pollution and visit one of its outfall monitoring sites on the river. Don’t miss this opportunity to see a cutting-edge pollution monitoring program first-hand! Light refreshments provided. Free. RSVP to lark_weller@nps.gov.
PLEASE NOTE: Participants will meet at MWMO’s offices for an initial presentation. In order to reduce pavement runoff, there are only 15 parking spots in the MWMO parking lot, so please be prepared to utilize street parking. After the presentation at MWMO, those interested in touring a stormwater outfall will carpool to the site. Access to the site requires walking on uneven surfaces and hillsides, and the tour will take place rain or shine. If you have mobility concerns, please contact Lark Weller at 651-293-8442 or lark_weller@nps.gov. Those choosing to join the tour will be asked to carpool with others to the site from MWMO’s offices. The Mississippi River Forum is made possible by the generous support of the park's charitable partner, the Mississippi River Fund and the McKnight Foundation.
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