Mississippi River Critical Area Rulemaking Comment Deadline Extended to September 30

On June 2, the DNR issued a request for comments (RFC) on the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA) working draft rules. The RFC stated that the DNR would accept comments through August 15, 2014. The RFC marks the start of an informal comment period, prior to the formal rulemaking process. Due to requests for additional time to comment, the DNR will continue to accept comments through September 30, 2014. Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments by August 15 or as soon as possible. DNR staff will begin revising the draft rules in mid-August. Comments received earlier will be more helpful in developing revisions and in identifying affected parties for additional advice or consultation. The comment period is intended to gather feedback on the draft rules before they are revised and proposed for formal rule adoption, anticipated this fall/winter. More information is available on the DNR’s project website at www.dnr.state.mn.us/input/rules/mrcca/index.html. Comments may be e-mailed to mrcca.rulemaking@state.mn.us, or mailed to Daniel Petrik, MRCCA Rulemaking Project, Minnesota DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4025.
Reader Comments (1)
thanks for River Mississippi.