Minneapolis Seeks Designs for Utility Box Art Wraps (Deadline for Applications is April 17)

Via The City of Minneapolis website:
The City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places program announced a unique opportunity for local artists to submit designs for utility box wraps.
From Minneapolis to California to New Zealand, artists and neighborhoods have been painting and wrapping utility boxes in an effort to reduce graffiti and beautify their communities. In recent years these projects have been piloted locally in downtown, in the Kingfield and Corcoran neighborhoods and along the American Indian Cultural Corridor.
The process for undertaking this type of project can be time consuming for neighborhoods--both for organizing the artist designs, and also for obtaining the necessary approvals. Minneapolis Art Wraps is an effort to assist interested groups in developing these projects, with the goal of creating a vibrant city-wide gallery that celebrates the range and talent of creative artists living and working here. A total of twelve artists’ designs will be selected by the City for participating neighborhoods to choose from.
The City has released a Call for Artists that details the process for applying. The call is open to professional artists who live or work in Minneapolis in any media that can be translated into a digital image and wrapped onto a utility box. This includes painting, photography, collage, mosaic quilt making, etc. Selected artists will be paid an honorarium of $1,000. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 17, at 4 p.m. There will be an informational meeting for interested artists on Tuesday, March 26, 5:30 p.m. at Reverend Martin Luther King Park, 4055 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis.
Neighborhood and non-profit organizations who are interested in developing their own artistic utility box projects, can apply for permission to place their designs on City-owned utility boxes.
For more information visit http://www.minneapolismn.gov/dca/index.htm or contact Mary Altman at mary.altman@minneapolismn.gov.
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