Minneapolis Police Precinct 1 Update

E-announcment sent as a courtesy for Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) Department of the City of Minneapolis:
Crime prevention team transitioning to Neighborhood & Community Relations June 28
The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) and Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) Department would like to announce that MPD’s Crime Prevention Specialists, who have been an integral part of the MPD for over thirty years, will officially transition to the City’s NCR Department on Monday, June 28, 2021. Crime Prevention Specialists are being transferred to NCR at the direction of the City Council.
Since January 2021, NCR staff have worked closely with Chief Arradondo, Deputy Chief Waite and Deputy Chief Fors to ensure that the Crime Prevention Specialists will have access to the technology they need to perform their numerous responsibilities. This includes conducting premise surveys, offering block leader trainings, providing crime statistics, participating in weekly MSTAT meetings with law enforcement and participating in crime prevention strategies. In addition, stakeholders will continue to see Crime Prevention Specialists educating the community about public safety and at community and neighborhood association meetings and related events.
The direct supervision of the Crime Prevention Specialists will transition to NCR Crime Prevention Team Manager Jose Velez. He can be reached at jose.velez@minneapolismn.gov.