Minneapolis Parks and Rec Board Offers Free Photography Classes

Via a June 23 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board:
Minneapolis Parks Offers Free Photography Classes
First class is this Saturday, June 28 at Kenwood Recreation Center
Grab your cameras and clean of those lenses! We are offering free indoor and outdoor photography classes through the summer in conjunction with our 2014 Picture a Park Photo Contest – more details about how to submit your work to the photo contest will be available soon!
If you want to learn more about controlling the key elements of your camera to achieve consistently good photos, you should attend this class. Whether you use a SLR, point and shoot or cell phone camera, you’ll learn how to take better digital images by understanding exposure, color, picture options, flash and composition. Be sure to bring your camera – DSLR, point and shoot or cell phone!
- Sat., June 28, 5 Key Elements to Improve Your Photography, 10 a.m. – noon, Kenwood
- Sat, July 12, Outdoors Photography: Photo Safari, 8 – 10 a.m., Minnehaha Falls
- Sat. July 26, 5 Key Elements to Improve Your Photography, 10 a.m. – noon, Lynnhurst
- Sat. Aug. 2, Close Up Photography, 8 – 10 .m., Lyndale Park Rose Garden
Learn how to take better photographs using your SLR, point and shoot or cell phone camera. Admission is free but pre-registration required. Register online today!
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