Met Council project work to close portion of Highway 55 in Minneapolis for two weeks beginning Oct. 30

Beginning Monday, Oct. 30, a quarter mile distance of Highway 55 just west of downtown Minneapolis between West Lyndale Avenue and Van White Boulevard will close for two weeks. Crews working on this Metropolitan Council project will replace a structurally deficient 130-year old storm sewer in anticipation of the Blue Line extension light rail line.
Traffic will be detoured to Highway 100 and Interstate 394 during construction. Local access will be maintained to the surrounding neighborhoods and Summit Academy OIC. Access to existing polling locations will also not be impacted during the planned roadway detours. A sidewalk along Highway 55 will remain open. Route 19 buses will be detoured around the closure area, and rider alerts will be posted at impacted bus stops.
For a detour map and construction information, see and Detour information is also available at for drivers, trail users and bus riders.