Macroinvertebrate Sampling with the MWMO

Via an August 2 e-newsletter from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO):
Macroinvertebrate Sampling with the MWMO
Just like people, macroinvertebrates (think dragonflies, crayfish, mussels, insects, etc.) need clean water to live. These types of macroinvertebrates live in our lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands, and collecting data on them, like recording and counting the different species present, can tell us about the health of our waterbodies.
Know of any 9th-12th graders who might be interested in macroinvertebrate sampling? We offer a free macroinvertebrate sampling program for youth groups from 10 to 30 participants. We provide the sampling equipment, and you provide the people power!