How do you connect with nature in Minneapolis Parks? Take the Ecological System Plan survey!

The Ecological System Plan is centered around seven topics.
Help develop the Ecological System Plan, a vision for more environmentally friendly parks and public spaces
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) are working together to create the Ecological System Plan. This plan will set a vision for making parks and public lands more friendly to the environment.
Ecological System Plan topics include:
- Air Quality Issues
- Biodiversity and Habitat Quality
- Carbon Sequestration
- Habitat Connectivity
- Stormwater Runoff
- Sustainable Energy Generation
- Urban Heat Island Effect
As this plan develops, MPRB hopes to learn about how park users connect with nature in the parks and which ecological system plan topics are most important to them. Please take a short survey to share your perspective:
Share the survey with friends and family using this easy-to-remember link:
For more information on the Ecological System Plan, please visit the online project page: Ecological System Plan project page
To learn more about this project and others, visit