Hennepin County Releases Draft 2040 Bicycle Transportation Plan

Via an October 6 Hennepin County e-newsletter:
Public comment period runs through December 5
Hennepin County and Three Rivers Park District have worked together on updating a county-wide plan that reflects the growing use of bicycling in the region. The Hennepin County 2040 Bicycle Transportation Plan emphasizes a safe and comfortable system that encourages “interested but concerned” bicyclists to bike for everyday trips. The draft plan would add 536 miles of bike lanes, protected bike lanes, cycle tracks, trails and shoulders to the existing 651-mile system. It reflects input gathered from more than 2,700 people, as well as cities and other stakeholders.
Now the county and park district are seeking public comments on the plan before a revised version is brought before the county board of commissioners for approval early next year. The public comment period begins Monday, October 6 and runs through Friday, December 5.
There are several options for reviewing and providing comments on the bicycle plan. It is posted at hennepin.us/bikeplan, where copies can also be downloaded, and printed copies are available at all 41 locations within the Hennepin County library system.
The plan will also be presented at open houses and other public events during the comment period:
Public open houses
• October 15, 4-6:30 pm at the Minneapolis Central Library
• October 21, 5-7:30 pm at Fish Lake Regional Park, Maple Grove
• November 5, 5-7:30 pm at Hennepin County Library — Wayzata, Wayzata
• November 13, 5-7:30 pm at Hennepin County Library — Brookdale, Brooklyn Center
Other public events
• October 11, 8 am-noon at the Autumn Woods Classic at Elm Creek Park Reserve, Maple Grove
• October 18, 8-11 am, Richfield Farmers Market at Veteran’s Memorial Park, Richfield
• October 20, 12:30-4 pm Workplace Bicycle Commuter Forum at Quality Bicycle Products, Bloomington
• October 25, 8-11 am, Hopkins Farmers Market, Hopkins
In addition, county staff are available to present the bike plan to interest groups or at events during the public comment period.
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