Health Through Chaos - New Book by Local Author

"Health Through Chaos" by Claudia Kittock, with Ryne & Tyler Kittock is available for a few days as a free Kindle download on before reverting to normal pricing.
"Health Through Chaos is a personal journey through cancer, and my eventual return to health. Shortly after I turned 53, I had my first colonoscopy as part of my yearly physical. Thirty seconds into the procedure, the doctor found colon cancer. I spent the next 2 years having multiple surgeries, radiation, and over a year of chemotherapy. I am happy and blessed to be cancer free, with the sincere hope of remaining so.
The most shocking part of the experience was to discover that once the treatments were over, my journey had just begun. Healing my body and soul was a long and arduous process with little guidance or help. I had to discover how to get well on my own, and after 3 years of daily effort, found myself well again.
My book is about that part of the journey, sharing what I discovered, my triumphs and my mistakes. It was not a journey of finding the one ‘right thing’ to do but rather discovering that there is no one thing. There are many facets of wellness and some are obvious and some very small, but each is vital. It’s a personal journey, but an empowering and life altering one.
This book is not intended for cancer patients only. It is intended for anyone hoping to regain their health and for people who have never been healthy."
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