Gamut Gallery Announces 11th Annual Raging Art On Event

Raging Art On is Gamut Gallery’s annual holiday pop-up, featuring artwork and handcrafted gifts made by over 50 Minnesota artists!
Gamut's 11th annual holiday market Raging Art On (RAO) is back again to deck your halls! Since the inception of Raging Art On in 2011, the Gamut team has hand selected the artists, leaving it up to them to choose their best of the best for the holiday pop-up shop. Always sourced locally, Gamute welcomes over 50 participants this year, some names and faces you may be familiar with from past RAO’s, plus 22 new artists. With the gallery walls filled from floor-to-ceiling showcasing original works of all price points and mediums, tick off everyone on your list in a single shopping trip at Gamut. Whether it's pottery, fiber art, paintings, prints, apparel, jewelry, or homegoods that catch your eye, everything in the collection is ready to take home with you that day.
Members of the gallery are invited to preview the festivities on Thursday, December 1st from 5pm–9pm, followed by four weeks of in person shopping open to the public. RAO will be shoppable online at for those who are not able to attend in person. All work will remain online to shop through January 10th.
Featured Artists:
Aaron Schmitz, Amit Michael, Ashtyn Sibinski, Astralchemy, Barret Lee, Bekah Worley, Benja Wuest, Black Daze, Bruno Press, Catherine Brinker, Carter Casmaer, Cassie Garner, Destiny Davison, Eli Libson, Emily Floyd, Emily Forbes, Emily Quandahl, Evan Weselmann, Genessis Lopez, Heather Renaux, Hilary Greenstein, Jorie Kosel, Josh Katzenmeyer, Juliana Ferguson (Hello Cross Stitches), Kate Johnson, Kathryn Flora, Keya Hutchins, Jenna Murphy, Jovy Rockey, Lauren Strom, Leeya Rose Jackson, Lindsee Boyer, Linnea Maas, Liza Ferrari, Madison Rubenstein, Malleus Pottery, Marne Skusa (Prajna Bodyworks), Martzia Thometz, Melissa Sisk, MK Metten, Monica Helland, Nichole Showalter, Nina Perkins (Pompa Goods), Phaedra Odelle, Rachel Schroder (Ms. Stitch), Russ White, Sander Kolodziej, Sara Kahn (Imaginary Conservatory), Sari Lennick, Scott Seekins, Sydney Newman, Tiffany Lange, and Travis J. Collins.
Member Preview Night - Wednesday, December 1, 5-9pm
Don’t miss first dibs on your favorite pieces!
Not a Gamut Gallery member? Become one today.
• Must be a Gamut Gallery Member to attend
RAO Pop-Up Dates: (717 S 10th St) December 2nd - December 23rd
• In person shopping
• Wednesdays - Saturdays, 11am- 6pm
Online Orders - December 2 - January 10, 2023
• Shipping available nationally
• Shop featured artworks at
Follow on Facebook and Instagram for further details and information regarding the event. Join the Facebook Event Page. Official hashtags: #RagingArtOn # RAO2022
A few photos from the 2021 Raging Art On event:
The Gamut Gallery
Jason DeRusha
Nichole Showalter