Downtown Kicks Off August 1 National Night Out with 3pm - 5pm Event

Via a July 31 News Release:
What: National Night Out Kickoff Event
When: Tuesday, August 1, 3-5 pm
Where: Mayo Clinic Square (Corner of Hennepin Avenue and 6th Street North)
National Night Out is an annual event that brings communities and law enforcement together in an effort to get to know one another while raising awareness about how to keep neighborhoods safe. The mpls downtown council and Mpls Downtown Improvement District, with support from Target, are hosting the fourth annual NNO Kickoff Event in downtown, bringing those who live, work and play in our community together for an afternoon of fun and education about how to help each other stay safe.
The NNO Kickoff Event will include:
- Appearances by local law enforcement and public officials
- A pop-up electronic basketball game
- Free giveaways
- Free frozen treats
- Time/Location list of NNO Events in the City of Minneapolis on August 1
Since 1984, Minneapolis has become a national leader in National Night Out participation. Last year, Minneapolis had more than 1,200 registered NNO confirmed events—the most by a city with a population 300,000+ in the country. This year, there will be roughly 20 NNO events in downtown neighborhoods alone.
For more information and additional details on this year’s National Night Out event, follow @mplsdowntown or @MinneapolisDID on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #mplsdowntown and #NNO.