Doug Verdier Shares His Latest Progress Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.
Per Doug, watching them unload the 14,000 pound (each) poured concrete blocks with the crane was the most exciting activity.
Positioning the crane along 1st Street S in preparation for unloading cast concrete blocks.
Flatbed trucks loaded with concrete blocks being positioned for unloading. Crane is on the right of photo.
Workers attaching cables from concrete blocks to crane preparatory to lifting from truck bed.
Concrete block being lifted from flatbed.
Blocks are stacked along 1st Street perimeter of park site, awaiting final placement. Each block weighs 14,000 pounds.
Block marked with recognition of Bank of America City Steps.
Despite snow and sub-freezing temperatures, work continues on the former Bassett and Columbia Mill structures:
On December 18, another crane arrived on the Water Works site, and workers began placing precast concrete sections on the historic ruins of the Bassett Mill, which will become a new park pavilion, housing event spaces and The Sioux Chef restaurant. The following photos show the careful lifting and placement of the sections.