Comment on the NIEBNA Draft Small Area Plan

The NIEBNA Small Area Plan, after a year of work by many in the neighborhood, was formally submitted to the CPED in mid-June. As part of the review and adoption process, there is a 45 day public comment period during which anyone can make comments regarding the Plan. Please do so using the process described below.
Plan documents are available from the City of Minneapolis website at the link given below and at the NIEBNA web site (
How to Comment on the NIEBNA Draft Small Area Plan
Nicollet Island-East Bank community stakeholders:
The Nicollet Island-East Bank Neighborhood Small Area Plan is now available for a 45 day public comment period prior to the commencement of the City’s formal plan approval process through the Planning Commission and City Council. The comment period will extend from Monday, June 30 until Wednesday, August 13, 2014. All comments received during the public comment period will be incorporated in the public record and taken into consideration in editing the final draft of the plan.
The draft plan for public review is available on the City’s website for the plan at:
Paper copies will also be available for review at City planning offices and the Pierre Bottineau Library.
In order to ensure they are included in the public record, written comments should be submitted to Haila Maze, via email or regular mail, at the contact information provided below. Comments should be sent no later than August 13.
Haila Maze, AICP, Principal City Planner
Minneapolis Department of Community Planning & Economic Development Planning Division
105 5th Avenue South, Room 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (612) 673-2098; Fax: (612) 673-2728
Thanks for helping to plan for the future of the Nicollet Island-East Bank neighborhood. Please contact Haila if there are any questions.
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