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Entries by Becky Fillinger (469)


A Year With Frog and Toad returns to Children’s Theater Company

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

A Discussion with Jay Goede, returning as of Frog

A Year with Frog and Toad returns to Children’s Theatre Company, April 23 - June 16. We spoke to Jay Goede, our Frog, a role which he originated in CTC’s 2003 world premiere and the subsequent Broadway production. He describes the joy in collaborating with fellow actor Reed Sigmund and in delighting audiences with the characters’ friendship played out against the changing seasons of the year. Get your tickets here because this one is a delight and a favorite for all ages.

Q:  What draws you to the character of Frog who you portray in A Year With Frog and Toad? Are there aspects of the character that resonate with you personally?

Jay GoedeA:  I think Frog is very much a person who likes to have a balance between social, personal, and spiritual worlds. There's a beautiful song in the show called “Alone” where - in distress – Toad pedals out to a little island, where Frog is sitting alone in nature, and Toad is convinced that poor Frog must be angry or sad or some negative emotion because he's isolated himself alone on this island. And, quite the contrary, Frog tells Toad that he's happy to be alone because it makes him feel at one with nature, enjoy his surroundings, and remembering how wonderful it has been to be who he is in nature. He "loves being a frog in the warm sunny summer," his beautiful phrase from the song. That really resonates with me. You need to be alone to be in touch with your spiritual and physical surroundings. The joy of taking in nature and all be magic that goes on within it.

Q:  How has your perspective or approach to the character of Frog evolved since your previous involvement with the show in 2003?

Frog and Toad go sledding. Photo by Glen Stubbe PhotographyA:  Well, it is very much informed by who I am today as Jay, versus who I was in 2003 as Jay. I guess what I mean by that is: I stepped away for many years from the business of "show." The acting business. I found much serenity and peace in that decision. I began painting again, as I was trained as an artist originally many years ago. Most importantly, I have found a spiritual center that was much needed, and not quite in place in 2003. But I have missed the art of acting. I have not missed all the shenanigans that are "show business." But I do enjoy acting when I get the chance. "Frog" in 2024 will probably be my last time on stage for quite a while. It has been a lovely chance to get to know Frog again, and to work with the incredible talent of Reed Sigmund, who is - without question - one of our country's finest and most brilliant actors. This has been the greatest gift for me this time playing Frog. I feel extremely fortunate to be sharing the stage with such a fine talent, just as I felt the first time acting with Mark Linn-Baker who originated the role of Toad. Both are genius talents that don't come around very often. So if that makes any sense, those are the big differences this time around. I also don't jump as high as Frog used to do in 2003! Sigh.

Q:  The show explores themes of friendship and the changing seasons. How do you think the themes resonate with audiences?

A:  For me, as a child growing up, the most magical part of each year was the change of seasons. I loved the change of seasons, and most of all I loved fall and spring. Winter was a wonderful challenge because we got to go outside and sled down the hill, as Frog and Toad do, but spring is the most magical time of year for me. I think everyone sits in the audience and brings their own personal relationship with all the seasons to the show. Fall, for me as a young person and of course still as an adult, is when my two favorite holidays take place: Halloween and my birthday, which is November 2nd. So I guess I have romantic and nostalgic feelings associated with every season. As we age, we bring more of our history to living through those seasons each year, but without a doubt I think we all have our favorite seasons. It is fun to see the audience, especially the children, respond to each new scene, and enjoy watching Frog and Toad experience all the wonderful seasons onstage.

Regarding friendships: in the changing seasons, I have beautiful memories of sledding with my friends, and going Halloween trick-or-treating with my friends. I think about Christmas gift exchanges with my friends. Every one of us has special memories that we cherish from our childhoods, and even in adulthood our friends mean so much to us, especially during the holidays. We love and look forward to sharing our time, our gifts, and our memories with them. The friendships that last over many years, like Frog’s and Toad’s, are the ones that anchor us in our reality, in our happiness, in our struggles and in our victories. The friendships that last through the years are the ones we hold most dear in our hearts. And, certainly, the seasons give us indicators of how many years we've known our special friends.

Reed Sigmund (Toad), rehearses with Jay. 

Q:  Are there any particular scenes or songs in the production that hold special significance for you?

A:  Yes, as I mentioned, I will always feel fortunate to sing “Alone” every day that the show runs. This beautiful song, in the middle of this gorgeous show, talks about one's need to be not isolated but with oneself in nature. It is one of the most beautiful ideas in the show. Frog explains to Toad that he doesn't mind being alone, and he actually needs it sometimes. It is a beautiful spot in the show, where you see the depth of the friendship between the two characters. Toad has made this beautiful lunch of sandwiches and iced tea for Frog, to comfort him and cheer him up. The lunch gets ruined in Toad’s efforts to get out to the island. Just as he falls off his log, Frog reassures him that it is enough to just be with him and sit in the wonders of nature. In essence, Frog is letting Toad know that just his friendship and his presence are enough. Even without the iced tea and sandwiches. It is such a beautiful part of the show for me. 

Q:  How do you prepare for the emotional aspects of your character, and how do you find a balance between the comedic and more serious moments in the show?

A:  I guess the key to good comedy is that the character doesn’t know the situation is funny. I don't look differently at comedy than I do at more serious moments. If you think about the truth of the situation, that takes care of it. In other words, I think comedy and seriousness can layer on top of each other, the more we get to know the characters, their behaviors, and the situations in which they find themselves. Behavior comes out of truth, and the more truthful we can make the situations, the more truthful the behavior is. And the audience discovers joy and sadness while watching the character experience all these moments.

Q:  As someone returning to a familiar role, how do you keep the performance fresh and exciting for yourself, as well as for the audience?

A:  At my age, I just try to keep it simple, and the rest takes care of itself as far as the joy of performing. I take the advice of that great actor Spencer Tracy who said, "Just learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture."

Q:  Lastly, you mention that you might not be on the stage again for a while. What’s on the horizon for you after Frog and Toad wraps up in June? 

A:  After this wraps up, Frog/Jay is going on vacation to an island far away, all alone by himself, to sit and be one with the spiritual self and the joy of nature.

Q:  How may we follow you?

A:  I'm very elusive and like to stay that way. You might find me on Facebook and Instagram, but you might not."Maybe yes and maybe no!" as Frog says.


Local Artist Spotlight: Sarah Nassif, Artist in Resident at the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Sarah creating a felted vagus nerve

Bringing People, Plants and Place together through interactive art works

Sarah Nassif is Artist in Residence at Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), where she developed her Weaving Water Workshops. Keep reading to learn about this workshop where you can share personal connections to textile traditions, bodies of water and the Mississippi River. That’s just one of the programs that Nassif has created in the local area. We talked to Sarah about her amazing nature-based projects in the Twin Cities and how you can participate.

Q:  You're the Artist in Residence at Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. How did this marvelous appointment come about?

A:  Just months before the pandemic, I was awarded an MRAC Next Step grant and a Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant. The funding was meant to allow me to continue the work I had started in 2018 with Weaving Water, which was funded by a 2017 Artist Initiative Grant by presenting it through MWMO. The plan was for me to present my first solo show in the beautiful MWMO Stormwater Park and Learning Center gallery space as well as provide some public programming for MWMO. My show plan was to create enormous weavings depicting three watersheds and design an immersive fiber art installation.

Of course, everything froze in March 2020– and then life took us all through some very hard times – fires around the world, the murder of George Floyd and the upheaval that followed, the isolation and fear brought on by the pandemic, etc.

Abby Moore, Outreach Principal at the MWMO, and I stayed in conversation through 2020-2021, having no idea when or how my project could (or should) resume.

Abby’s challenge when the MWMO reopened its offices (after more than a year) in fall 2021 was how on earth to move forward with the work of connecting the public to what this governmental body accomplishes day in and day out for our watershed, a world most people barely know. She had always engaged artists to present art shows each year with some public programming to complement them, but the MWMO building hours were now very limited, people were still scared of gathering, and circumstances were shifting due to COVID conditions and a very cold winter that set in in January 2022.

I have long admired the work of Christine Baumler as Artist-in-Residence at Capitol Region Watershed District, so I suggested we create a similar role for me as a way for me to collaborate with Abby to meet both her goals and mine as we rode the waves of changing circumstances starting in October 2021.

Both Abby and I wanted to create opportunities for people to come together safely, connect with the Mississippi River, and find creativity and relaxation in community to help offset the extreme stress of daily life at the time.

The first Weaving Water Workshop at MWMO was distanced/masked and outdoors in late October, but people loved the chance to gather by the river, get creative playing with indigo and fiber, and just be together again. We shared about our personal lineages of creativity and connection to water to kick off a couple hours of making. It felt like such a gift and a balm at that time, under the huge cottonwood trees with the sparkling river and smiling people. We planned monthly workshops after that, and I brought in fellow artists to expand on the theme of creativity and connection to water. So that was it, I became the first Artist in Residence for the MWMO, and I continue in this role to bring arts-engaged outreach programming to all corners of the watershed.

Q:  That’s quite a story – thank you for persevering with your vision. Your website notes that your passion is bringing people, plants and place together to create interactive art works. Can you tell us how you first became aware of your interest in unexpected collaborative experiences?  

A:  I like to say that my art practice is about the intersections of people, plants and place. When I moved to Minnesota in 2000, I had no history here, no family roots, and despite my B.S. in Botany from University of Washington, all the plants were brand new to me. My first jobs here were in marketing data analysis, far removed from my love of art and nature. I was living here, but didn’t feel connected to the place for the first five years. Unhappy with work, I left the corporate world in 2005 with room to return to my creativity at long last. Getting to know the plants was my first artistic ambition – I documented trees and plants on my hikes and created textile designs from them that I screen printed in my home studio.

In 2005 I launched Rectangle Designs: Botanically Inspired Fashion. This was a line of apparel and accessories featuring botanical screen prints I created from my field photography of plants. Each design connected the buyer to an actual plant and the place it grew. I had beautiful hangtags and a website where shoppers could learn more about each plant. I was trying to inspire people about nature in the unexpected location of a boutique where they were just shopping for clothes or gifts. In 2012 I was invited to host a solo trunk show at the Walker Art Center’s Gift Shop, and I loved talking to all the people who bought my designs.

But I decided to close the business when we moved to a new house that required me to pack up my screen printing studio indefinitely, and I just did teaching artist residencies for a couple years. In 2014, I got my first artist grant through Springboard for the Arts’ Irrigate program to create The Other Green Line, which was also my accidental introduction to “social practice” art. The Other Green Line was a free field guide distributed alongside other free printed materials at convenience store check outs and local businesses up and down the new Green Line light rail. This project was the real catalyst for me realizing the power of “unexpected creative (and collaborative) experiences.” It also led me to meet other local artists working in similar ways.

The Other Green Line revealed the natural history of the landscapes between Minneapolis and St. Paul that were obscured by urban development. It invited people to participate as field naturalists observing the world around them with curiosity and sharing their observations with other people. They could follow a self-guided foray route and draw on pages in the booklet. I offered guided forays for free. An article in Streets.MN was the ultimate validation to me that somehow, I was on the right track creatively.

Q:  Please tell us more about the Weaving Water Workshop at MWMO. How may we participate?  

A:  The Weaving Water Workshop was created in 2018 and is an ongoing project - an umbrella title for the collaborative work I do with a variety of organizations including (but not limited to) MWMO. The project can take the form of an art show installation, a public festival, or a privately held workshop for a smaller audience.

Above and below - some of Sarah's workshop participants, clearly enjoying themselves.

I collaborate with select partners to design Weaving Water Workshops for organizations and communities. This summer, the project will travel south along the river to the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona in May and north to the Watermark Art Festival in Bemidji in July. Contact me here to inquire about commissioning a Weaving Water Workshop for your group. 

Subscribe to the MWMO newsletter to learn about public Weaving Water Workshops across the urban watershed. And listen to an in-depth interview of Sarah on the MWMO's new podcast River of Ideas. Please follow me on Instagram @sarahjnassif.

Q:  Another of your creations is the Trees of Prospect Park (TOPP). Can you tell our readers about the program?  Will you possibly design other tree or plant walks in our neighborhoods?

A:  TOPP was a pandemic project designed to help people de-stress by connecting to nature and to each other in the safety of the outdoors and fresh air. I designed a 26-tree walk that anyone can follow on Google Maps using the link is on my website. I led free tree walks along the river banks south of the Franklin Bridge in my neighborhood. My friend was just starting Signature Arts in a former grocery building, and there was space where I could host drawing sessions safely – with masks, distanced and with an air purifier! I provided walnut ink I made from a neighborhood tree’s windfall of walnuts, paper, and my extensive collection of pressed leaves, cones, acorns and other tree treasures. I coached individuals and family groups from 10 feet away to trace the leaves and draw without self-judgment while we chatted about our tree affinities. After a winter of being isolated in our homes, this was a fun way to get out in the world! 

I am developing a plant walk for the Walker Art Center in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden – to be released this Spring/Summer!

I also have a 9-week art residency that I teach at older adult communities. We gather weekly to explore the trees growing around the residences, and the students create and illustrate a custom field guide of these trees. The course is called Seeing the Forest and the Trees. It’s so fun!

Q:  So many wonderful projects! How may we follow your news?

A:  Please do follow my Instagram @sarahjnassif or subscribe to my newsletter. My website – check out my news and projects there.


Local Theater Icon: Bradley Greenwald

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

From a Theater Latté Da production of OLIVER!  Photo credit Heidi Bohnenkamp

One of the Twin Cities favorite performers is Bradley Greenwald. We wanted to know more about his start in the performing arts – and what’s on the horizon this year. If you haven’t had the pleasure of watching Greenwald on stage (unlikely, but even if you have), do yourself a favor and get tickets for the upcoming reimagining of Puccini’s comic opera Gianni Schicchi at Theater Latté Da. Greenwald wrote the libretto, and directs and stars in the production. He never disappoints whether on stage or teaching acting and singing to high school students.   

Bradley Greenwald, Photo credit Devon CoxQ:  Anyone who has seen you on stage has a favorite Bradley Greenwald performance. For me, it was your portrayal of the Emcee in Frank Theater’s 2011 Cabaret on the Centennial Showboat. You were exuberant, playful, mysterious, a bit sinister, bawdy and in our faces! Alan Cumming would have been impressed. Can you describe your routine or preparation process before a performance?

A:  I like rehearsing much better than performing because there's so much freedom in the discovery process. Most people are probably not aware that what they see on stage - the choices performers have locked in for their characters that may seem so natural and obvious to the audience - only comes after a tedious process of finding the right choice for the right moment. And that involves rehearsing a lot of wrong choices. Rehearsing is exploration. And I could keep exploring a piece forever.

Q:  Let’s now ask you – what’s your most memorable Bradley Greenwald performance and why?

A:  I am never able to answer that question easily because there are so many, and they're never because of my performance - they're memorable because of a deep connection between the audience and those of us on stage. I do have a short list of moments that will live forever with me: the end of Leonard Cohen's "Halleluia" in Rumblings, and the very first run of Carmina Burana, both with Minnesota Dance Theatre; Theâtre de la Jeune Lune's The Magic Flute - ​the most joyful union of theater and audience I've ever experienced; singing Peter Mayer's "My Soul" with pianist Sonja Thompson and the sigh from the audience as snow started to fall on stage behind us at the end of every performance of The Longest Night at Open Eye Theater.

Bradley, accompanied by Sonja Thompson, in The Longest Night. Photo credit Star Tribune

Q:  How did you first discover your passion for performing?

A:  Completely by accident. My major at the University of Minnesota was German, and I planned on being a high school German teacher. But I got interested in classical music and started taking voice lessons. During that time, I spent a summer as a fellow with a Bach Festival in New York. There was a closing concert, and I had been asked to perform the aria "Ich habe genug" with a small chamber ensemble, a piece of music I was much too young and inexperienced to take on. It was too mature for me technically, and emotionally, and I actually pulled out of it after a couple rehearsals. But the vocal coach talked me back into it. He sat me down, listened to my reasons for not wanting to do it and he agreed that it really was too much for a young singer to tackle, but I had told my colleagues I would do it and should honor that commitment. And really, who's ever ready for anything? So, I did, and I don't remember performing it at the concert at all - it was suddenly over, and I was there on stage with these fantastic instrumentalists who had played their hearts into an aria sung by a man on his death bed, and the audience was hushed by this profoundly beautiful music and didn't clap for a good ten seconds after it was over. And I thought: this is what I want to do. I went back to Minneapolis unsure about what I wanted in life - and a few days later Minnesota Opera called and asked me to do their national tour of Madama Butterfly. I quit school, did that, and 35 years later I'm still at it.

Q:  Where and in what roles will we see you perform in 2024? Are there upcoming projects or performances that you're excited about?

JOHNNY SKEEKY; or, The Remedy for Everything runs May 29 - July 7 at Theater Latté Da.A:  The next production I'm in will be Johnny Skeeky; or The Remedy for Everything at Theater Latté Da, running end of May into July. Steven Epp, formerly of Jeune Lune, and I were commissioned to write a piece around the one act Puccini comic opera Gianni Schicchi, in the style of collaboration we had during all the opera projects at Jeune Lune. It's part play, part opera. Steve and I wrote the script and libretto, and we're directing it, and we're in it. And we're very excited about it. And grateful to Latté Da - we were commissioned one week before The Lockdown in 2020, and working on it that summer in Steve's backyard at opposite ends of his long picnic table was what kept us sane. Relatively.

Q:  How do you continue to grow and evolve in your skills and artistry? 

A:  Because I chose a life in the performing arts and have no practical skills, I had to stay employed - and I learned early on that I needed to be as versatile as possible to keep working. I've done everything from an Elvis impersonation to fake tap-dancing. Artists have been underpaid since, well, forever, and at 57, I'm still never guaranteed work, or entitled to keep drawing a paycheck from anywhere. And I'll never be able to afford retirement. I just keep looking for work one month at a time. So, I've learned to do many things over the years out of necessity. And I'm constantly adding to my tool kit. I've recently added writing and directing to my grab bag. Because of that, I have a deep respect for every genre, discipline and performance style under the sun. Because I've probably had to learn how to do it myself. If I have grown at all as an artist, it's because I am a jack-of-all-trades, definitely master-of-none.

Q:  You’re also a faculty member at McPhail Center for Music where you are the Prelude Coordinator. Could you tell us about the program?

A:  Anna Hashizume and I were brought on in the fall of 2021 to head Prelude - the singing and acting class for high school students. After our first couple years, we realized connection was a struggle for these kids in the age of devices and especially after COVID - that in some cases, they weren't even aware what connection was, much less how to make it happen. So, we have focused the program on how a young performer connects with other performers and with the audience. Once we made the rule that when singing a duet, the student had to look the other student in the eye, or into the eyes of anyone in the room listening as an audience, the transformation was unbelievable: their voices suddenly opened up and bloomed, they were committed to the material and to each other, and they were singing and acting with incredible abandon and creativity. And it ultimately makes them receptive to the singing and acting skills that Anna and I, and our inspired theater colleague Jon Ferguson, are wanting to teach them. It's just been beautiful to witness.

Q:  We’re so lucky to have you in the local creative community! How may we follow your news?

A:  I don't have a web page, but I am on Facebook and I publicly post everything I'm up to there, if anybody wants to come to a show. (Interviewer comment – of course we want to come!)


Restaurant Spotlight: Masa & Agave

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

A discussion with Ed McDevitt, Executive Chef of Masa & Agave

Looking for a wide selection of agave-based spirits in a beautiful, intimate atmosphere?  Would delicious Mexican cantina food enhance the experience? Look no further than Masa & Agave, located in Hotel Ivy at 201 S Eleventh Street. We talked to Executive Chef Ed McDevitt about blending ancient traditions into the modern world to create an unforgettable dining experience. 

Chef Ed McDevitt Q:  What is your experience in the restaurant industry, and have you specifically worked in Mexican cuisine before? 

A:  I have been cooking since I was fifteen. I've worked in fast food to fine dining and everything in between. I spent 7 years as the executive chef for the flagship Rosa Mexicano on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I was also the corporate chef for a small restaurant group in Brooklyn which specializes in Mexican and Colombian cuisine. 

Q:  I read in your bio that your mother and grandmother were instrumental in instilling an ethic of “putting everything into your efforts” as you were first learning to cook. How does that impact your approach at Masa & Agave? 

A:  It all starts with research, looking for the highest quality ingredients, looking into the history of a dish or ingredient. I have the utmost respect and admiration for Mexico, the diversity of flavors from region to region, the culinary traditions, the mix of ancient traditions blended into the modern world all play a part in a rich and vibrant culture.


Q:  The Masa & Agave website tells us that your restaurant is "not just a place to eat and drink, it’s a cultural journey." Can you tell us more about that idea? 

A: We’re an authentically-inspired, absolutely delicious Mexican cantina boasting one of the Twin Cities' largest collections of agave-based spirits, fantastic Margaritas and exceptional craft cocktails.  We pay homage to Mexican cuisine with bold flavored, regionally-inspired recipes prepared in a scratch kitchen. And we celebrate generations of mezcaleros and their craft with classic mezcal pairings and presentations, handcraft agave-based cocktails mixed with regional ingredients.

Q:  Can you recommend any must-try dishes or drinks for first-time visitors? 

A:  The Huitlacoche quesadilla is a must try. It’s a fungus that grows on the ear of corn, and which blends the sweetness of fresh corn with the earthiness of an oyster mushroom. For beverages, the Masa and Agave - it's a play on Mexican street corn in cocktail form.

Masa & Agave offers an extensive array of agave.

Q:  What's the décor of Masa & Agave?

A:  A little dark, a little moody. You’ll find intimate gathering spots for groups or couples. The spotlight is on our hand-picked collection of agave spirits, which fill shelves behind the bar and throughout the space. 

Q:  Will you offer happy hour specials?

A:  Not happy hour, but we will be launching industry and DJ nights! Follow us for updates! For happy hour, check out the daily happy hour at Breva, our sister restaurant located inside the Hotel Ivy.

Q:  How may we stay up to date on what’s happening at Masa & Agave? 

A: Follow us @masaandagave, check out our website and join our email list!


Ella Daniels Brings Valuable Experience to Mill City Farmers Market Executive Director Position

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Mill City Farmers Market (MCFM) has a new Executive Director, Ella Daniels, and she has the experience and enthusiasm to take our local farmers market to new levels of success. We talked to her about opportunities to grow the market’s programs, how technology can assist and new vendors. She taught us that people who shop at farmers markets have 15 to 20 social interactions per visit compared with 1 to 2 social interactions at a grocery store – isn’t that fact alone enough to get you to visit the market? 

Ella DanielsQ:  Congratulations on becoming the Executive Director of the Mill City Farmers Market! Can you share a bit about your background and experience in food resource organizations?

A:  Thanks so much. I’m a proud market shopper and donor of the Mill City Farmers Market, so to me, leading this organization is a privilege. My professional experience is focused on connecting food organizations with the resources and audiences they need to thrive. I grew up in Minnesota, but while living in Washington, D.C. I had the opportunity to work across various levels of the food system: globally at the United Nations World Food Programme, regionally at the Capital Area Food Bank, and nationally at Partnership for a Healthier America. My work experience has given me valuable insights into the policies and factors that shape our modern food system, and its economic, health, social, and environmental inequities. I’m excited to be able to use this platform to highlight the power of eating locally and advocate for a more equitable and sustainable food system.

Q:  What do you see as the main challenges and opportunities for the MCFM in the upcoming year?

A:  Great question. I’ve been asking this and similar questions of staff, Board members, vendors and partners since I started in January. My goal is to be in “listen and learn” mode this year. One takeaway I can share from my “listening tour” thus far is that Mill City Farmers Market is known among vendors as a springboard to success for local businesses. This feedback is helping me recognize a big opportunity to help people understand how farmers markets work, how local businesses benefit, and what makes Mill City Farmers Market unique. Our market has grown so much in recent years, and our experienced staff have great suggestions about what it means to sustain success and what additional role we could play in our community. 

Q:  The MCFM is a well-run operation, but do you have strategies in mind to enhance the efficiency of the market's operations? What role do you see technology playing in the future of the MCFM?

A:  MCFM has a well-deserved reputation as a well-run operation, and that’s a testament to the leadership of Martha Archer, during her 13-year tenure, and a dream team of staff, day staff and vendors. One project we have planned to enhance our operational efficiency is upgrading our point-of-sale system. We soon will need a new credit card reader, so we hope to transition to an integrated hardware and software that can complete payments for SNAP/EBT, merchandise sales and market tokens and inventory them to save staff time on manual reconciliation and bookkeeping. SNAP transactions at our market have tripled in recent years and we see a big opportunity to continue growing the percentage of customers who benefit from Market Bucks, but payment processing takes more staff time. By upgrading this technology, we’ll meet two goals at the same time: happier staff and increased food access in our community.

Q:  Do you foresee new vendors that you will invite to the market?

A:  We had a record-breaking number of applications this year and just finalized a fantastic line-up of vendors for the upcoming summer season. I can’t spill the beans yet, but we will be announcing our new lineup of vendors soon. As with most news, our newsletter subscribers will be the first to know. But you can expect over 100 vendors, with many familiar names and some brand-new faces, too. 

Q:  Are there any changes you foresee in the layout or structure of the market?

A:  Market goers can expect the same layout and structure for 2024. Our indoor market season includes one more market on April 20th from 10am to 1pm inside the Mill City Museum, featuring 30+ vendors. On Saturday May 4th, we officially begin the outdoor market season. Summer market hours are from 8am to 1pm, May to September, then 9am to 1pm in October, before returning to indoor markets on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from November to April. All summer long we’ll be hosting fun, experiential programming at the market like Mill City Cooks on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, weekly yoga (June-September), Storytime with the Guthrie Theater, and Mill City Kids and Power of Produce on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.

Ella and family roll into the MCFM

Q:  What ideas do you have for fostering a sense of community among vendors and customers?

A:  This is my favorite thing about Mill City Farmers Market. I read a statistic from the Farmers Market Coalition that people who shop at farmers markets have 15 to 20 social interactions per visit compared with 1 to 2 social interactions at a grocery store. How cool is that? For me, the ingredients to foster a sense of community are curiosity, respect and good questions. Whether you visit us once a year or each Saturday, you are part of our community and you help us contribute to the growth and sustainability of our local economy. I’m proud of the fact that Mill City Farmers Market is a trusted destination where 175,000 annual customers can buy directly from over 100 small farms, food producers and entrepreneurs located within 50 miles of the Twin Cities.

Q:  Are there any outreach or educational programs you'd like to implement?

A:  Definitely. Through generous support from individuals and businesses in our community, we fund education and outreach for the Mill City Farmers Market through our Charitable Fund. This organizational model allows us to have a greater impact in our community by offering well-established programs to prevent food waste, improve food access, and invest in farmer-led solutions to build a more equitable and sustainable food system. When you donate to the Mill City Farmers Market Charitable Fund you help power our programming and close the gap between program demand and available funding.

Two programs we see an opportunity to grow with incremental funding are: Next Stage Grants and Greens for Good. For example, 32 emerging farmers and food makers applied this year for Next Stage Grants to scale their business operations but we can only fund 40% of these requests at current funding levels. On average, it costs $5,700 to help one emerging farmer unlock financial opportunity for years to come. Another program we’d like to grow is Greens for Good, a weekly food recovery program supported by Augsburg University volunteers and M Health Fairview Health Commons which distributes 10,000 pounds of high-quality surplus produce annually to 40 public housing residents in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood. It would cost $14,500 to increase the program by 50% to meet the community demand for fresh produce. The project costs include farmer compensation at wholesale prices for 10,000 pounds of produce annually, staff support, additional volunteer stipends, additional compostable bags and a translator. 

Q:  How may we stay up to date with MCFM news?

A:  Subscribe to our newsletter! It is a fun read with market news and behind-the-scenes stories every Wednesday. Our communications manager, Maya O’Brien McLeod writes the newsletter and she’s doing something right because we have an above average open rate of 47%. We’re on Instagram and Facebook as well with more regular updates (@millcityfarmersmarket), but the best way to stay up to date with Mill City Farmers Market news is to become a regular shopper. We have one more indoor market inside the Mill City Museum on Saturday, April 20th, and we officially kick off the outdoor market season on Saturday May 4th. Looking forward to seeing you there!


No One Asked You - A Discussion With Filmmaker Ruth Leitman

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

A must see film at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival is No One Asked You, a documentary by Ruth Leitman, which highlights the efforts of Abortion Access Front and Lizz Winstead to support abortion clinic staff across the U.S. We talked to Leitman about the inspiration for the documentary and how everyone can play a part in supporting abortion rights.

Director Leitman and Winstead will both be at the film’s two showings and there’s also a fundraiser party with a silent auction, karaoke and DJ Tricky Miki spinning classic funk and disco. Get your tickets here.   

Q:  What inspired you to contact the Abortion Access Front in 2016, which led to the brilliant documentary No One Asked You?

Ruth LeitmanA:  Thank you for calling the film brilliant. I’m blushing, but your readers can’t see that in print. I think our subjects are brilliant, and even more important is that combination with a deep empathy and kind heart. I had met Lizz at Netroots Nation in 2012 during her Lizz Free or Die book tour while I was there screening my immigration documentary Tony & Janina’s American Wedding.

Then cut to 4 years later when Trump was elected. I was devastated and knew that things around many issues were about to get much worse, but especially abortion access. The next day I was watching MSNBC and of course there was Lizz as I so often saw her having to argue down the generalists who were naysaying that Trump would try to overturn Roe. I had the idea in that moment that this was the way I would maintain my sanity - making a film following Lizz and AAF through their work around abortion access using comedy and outrage to destigmatize abortion and provide support to independent clinics across the U.S. Fortunately for me and our team, Abortion Access Front was planning the Vagical Mystery Tour, a 16 city USO meets Habitat for Humanity tour across the US that summer.

Q:  What do you hope viewers will take away from watching No One Asked You?

A:  Too many folks have sat this one out, thought this would never happen. But it’s been clear for a while our democracy is being dismantled in front of our eyes and in this case that has never been clearer than in the erosion of bodily autonomy. So, what we want folks to take away is that it will take all of us to turn the tide. There’s a crisis that affects all of us and it’s going to take everyone doing whatever they can to commit to changing this erosion. In watching the film, Lizz and AAF show folks what they can do to get involved.

Q:  I think one theme from your documentary that every person can do something is extremely important in the constant fight for abortion access. How do you envision the film being used throughout the country to inspire action?

A:  Thanks, the film shows measurable things large and small that each person can do as they get involved in the abortion access activism fight. It was important to me to show folks watching that they can do something. Folks want to do something especially now, but to many, it just all seems impossible. We want folks to know that they are part of the solution! We are living at a time where we need all hands on deck in activism around this issue. We are also living in a time where the film industry and distribution is more fractured than ever. Companies base decisions on corporate interpretations of algorithms rather that audience enthusiasm. More times than not, they miss the mark. People are really loving and responding to the film. They are ready for it and empowered by it. We know that Americans support abortion. And we know there’s activism fatigue in this country. The film we have made and the approach we are taking in the impact engagement and distribution will be used galvanize folks around the issue of bodily autonomy. We are committed to getting this film out there where it is needed most and following the by any means necessary approach that No One Asked You was created with and in the spirit of the subjects of our film.

Q:  How do you see the role of storytelling, particularly through film, in influencing public opinion and policy regarding reproductive rights?

A:  I love being a documentary filmmaker. I think we have a critical role in the media landscape, that is grossly under resourced. We follow stories for long periods of time often without compensation. These are the stories we cannot leave on the table waiting for a film gatekeeper’s green light. That wasn’t going to happen. Especially since the film industry didn’t even think it was possible that Roe would fall. 

In regard to changing public opinion, I’m not sure that we need to. The vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But many of them don’t understand that they are needed to help restore access through being outspoken and active. But we also have many folks in this country who are pro-choice without the understanding that to fully be pro-choice, one must also be pro-abortion. When screening this film for many who considered themselves the former, we have come far in changing hearts and minds to say the word abortion, because that’s the word and procedure that allows women and people with a uterus to make their own life decisions. Let’s take away the stigma and call it what it is without apology.

I also think it’s important for folks to see themselves in the people represented in the film in order to engage. We are seeing this happen at each screening of the film, folks who are educated and thought they were up on all the news. But the news failed to report on abortion access for decades and in large part this is why we are where we are in this moment. The media is complicit in where we are now. This is an issue that is vast. It is not a singular story. It is nuanced. There are many abortion stories to tell. Many of the audience members see themselves or someone they know in these stories. But also, abortion stories are unique to each person and each pregnancy. Doc filmmakers have had to step in to tell these stories because the media was not covering them unless they were extreme. 

Q:  Will we see you at the MSPFF? Will you speak?

A:  Lizz and I will be at both screenings for a Q&A - April 20 at 6pm & April 21 at 2pm at The Main Cinema. Lizz is also hosting a big party as a fundraiser for Abortion Access Front after the  April 20 screening. People who buy tickets to either screening can purchase tickets to the party as well. We’ll have some special guests and a special announcement for new ways that folks can help us support the film – our rad and ambitious impact campaign, volunteer opportunities and ways to help Abortion Access Front. We are here to make a difference and we have the film about the people and the new approach to activism that can do just that!

Q:  How may we follow your news as a documentary filmmaker?

A:  Please follow the film at, on Facebook and on Instagram and X @nooneaskedudoc. Follow me at on social media @ruthlessfilms.


Mary Ann Key Book Club at Hennepin County Library

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Kia VangA discussion with Kia Vang, Senior Librarian and co-project manager

The Mary Ann Key Book Club invites our community to come together to read and engage in conversations about past and current injustices that impact Black, Indigenous and communities of color. We talked to Kia Vang, Senior Librarian and co-project manager about the history of the book club, the upcoming compelling events and how to stay curious about topics that impact us all.

Q: The Mary Ann Key Book Club is in its sixth season – congratulations! Can you tell us the history of the book club?

A:  In his December 2020 Star Tribune column, Myron Medcalf wrote about his desire to start a new book club, framing education as a powerful response to racism:

“And I always come back to this idea: ongoing dedication to education, which facilitates dialogue and tangible change. I'm not sure any effort against racism can thrive without that approach.”

Library staff saw an opportunity to propose a collaboration, and over the next several months, Mr. Medcalf and Hennepin County Library developed the foundation of this successful partnership. The Mary Ann Key Book Club is named after the matriarch of Mr. Medcalf’s family who was enslaved in Alabama and Georgia in the 1840s and1850s. The book club uses reading as a catalyst to engage readers in conversations around understanding and addressing past and current injustices that impact Black, Indigenous and communities of color.

Since its inception, the book club has received strong financial and event planning support from Friends of the Hennepin County Library. Their contributions have allowed the library to offer instant, always-available access to eBook and audiobook editions of each season’s title, in addition to expanded availability of print editions at your local library.

Each book club season has included a conversation with community panelists who discuss the overarching themes of each season. Some of the themes have included the racial caste system in the United States, the often-overlooked history of Indigenous people in this land and the perilous migration of people across the US-Mexico border. The library has hosted several events with past authors, including Cathy Park Hong, Dr. Debbie Reese and Javier Zamora.

Q:  What steps are taken to select books that represent a variety of perspectives and experiences?

A:  We’re committed to selecting books that center the stories, identities and lived experiences of BIPOC communities while also recognizing that no one community is monolithic. Themes and book titles are selected with consideration for the conversations, challenges, and changes that interest Twin Cities residents. While we welcome year-round suggestions, we proactively engage library staff, county colleagues and community members whose identities or work intersect with the themes and/or communities we want to center.

Q:  How do you approach books that may contain triggering or emotionally challenging content?

A:  We often ask ourselves, “What does the community conversation look like? What is the greater harm in not acknowledging the terrible injustices against BIPOC communities, and how do we discuss these matters with the utmost sensitivity, particularly for the communities we are centering?” These stories are not always easy to read because of the challenging content, but they are stories that need to be told. We encourage folks to read and discuss the book with friends, family, and colleagues – past readers have even shared that the collective reading experience helped them get through more challenging content. It’s also okay to set a book down, give yourself some time to process, reflect and return to the book later.

Q:  Please tell us about the current selection for the club.

A:  Our 2024 book selection is “The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row” by Anthony Ray Hinton. This powerful memoir tells the story of Mr. Hinton’s wrongful death row sentence and 30-year incarceration in Alabama. With the assistance of the Equal Justice Initiative, led by attorney Bryan Stevenson, Mr. Hinton was finally freed in 2015. The racism and failures of the criminal justice system that he faced are infuriating, but at the heart of the story is Mr. Hinton’s incredible perseverance and faith.

We selected this memoir because of the focus on mass incarceration and the inequities of the criminal justice system, particularly its high impact on communities of color, as represented in data from the Prison Policy Initiative.

Anthony Ray Hinton

Q:  What events will coincide with the reading of the selection?

A:  Hennepin County Library is incredibly honored to have Mr. Hinton join us in person at Minneapolis Central Library on Thursday, April 25, 6:30 p.m. Mr. Hinton will be joined in conversation with Myron Medcalf. The event will also be livestreamed and recorded.

We’re also looking forward to continuing the conversation on Thursday, May 16, 6:30 p.m. with Minnesota community panelists, all of whom have been justice-impacted. Moderator Minister JaNaé Bates will be joined by Marvin Haynes (represented by the Great North Innocence Project, Haynes was exonerated in December 2023 after serving 19 years in prison), Moseka Nhya and Kevin Reese. This event will be recorded.

Q:  How does the book club engage with the broader community, particularly marginalized communities, to foster a sense of connection and understanding?

A:  The primary goal of the book club is to use reading as the entry point for conversation, connection and understanding. We’re focused on centering the stories of BIPOC communities and inviting all community members to join us in whatever way best fits their interest – from reading or listening to the book on its various physical or digital formats to starting their own book discussions or attending library events.

With each season, we invite a panel of community leaders with personal experience to speak on the themes of the book and its connection to their life, communities and work. This conversation highlights the ways that historical and current injustices still negatively impact BIPOC communities in the Twin Cities, and we encourage community members to engage with one another across cultures, identities, and life experiences. You don’t need to be a Hennepin County resident to join the book club or attend the programs – all are welcome to explore the topics and stories that emerge.

Q:  Does the book club have initiatives or partnerships with organizations focused on social justice and equality to extend the conversation beyond the group?

A:  One of the outcomes for the Mary Ann Key Book Club is that participants connect with local organizations who are engaged in making meaningful changes in the community. This year we invited several organizations leading the efforts to destigmatize incarceration, provide re-entry services, champion meaningful policy changes, to table after the author talk and share more information with participants and encourage action beyond the book club.

Some of the organizations include the Great North Innocence Project who represented Marvin Haynes, Until We Are All Free, We Are All Criminals, Turn Signl, Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop, and the Hennepin County Law Library.

Q:  How does the book club encourage self-reflection among members regarding their own biases and privileges?

A:  Access to a broad spectrum of ideas is foundational to our service as a public library, and for some, this book club might be one of the few opportunities where participants are hearing about experiences and perspectives that are different from their own. As participants read and discuss each season’s book, we hope participants examine their own ideas and beliefs, and notice where they may hold assumptions that can be harmful.

Q:  Are there resources recommended for members to continue their education on issues raised in the books?

A:  We encourage book club participants to continue their learning by staying curious, continuing to examine their own biases, and learning about organizations and individuals engaged in work to advance criminal and social justice in the community. For materials related to the Spring 2024 season, check out the library’s booklist, watch “True Justice,” a documentary that follows Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative, and explore additional criminal justice reform resources curated by the Mitchell Hamline School of Law.  

Q:  How may we follow Hennepin County Library News?

A:  More than 3,600 people are currently subscribed to the Mary Ann Key Book Club newsletter. It offers insightful commentary from Mr. Medcalf, community panelists, and great library resources for continued learning and exploration. Sign up for the newsletter or visit our website for up-to-date program details.


Small Business Spotlight:  Meteor

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Interior of Meteor

Meteor was recently nominated for a James Beard Award. We talked to co-owner Robert Jones about what the nomination means for the business, the interesting backstory to the bar’s name and their approach to creating inspiring and memorable cocktails. The business is located at 2027 N 2nd Street. Visit them and see why their tag line is “Meteor is an old ass bar with good ass drinks.”

Q:  How does it feel to be nominated for a James Beard Award, and what does it mean to you and your team, personally and professionally?

A:  It was an incredible surprise. I never thought that this would be the bar that would garner that type of recognition. It’s incredibly gratifying personally after working so hard in this industry for the last 20 years. My team is elated, they're really the soul behind the bar, I’m so happy to be able to share this experience with them.

Q:  Why did you name your bar Meteor?

A:  We named it Meteor after a deep dive into the story behind the neighborhood we’re in. We’re in the Hawthorne neighborhood of Minneapolis, named for Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter is full of symbolism, and the midway and in most transitional point of the story a Meteor appears. Opening the bar was a point of transition for us at the time, so it felt appropriate. Meteor is also a word that just feels nice to say. Hawthorne would be a great name for a bar for a number of reasons, but it already exists out east.

Q:  Can you tell us about one of your signature cocktails and the inspiration behind it?

A:  We’ve had a lot of great cocktails on the menu. Our team draws inspiration from travel, memories and sometimes just passion for a specific ingredient. Our most popular cocktail is the Secret Tiger. It was inspired by my trips to Mexico, and named for a secret bit of tiger carpet that we kept on the wall when we were doing our remodel.

Q:  How do you balance innovation with creating drinks that appeal to a wide audience?

A:  We try to balance our menu and include something for everyone's palate. We might take an unfamiliar ingredient but then surround it with flavors that are less challenging and more familiar. We always appreciate it when people ask questions, because there’s a lot of interesting new things to work with, and it’s hard to keep up on everything!

Ask your bartender about whiskey!

Additive-free tequilas

Q:  Are there any particular ingredients or techniques you find especially exciting or challenging to work with?

A:  I’m still passionate about Mexican spirits in general. They vary so much from bottle to bottle and style to style.

Q:  What drink should we try if we’re a newcomer to Meteor, and why?

A:  I think the best way to order anything anywhere new is to have a conversation with your bartender or whoever is guiding you through your experience. Hopefully we can get you to a place where you’re confident and happy with what you order.

Q:  What role does ambiance and atmosphere play in the Meteor’s success?

A:  Meteor is just a bar. It’s great for that reason alone. We made a bar that is approachable to everyone. We try to remove a little of the pretentiousness of the fancy cocktail world out of what we do. It’s a place where you should be comfortable ordering a beer and a shot, or a perfect daiquiri or martini.

Q:  How may we follow your news?

A:  We’re on that gram: @meteor_mpls


Small Business Spotlight: 801 Fish

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Chef Kirkland

A Discussion with Executive Chef Lawrence Kirkland

Craving delicious seafood in a mind-blowing beautiful atmosphere? Make your way to 801 Fish at 800 Nicollet Mall. We talked to Chef Lawrence Kirkland about his journey to heading up the team at 801 Fish, the various menu choices the restaurant offers and the upscale dining experience awaiting you. Try the Lobster Fried Rice – delicious! 

Q:  Congratulations on the opening of 801 Fish! This isn’t your first time as a seafood chef. Could you tell us the culinary journey that led you to 801 Fish? 

A:  My culinary journey started in Tucson, Arizona. I enrolled in a vocational class at my high school called Food and Hospitality - I was immediately hooked on the culture and atmosphere and decided, “This is what I wanted to do moving forward." I attended culinary school at Le Cordon Bleu in Scottsdale and shortly after graduating landed my first job at the JW Marriott in Starr Pass. This was a beautiful Golf resort that gave me my first exposure of high volume and the different titles and roles in the kitchen. From there I decided it was time to leave Arizona, so I packed all my things and drove up to Seattle to start a new endeavor in, what was to me, a foreign city. Once in Seattle I started working at the Hyatt Regency and expanded my knowledge of banquets, catering and events.

After being in Seattle for a short while, I connected with a family friend who happened to play football for the Seattle Seahawks and was interested in changing his eating habits for the better. He offered me a full-time position and a ticket to Detroit after he was suddenly traded to a different team. From here I started a personal chef business named The Taste of Victory, where I prepared meals for athletes and their families for about the next three years. I got the itch to get back into commercial kitchens and was convinced to move to Minneapolis where I eventually found The Oceanaire. Over the next 8 years I moved around with the company to multiple locations, holding various positions until hearing about a grand opportunity to work for the 801 Restaurants group!

801 Fish is located at 800 Nicollet Mall

Q:  That is quite a journey, and it shows your depth of experience in the food industry. Let’s now move to your current Executive Chef position. How would you describe the culinary style and theme of the seafood dishes at 801 Fish?

A:  I describe my style as bold and refined. Bold in reference to the flavor profiles and seasoning used. You will find a heavy Asian, Mexican, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influences within our dishes. Refined in our way of taking simple ideas and ingredients and presenting them in an elevated way that is interesting and approachable.

Q:  How did you approach the menu development, especially when it comes to creating a balance of flavors and textures in seafood dishes, taking into account our Midwestern palates?

A:  I approach menu development simply by finding dishes that traditionally lend themselves well to seafood. We have a lot of diverse Midwestern palates on our chef team, so tending to our local palate was easy.  Check out our menu here.

Lobster Roll

Steamed Mussels

Q:  801 Fish's interior is gorgeous - what kind of dining experience do you aim to create for customers in terms of ambiance and service?

A:  We aim for an upscale dining experience from start to finish. We understand there are other options, but our commitment to excellence in service and use of ultra-fresh ingredients is what sets us apart from most.

Q:  What is your personal favorite seafood dish, and will it be featured on the menu?

A:  I personally love to eat whole fish any time I can. I feel that keeping the bones and body attached during the cooking process really fortifies the fresh fish flavor in the finished product. We like to feature at least 2 types of whole fish on our menu at any given time.

Q:  I must return for the whole fish – you’ve convinced me. How may we stay up to date with news of 801 Fish?   

A: Please follow us on Instagram @801Fishmsp. Come visit us too!


Weisman Art Museum presents The Other Four - a Multi-sensory Show

Article and photos by Becky Fillinger

Wendy Fernstrum, Common Scents

Are you ready for something totally different in a museum experience? The Weisman Art Museum (WAM) recently opened The Other Four - it’s an exhibit of multimedia works by avant-garde artists that explores touch, taste, smell and sound – the underutilized senses in art appreciation. That’s right – you can touch these artworks!

The sensory symphony was curated by John Schuerman, a Twin Cities-based artist and independent curator. The first exhibition of the show was at The Plains Museum in Fargo, ND in 2019, where it was well received. The pandemic postponed the exhibit until now at the Weisman.

Yevgeniya Kaganovich pieces

Schuerman notes that it isn’t easy to stage a multi-sensory show – it is difficult to install and by its very nature, it breaks the rules of the gallery, such as no organic matter in the galleries. (One of the pieces is a reimagining of an airline service where you may eat pretzels and biscotti.)

Schuerman with Alison Hiltner's TethersSchuerman worked on the show for a decade. He had been thinking about the one-dimensionality of museum visual expressions for a while and wanted to try something more expressive and immersive – artworks primarily experienced through the other four senses. He notes that visual art appreciation maps heavily to the prefrontal cortex. Scientists are discovering that creative moments may require the prefrontal cortex to be shut down – let the mind wander – which can lead to innovative and imaginative outcomes when senses other than vision become more dominant. Visitors can run their fingers across surfaces, breaking the traditional "look but don't touch" barrier. Vibrating sounds, fragrances and aromas are integrated into the installations, enhancing the overall sensory experience. You can actually wear some of the artworks!

Diane Mullin, Senior Curator at WAM, told us that the museum is thrilled to showcase this exhibit which has something for everybody. She invites the community to come to the museum and experience art in very different ways.

There are QR codes that provide an introduction to the exhibit and at each piece that provide a guide to the visitor. Schuerman hopes that the visitor will engage with the pieces with a sense of playfulness.

I had several reactions to the immersive exhibit – from delight to puzzlement - but what I liked best was the mingling of senses, seeing colors in scents, feeling textures in sound. 


The Other Four will be on display until May 19.


The Color Purple at Theater Latté Da - A Discussion with Artistic Director Justin Lucero

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

The Color Purple will be staged by Theater Latté Da from March 20 to May 5, at the Ritz Theater. There are so many reasons to be excited about this production. Artistic Director Justin Lucero tells us, with a compelling list, why Theater Latté Da is thrilled to bring the musical to our community. “One of my most lasting literary memories is of reading Alice Walker's masterpiece novel in high school,” notes Lucero, “and one of my most lasting movie memories is of Steven Spielberg's masterpiece film starring Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey. Now I am proud that we get to present a masterpiece musical of this inspiring story on our stage for fellow fans and new generations alike. And if someone feels like having watched the starry, spectacular new movie musical was enough, we promise you that watching this version performed live and up-close will be an eye-opening, heart-rending, rousing experience." Don’t wait on this one - get your tickets here.

Here are some of the many reasons to catch this production:

1. It’s a co-production! In an exciting new venture, Theater Latté Da is partnering with Geva Theatre Center in Rochester, New York to produce this new production. A co-production is a collaborative producing model between multiple theater companies to share in the costs and planning of a show that is ultimately performed in both markets. In our case, we are originating the production for a seven-week run, and then the cast, sets, and costumes transfer to Geva for another month.

2. It makes us think about some of our favorite local Black-owned eateries! Whenever we have an additional chance at championing some of our favorite local businesses, we will! We’re excited to highlight such coffee faves as Flava Coffee & Cafe in Saint Paul and The Get Down Coffee Co. in our backyard of North Minneapolis. We also love to recommend our artists and ticket buyers to dine at famed Twin Cities favorite, Pimento, as well as our nearby treasure, STEPCHLD.

3. The style! If you know the musical, you know that fashion is a plot point. And so of course it makes us think of such local fashion icons as Rammy Mohamed of Ramadhan Designs and, of course, Black Fashion Week MN. And be sure to check out Costume Designer Jarrod Barnes’ fabulous artistry on stage in our production.

4. Our local legend musical director! Composer, pianist, arranger and producer Sanford Moore is founder and director of the award-winning vocal jazz ensemble Moore by Four. Beyond his several collaborations with Theater Latté Da and other local theater companies, particularly Penumbra, Moore has shared the stage with such notable jazz artists as Bobby McFerrin, Harry Connick, Jr., the late Joe Williams, Sarah Vaughn, Dizzy Gillespie and Carmen McRae. He is also the Minister of Music for Kingdom Life Church in North Minneapolis.

5. Introducing our community to a guest director’s vision and voice! We are thrilled to invite Daniel J. Bryant as guest director and leader of the creative process. His attention to story and character, and his vibrant and vivacious leadership style will absolutely be detectable on stage.

6. An exciting guest choreographer! Heather Beal is an accomplished dancer and choreographer who teaches Dunham Technique at Washington University in St. Louis and at The City Studio. This approach is “a vibrant African diasporic dance technique” that “through its humanistic philosophies and its focus on deep connection with the self and with others…is a balm for the current worldwide state of divisiveness and egocentrism.”

7. Alice Walker’s masterpiece! Most thrillingly, the source material for the stage musical has made an impact on so many of us. The gifted Walker is a novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist who, in 1982 became the first African American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Some of my favorite pearls of wisdom come from her and/or her masterwork, including one that has been a recent go-to: “I have fallen in love with the imagination. And if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything.”

8. The music! Many of us may know the influential novel, or the magnificent 1985 epic Steven Spielberg film, and may have been intrigued to learn it was adapted into an award-winning Broadway musical. Just this past holiday season, a film adaptation of the musical made a splash. But did you know: 13 songs from the musical were not included in the film? So, you just need to come see the live version at The Ritz to hear all the showstopping songs in a variety of styles ranging from gospel, jazz, ragtime, African music, and blues.


March is Brain Injury Awareness Month; Local Author Dr. Richard Lentz Explores TBI in His Book, Accidental Journey

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Our downtown neighbor, Dr. Richard D. Lentz is a clinical and forensic psychiatrist at Park Nicollet Health Services and a retired Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. He has extensive experience with individuals and families who have coped with traumatic brain injury (TBI). He is also an author. His first novel, Accidental Journey, explores traumatic brain injury. We talked to him about the inspiration for the novel, narrative medicine and his future writing plans. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month – so it's an ideal time to pick up the novel, support a local author and learn about this common injury. You can also see Dr. Lentz discuss his book on March 11 at Magers & Quinn Booksellers – register here for the event. 

Q:  Thank you for speaking with us. Is this your first novel? What inspired you to write a novel about traumatic brain injury? 

A:  Yes, this is my first novel. As a clinical and forensic psychiatrist, I treated patients and families with traumatic brain injury, testified in brain injury cases as a forensic psychiatrist -  and realized that the public knows very little about TBI. Even physicians sometimes missed it! In retirement, I chose fiction as the best vehicle to make accessible this common, real, and poorly understood affliction - a story I was passionate to tell for its social value. 

Q:  Were the characters in Accidental Journey based on real people, or did you create them from scratch?

A:  All the characters - Jeff, Cate, and the kids - are fictional. No patient I have encountered would think this as their story. However, I did use my experience and knowledge to create characters who reflect real problems that TBI patients and their families face, in the acute phase and during prolonged treatment and recovery. 

Q:  Can you tell us about narrative medicine and why you believe it is helpful in cases of TBI? 

A:  Narrative medicine is a broad concept that means using story to help clinicians and the public understand the healthcare experiences of patients and families. It begins with understanding every patient as a unique person, knowing their stories, what their lives are like, taking detailed histories that goes far beyond the problems for which they seek care. A novel that tells stories like Cate and Jeff's, immersing one in the injury and pulling the reader through their experience, falls within that broad definition. 

Dr. Richard D. LentzQ:  How did you balance the medical aspects with the emotional and personal experiences of the characters?

A:  Brain injury affects one's ability to remember, to process information, to relate to others. It affects one's personhood, so a person with TBI cannot separate the medical aspects from their emotional and personal experiences. That said, there are medical events that take place over time as the consequences of the injury unfold, with emotional impact for individuals and families. An interesting story must be emotionally real, not just inform. In writing Accidental Journey, I had two audiences in mind, those who want to know more about TBI, and those who enjoy literary fiction. 

Q:  Were there moments that were particularly difficult to capture in your narrative? Did you face any unique challenges in conveying medical information in a fictional narrative? 

A:  Jeff, following his particular kind of TBI, lacks insight into how his injury has affected him. Because of this, he cannot tell us what he feels or thinks. Jeff has to reconstruct his experience from fragments of memory and emotion. The story relies on the interactions of Jeff's wife and children with Jeff, what they observe and feel, to tell the story of Jeff's injury. 

Q:  What message or awareness do you hope readers gain from Accidental Journey? 

A:  My hope is that readers acquire knowledge and experience empathy - a greater understanding of how TBI affects individuals and families and compassion for what they endure. 

Q:  Let’s talk about your future writing plans. Do you plan to explore similar themes or medical topics in your future works? 

A:  Sports injuries and war injuries are often in the news. Accidental Journey is about an accident, since accidents - falls, motor vehicle crashes (also assaults and abuse) - cause the great majority of TBIs. I have in mind the story of a soldier and the story of an athlete. 

Q:  Wonderful! Might we see you leading or participating in book club discussions of Accidental Journey? 

A:  I have presented my work, with readings, to book groups. It's fun for me, and responses have been positive. 

Q:  How may we follow your news? 

A:  I have a website, I hope to keep my book in the news, especially around March, which is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and around the Holidays. At any time of the year, books make wonderful gifts!

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Copies of Accidental Journey are available for purchase through Amazon, Barnes and Noble Online, and can be ordered at book stores. The book is also available to libraries and bookstores through Ingram, and is in both paperback and Kindle formats.


Small Business Spotlight: Arturo’s Pizza - A Discussion with Co-owner, Jill Murray

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

Arturo's Pickle Pastrami Pizza

Craving delicious pizza, with not only tried and true standards but also innovative pie choices? We talked to Jill Murray, co-owner of Arturo’s Pizza in Old Town Minneapolis about the history of their restaurant, family dining legacies and some not-to-miss choices. Come by their shop at 18 University Avenue NE for a slice or a whole pie!

Q:  Facebook tells us that Arturo’s Pizza was founded in 2021. How did you decide to open a pizza restaurant? Who is the restaurant named for?

A:  Our family has looked for opportunities to diversify throughout our years in the restaurant industry. We chose pizza because of its mass appeal - everyone loves pizza! We like to work with approachable and familiar food items and high-quality ingredients. It has been a great experience creating with new flavors and products. Arturo’s is named in homage to our grandfather, one of the founders of Murray’s.

From the left, James, Jill and Tim Murray

Q:  I did hear that you’re a member of a Minneapolis dining dynasty. Please tell us more.

A:  We (James, Tim and Jill Murray) are part of the Murray family. Our grandparents were the founders of Murray’s Steakhouse in downtown Minneapolis, now in its 78th year of operation. Our late father, Patrick, was their only child and carried the restaurant through the second generation. He was at Murray’s over 50 years working and teaching his children the business. The three of us manage Murray’s, and along with our sisters, are the current owners. 

Q:  What are the most popular items on the menu? What should we try if we're first timers at Arturo's Pizza?

A:  The most popular items on the menu are our specialty pizzas - you really can’t go wrong with choosing any of them. The Arturo’s Special highlights our house-made sausage, pepperoni, olives, onion, red pepper and fresh herbs. On the simpler side our Original is a lovely blend of mozzarella, Fontina, Parmesan and Pecorino cheeses, topped with freshly chopped herbs. Our cheese bread and spinach & artichoke dip with grilled bread appetizers are also guest favorites.

Mushroom Goat Cheese Pizza

If you are coming for the first time, I would recommend one of the previously mentioned pizzas, or something on the specialty pizza menu with flavors you like. One of my favorites is the Mushroom Goat Cheese pizza that has an Alfredo base, roasted garlic and an Italian burnt honey drizzle.

Arturo's Original PizzaQ:  Ok, those pizzas sound amazing! I noticed another pizza on the menu - please tell us more about the Pickle Pastrami pizza.

A:  Our Pickle Pastrami pizza is a must try that celebrates the winning flavor combination of pickles, cream cheese, and pastrami. We do it on an Alfredo base with mozzarella cheese in addition to the cream cheese, pickles and pastrami. I think many people our age grew up enjoying this in appetizer form where the pickle was slathered in cream cheese, wrapped in ham and sliced. Pickles on pizza are very hot right now, and for good reason, they fit right in.

Q:  Do you serve pizza slices?

A:  We serve plain cheese, sausage and pepperoni slices Tuesday-Sunday. We have a great 2 slices for $10 special that includes a soda.

Q:  How may we stay up to date with your news?

A:  You can stay up to date with our news by joining our mailing list. Sign up is at the bottom of our website.


New Mia Exhibit: American Gothic, Gordon Parks and Ella Watson

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

A discussion with Casey Riley, PhD, Chair of Global Contemporary Art and Curator of Photography and New Media, Mia

Don’t miss this exhibit of Gordon Parks’ photographs of Ella Watson, taken in the early 1940s, at Mia until June 23, 2024. We talked to Casey Riley, who curated the show - she gave us historical background on Parks, his unique partnership with Ella Watson, and the enduring relevance of this series.

Q:  For people unfamiliar with Gordon Parks and his work, can you provide a brief background on him and his significance in the world of photography?

Dr. Casey RileyA:  The Gordon Parks Foundation has a wealth of information on the artist, so please allow me to quote directly from their excellent biography on Parks, who as they note was not only one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century, but also a humanitarian with a deep commitment to social justice. Parks’ photographic legacy is plainly evident in the exceptional body of work he created from the early 1940s into the 2000s, the contents of which document American life and culture by centering matters of race, poverty, civil rights, and urban life. Per the Foundation’s website, “Parks was also a distinguished composer, author, and filmmaker [he directed Shaft!] who interacted with many of the leading people of his era—from politicians and artists to athletes and celebrities.

Born into poverty and segregation in Fort Scott, Kansas, in 1912, Parks was drawn to photography as a young man when he saw images of migrant workers taken by Farm Security Administration (FSA) photographers in a magazine. After buying a camera at a pawnshop, he taught himself how to use it. Despite his lack of professional training, he won the Julius Rosenwald Fellowship in 1942; this led to a position with the photography section of the FSA in Washington, D.C., and, later, the Office of War Information (OWI). Working for these agencies, which were then chronicling the nation’s social conditions, Parks quickly developed a personal style that would make him among the most celebrated photographers of his era. His extraordinary pictures allowed him to break the color line in professional photography while he created remarkably expressive images that consistently explored the social and economic impact of poverty, racism, and other forms of discrimination.”

Q:  Please tell us about the unique collaboration between Gordon Parks and Ella Watson.

A:  When Parks arrived in Washington, D.C. to work with Roy Stryker in the Historical Section of the Farm Security Administration, he was eager to document the community as he had done in Chicago. What he did not anticipate were the challenges he would face as a Black man in the nation’s capital, where racial segregation and discrimination were commonplace. Knowing the situation all too well, Stryker suggested that Parks begin by exploring Washington without his camera. Unfortunately, Parks found bigotry everywhere. He was turned away by restaurants, kicked out of theaters, and denied service at a respected department store where he attempted to buy a winter coat. Parks was crushed–and filled with righteous anger. “In this radiant, historic place,” he lamented, “racism was rampant” (Half Past Autumn, 1997).

Gordon Parks, Self-Portrait (detail), 1941, gelatin silver print. Courtesy of The Gordon Parks Foundation. Taken at age 28, when Parks was living in Chicago.

To his credit, Parks channeled his disillusionment into creative potential. He returned to FSA headquarters, where Stryker recommended that he begin his project closer to home. Upon leaving Stryker’s office, Parks approached the Black woman who was cleaning the hallway outside. Her name was Ella Watson, and their conversation about her life story riveted him. Parks eventually asked if he could take Watson’s picture. She agreed, and for several weeks afterward gave him primary access to her everyday life: at home, at church, and in her neighborhood. The resulting photographs–about 90 in all, of which we selected 59 for the exhibition at Mia–reveal the depth and breadth of Watson’s experiences and commitments as the matriarch of a household that included four children, a church deaconess, and a Federal employee. It’s a multifaceted portrait that reveals much more than the difficulties of her life, which were many; she emerges as a central figure in the life of that city, and of the nation.

Q:  Roy Stryker of the Farm Security Administration thought American Gothic was an indictment of America and could lead to the firing of all the photographers on staff. However, he encouraged Parks to continue photographing Watson. When was this body of work published? What was the reaction from the public?

A:  That’s correct. When Parks showed "American Gothic" to Stryker, he was warned that its publication could cost them their jobs. Since the FSA was a government agency, and needed to maintain a certain editorial distance from subjects that could be seen as “political,” Stryker felt that the image was too provocative for the congressmen who funded the agency. Despite being taken in 1942, the photo remained unpublished until 1948, when Parks became the first Black staff photographer at LIFE magazine. The portrait became famous only in the 1960s, when many people were ready to accept its commentary on American racism.

Q:  In what ways do you believe Gordon Parks' work remains relevant in contemporary society?

A:  Gordon Parks' legacy extends across American visual culture - his work has inspired many contemporary artists, including Hank Willis Thomas, who contributed to the publication accompanying the show. As an artist who cared deeply about social justice and devoted his practice to it, his work resonates deeply with contemporary audiences.

Q:  Will Mia provide educational programs or tours for this exhibition?

A:  Absolutely – we are honored to host this work in Minneapolis, and to have partnered with the amazing folks at the Gordon Parks Foundation to realize this project. In terms of programming, and to complement the exhibition, celebrated photographer LaToya Ruby Frazer will share her perspective on Gordon Parks and Ella Watson in conversation with me on Wednesday, March 14, in a program that is co-sponsored by Mia’s Friends of the Institute. Philip Brookman and I co-edited the publication that accompanies the show; you can purchase advance copies from the Store at Mia!

Q:  How may we follow news about Gordon Parks' creative life?

A:  I think the best resource is The Gordon Parks Foundation to stay up to date on his life and legacy.


Heid E. Erdrich, Minneapolis' First Poet Laureate

Article by Becky Fillinger, photo credit: City of Minneapolis

The City of Minneapolis recognized January 8, 2024 as Heid E. Erdrich Day to commemorate her selection as the City’s first poet laureate. It was an outstanding choice, as Erdrich is not only a nationally-recognized award-winning poet, but she is also an esteemed filmmaker, professor, community leader and mentor to many. We talked to her about the appointment and what it will mean to our city and her vision of bringing poetry to our everyday lives.

Heid E. ErdrichQ:  Congratulations on your selection as the first ever poet laureate for the City of Minneapolis. Why do you believe the role of poet laureate is important?

A:  Thank you! Minneapolis is a city of poetry and poets. Great poets live and work in Minneapolis, and many of the countries most esteemed poets are published through presses based here. Poetry here is also part of public art and so a literal part of the city.

Poetry is important to the city and deserves a representative.

Q:  Will you compose and read poems for special events during your tenure? If yes, what do you foresee?

A:  Yes - at least one poem. I just read for the opening of the new city council. (Check it out here: Minneapolis Poet Laureate Heid Erdrich reads from her poem, “This is the city dreaming in winter.” - YouTube) I drafted the first part of a poem in four seasons to the city of Minneapolis.

Above, Erdrich with Mayor Frey. Below, the official City of Minneapolis Proclamation.

Q:  You mentioned in a Star Tribune interview that your poetry will help parts of Minneapolis learn more about one another. I love this idea. How might this happen?

A:  My hope is to have several poetry listening sessions in which we gather phrases for a community-built poem based in deep listening. I would create a poem film from this work and partner with various organizations to install the film across Minneapolis.

Q:  Do you believe that poetry can play a role in the everyday lives of Minneapolis citizens? Oh, I hope you'll say yes! How may it be possible?

A: Yes! Poetry is already all around us in Minneapolis. There’s poetry on bridges, in parks, in public art - and schools! Many places of worship and businesses and organizations incorporate poetry into their work. Poetry is on the radio and being performed nightly here. But I am always looking for ways to bring more poetry to people.

Q:  How may we follow your news?

A:   Please follow my news on my website and my Facebook page.


Remembering Sculptor Richard Hunt - A Discussion With Joanna Lindell, Director and Curator of the Thrivent Art Collection at Thrivent

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

"Rising" by Richard Hunt, located in front of Thrivent at 600 Portland Avenue S

Richard HuntWe should take a moment to remember and honor sculptor Richard Hunt. He died December 16, 2023 and from his obituary we learn that “he was one of the most important sculptors this nation has produced. His prolific art career spanned seven decades. Hunt's metal sculpture is notable for its widespread presence in museum collections and many public monuments installed across the U.S. Despite challenges for African-American artists during his lifetime, Hunt held over 150 solo exhibitions and is represented in more than 100 public museums across the globe. Hunt made the largest contribution to public art in the United States, with more than 160 public sculpture commissions gracing prominent locations in 24 states and Washington, D.C.”

How is he remembered by the art world?

  • "For nearly five decades, Hunt ranked among the foremost American sculptors." Randall Griffey, Head Curator, Smithsonian American Art Museum

      • "Hunt’s early career paralleled the rise of the modern civil rights movement." Washington Post

How is Richard Hunt connected to Minneapolis? Most recently, his sculpture Rising was awarded Best Public Art Award by the Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District in 2023. We spoke to Joanna Lindell, director and curator of the Thrivent Art Collection at Thrivent to learn more about the sculpture.

Joanna LindellQ:  Why did Thrivent commission the sculpture Rising from Richard Hunt? 

A:  Thrivent has a longstanding commitment to supporting the arts, culture and the community. We commissioned the sculpture because Hunt and his expressive work fit our company culture of staying curious and welcoming diverse perspectives. Rising is a fitting representation of who we are. Grounded in a metal and stone base, the sculpture is a nod to our history as a financial services company that has served clients for more than a century. Looking up and outward, it takes on new energy with a spirit of ascension, mirroring our ongoing transformation as a diversified financial services organization ready to serve generations to come.

Q:  Was Mr. Hunt able to attend the unveiling?

A:  Yes, Hunt traveled from Chicago to Minneapolis to attend the installation and unveiling of Rising. Hosting Hunt at our headquarters was a truly spectacular experience as we unveiled Minnesota’s first permanent public installation by the iconic artist. As I reflect on his recent passing, he left the world with a remarkable legacy and impact. I could not be more grateful to have partnered with him on this commission and to have known him as a friend and colleague. Through Rising, Hunt’s spirit and talent are present in our wonderful city.

Q:  Were you pleasantly surprised when Rising was awarded the Best Public Art 2023 by the Downtown Improvement District (DID)?

A:  While I was delighted with Rising being recognized with this award, I was not surprised given Hunt’s esteemed reputation. Like much of downtown Minneapolis in 2020 and 2021, the plaza outside Thrivent’s Corporate Center sat largely empty. This changed for us following the installation of Rising. The sculpture’s placement welcomes interaction with our employees and the surrounding neighborhood. With its curving forms more than 20 feet in the air and an elevated base, people are drawn to sitting beneath and engaging with the piece. Sparking this kind of connection is something Hunt was always deeply passionate about, and this award is a reflection of the sculpture’s unique representation of the value in embracing different perspectives that collectively make us stronger as a community.

Do yourself a favor and go to 600 Portland Avenue, Thrivent headquarters, and check out the magnificent sculpture. Think about how Rising invigorates the public space. Take a friend with you and remember the legacy of Richard Hunt.


Stories Connect Us All: The Carp Who Would Not Quit and Other Animal Stories at Children's Theatre Company

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided

The Carp Who Would Not Quit and Other Animal Stories is on stage at the Children's Theatre Company until February 18. We talked to Writer and Director, Reiko Ho, about the inspiration for the stories, creating content for children, and how the lessons imparted can inspire audiences of all ages – we all need to persevere to swim up life’s waterfalls!

Q:  We’re so excited about The Carp Who Would Not Quit and Other Animal Stories now on stage at the Children's Theatre Company. Does your work focus exclusively in writing and directing plays for children? What do you find most rewarding about working in children's theatre? 

Reiko HoA:  We are so excited to be sharing this play with children and families in Minneapolis! My focus of my Master’s Degree was Theatre for Youth; however, I do work for many different sectors, not just for children. Last season, I created and directed an original show about the Asian-American experience with students from the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa. I also directed the regional premiere of Lloyd Suh’s The Chinese Lady in Florida, and then directed its Hawaiʻi premiere last June.

Creating and directing for young people has always been a focus and passion. I believe we make change by serving our youth. It is a great honor, delight, and responsibility knowing that one of my TYA shows might be the very first show that a child ever sees. I love making theatre that is rooted in joy and inspires empathy. Stories connect us all.

Q:  What inspired you when creating The Carp Who Would Not Quit and Other Animal Stories? 

A:  The Carp Who Would Not Quit is inspired by my own childhood memories and fondness for the Japanese folktales I read as a child. I thought of my own family and great-grandmother, who was a picture bride sent to work the plantations in Hawaiʻi, while I was creating the piece. There are also many Japanese theatrical conventions and original music used for the storytelling and the amazing cast was instrumental while creating the production. I could not have created the show without them.

Q:  Can you share a bit about your creative process when developing a play? 

A:  My creative process always starts with the story itself. For me, finding the heart of the story is always most important. Theatre is the art of the human heart. The way the storytelling unfolds should be organic to the story or text. I love using movement, music, design, lights, and what the actors bring, to help breathe life into a story.

Q:  Does your work typically focus on Asian or Asian-American theater and themes? 

A:  My work does often focus on Asian and Asian-American theater and themes because of my own Asian ancestry. However, I am a passionate advocate for giving voice to stories that reflect the diverse community of my island home including stories by marginalized groups like the LGBTQ community, indigenous Hawaiian stories, or stories by women. I think representation on-stage (and off) is so important.

Many times, I find myself creating content, because there is none that reflects that particular voice, especially for TYA.  

Q:  Is this a touring production? If yes, where has it been staged before Minneapolis?

A:  Yes, this is a touring production commissioned by Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY). The cast and I are all full-time resident artists at HTY. This past September, the team started by touring the different Hawaiian Islands, then began a 14-venue tour of the continental US that took the team across the country from the Smith Performing Arts Center in Las Vegas to theaters big and small, finally ending in Atlanta in mid-November.

Q:  What advice do you have for aspiring playwrights and directors interested in creating content for children? 

A:  Finding your own voice and being authentic is so important when creating any content, but especially content for children. They recognize truth. Growing up in Hawaiʻi taught me that even difficult truths can be shared if done with aloha—love. Always create with aloha.

Q:  I searched for you in LinkedIn. Are you the same Reiko Ho who owns Red Lotus Hawaii in Honolulu? If so, please tell us more about your martial arts expertise. 

A: Yes, that’s me! I am a 4th degree black-belt and master in Hapkido, a Korean martial art. I owned my own dojo called Red Lotus Hawaii for 13 years before shutting the doors in the pandemic. Being a martial artist colors many aspects of my artistic life. I am always striving for excellence and treat every space as a dojo, a learning space. Like the koi in The Carp Who Would Not Quit, I find that the perseverance and dedication I learned while training, helps me swim up life’s waterfalls.


New Year, New Leader - A Discussion with Hoang Murphy, Chief Executive Officer of People Serving People

Article by Becky Fillinger, photo provided

Hoang MurphyHoang Murphy has a vision for People Serving People (PSP) honed from personal experience and from his founding of Foster Advocates. With him at the helm, this essential organization will continue to thrive in downtown and provide services to those experiencing homelessness. We talked about how he will lead the organization in 2024 and the ways you can help (size 6 diapers and volunteers are  needed right now!). 

Q: What inspired you to take on the role of CEO at People Serving People, and what are your initial impressions of the organization?

A: I was inspired to take on the CEO role at People Serving People because of my deep commitment to healing families and transforming communities. As someone with lived experience in foster care and homelessness, I know that children and families must have a seat at the table. With that experience, I have worked to ensure that those impacted by current inequities have a voice in making decisions and crafting solutions. Families know what’s best for them. We encourage our guests to work towards their vision of their families’ futures, using the support of staff, volunteers, and partners.

My initial impression is that PSP is a deeply committed and extremely thoughtful organization. Our work is only possible because of our dedicated staff and volunteers. I am impressed by the innovative thinking and strategic planning currently underway. I look forward to collaborating with the talented individuals here and continuing to drive positive and transformative change for our families and anyone who has experienced homelessness.

Q: Can you share any personal experiences or stories that have shaped your commitment to the mission of People Serving People?

A: Growing up I faced homelessness and housing insecurity in greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities. I went to school for the first time when I was eight, and this experience literally saved my life. A teacher triggered the systems in place to protect children like me; two days later, I entered foster care. I survived. And since then, I have been determined to make my life matter. I know that I got lucky. I was given an opportunity when, for so many others, this was the end of their story. The belief that every child, no matter the circumstances, deserves to have the opportunities I went on to have is the reason I wanted to be the leader of People Serving People

Q: What do you believe are the most pressing challenges facing families experiencing homelessness today, and how do you plan to address them in 2024? 

A: Homelessness remains complex, and the specific challenges vary by region and time. Still, there are several common denominators when it comes to challenges faced by families experiencing homelessness:

●  Lack of affordable housing: The scarcity of affordable housing is a major challenge. Rising rent and limited affordable housing options make it difficult for low-income families to secure stable housing.

●  Economic Inequality: Income inequality and job insecurity is a significant contributor to homelessness. Families may struggle to cover basic living expenses or choose between medicine, food or rent, all leading to housing instability.

●  Family Separation: Homelessness can lead to the separation of families as they seek shelter in different places. This disrupts family stability and makes it challenging for parents to care for their children.

●  Mental Health: Many individuals and families experiencing homelessness face mental health issues such as substance abuse disorder, which can complicate efforts to find and maintain housing.

●  Education Disruption: Homelessness often leads to children changing schools frequently or missing school altogether, which has long-term effects on their education and outcomes.

Prioritizing affordable housing, mental health services, and job assistance should be our priorities in preventing homelessness. Providing safe emergency shelters with supportive programming, high-quality childhood education, and advocating for system and policy change at the city, county, and state.

Q: You’re new to the role, but can you share with our readers how you plan to collaborate with staff, board, members, and volunteers to create a more effective and impactful organization?

A: We are faced with an unprecedented demand for our emergency shelter and services. That means that everyone is working harder and capacity is stretched. It means we are serving more meals, our education programs are full, families may need to wait longer to see their advocate, and we are going through more supplies, like diapers and formula.

I’ve started by holding all-staff meetings and listening sessions to encourage inclusive decision-making, regular feedback loops, and alignment of goals. Being a resource for families needing someone in their corner means all hands are on deck. My responsibility is to ensure our staff is supported in healing vicarious trauma and that their basic needs are fully met. I want to work to ensure a collective effort among all the stakeholders at People Serving People to serve our families in the most effective and impactful ways.

Q: Are there any new programs or services you plan to introduce, or existing ones you intend to expand, to better serve homeless families?

A: For the past 40 years, PSP has done life-saving work; my mandate is to continue that excellent practice while exploring ways to do life-affirming work. Our strategic goal and primary driving question as we move into 2024 is, “How can we continue to build stability for our families today and in the future?”. This will be achieved by investing in our staff and facilities to best serve families now and supporting our families as they chart the pathway for systems change.

People Serving People is located at 614 3rd Street S

Q: For those of us making New Year resolutions to volunteer more, how may we get involved with People Serving People? How may we follow your news?

A: I am so glad that you asked. There are so many ways to get involved with People Serving People - You can volunteer or donate (either financially, with your time, or with items in need). We have a current high need for size 6 diapers and volunteers interested in working with children. Following us on social media and signing up for our newsletter are all fantastic ways to engage with us. You can find all this information and more on our website:


New Year, New Leader - A Discussion with Ward 7 Council Member Katie Cashman

Article by Becky Fillinger, Photos provided

Katie Cashman has energetic goals to work collaboratively on the Minneapolis City Council. We talked to her about the motivation to run for office, key priorities and how she will gather input from her constituents in Ward 7.

Q:  Congratulations on winning the Ward 7 seat on the Minneapolis City Council. For those who may not know you yet, what motivated you to run for office? 

A:  I have been a public servant for my entire career, but it wasn’t until our 26-year Council Member announced she wasn’t running for re-election that I decided to run for office. I saw the opportunity to represent our Ward 7 community in a new way. I felt compelled to step up and help move our city forward and represent the future of Minneapolis, bringing more people into that conversation. Our community is eager for meaningful changes to our public safety model, eager for a plan to revitalize our local economy and eager for investments in climate resiliency. We’ve had a challenging few year in Minneapolis. Meeting this moment requires energetic and collaborative public leaders to get work done. I’m ready.

Cashman and volunteers gathered for a rally on Election Day before their Get Out the Vote efforts.

Q:  What are your top priorities for the first few months in office? 

A:  In my first few months in office, I’ll be focusing on providing top tier constituent services for the residents of Ward 7. It’s really important to me to build trust with community and to deeply understand the housing, public safety and public works issues that families and individuals face at the neighborhood level. This work will help me advance meaningful policy that addresses real needs. The city council recently passed a powerful 2024 budget and I want to help our city build up its capacity to equitably deliver on the budget as well. That will include additional community safety resources, great streets funds to support small business investments, clean energy investments through the green cost share program, municipal snow and ice clearing pilot projects and so much more. 

Q:  How do you plan to engage with and represent the diverse interests of our Minneapolis communities? 

A:  The diversity of the City Council represents the diversity of our city. I look forward to learning from my colleagues about how we can collectively address the challenges in our various communities. In Ward 7 it’s important for me to proactively seek input from all constituents. Renters, homeowners, elders, children, people with disabilities, immigrants and people of varied different lived experiences will be able to share their perspectives with me.

Q:  What is your collaboration style? How do you plan to collaborate with other council members to address the needs of the community? 

A:  I’m a very good listener and I value authenticity. I’ll always put Ward 7 first and will find ways to advance shared goals with other council members.

Q:  What steps do you intend to take to increase transparency and communication between the City Council and the community? 

As a Council member, it is important to work with the media to share stories with the public. I look forward to communicating the solutions we are bringing forward as a council and how Minneapolis residents can be involved. 

Q:  Wonderful – we look forward to helping you in that goal. How will you involve Ward 7 citizens in decision-making processes or seek their input on important issues?

A:  I plan to host office hours at Ward 7 coffee shops and will also doorknock in Ward 7 in neighborhoods and apartment buildings before big votes. I really loved doorknocking throughout my campaign as I met tens of thousands of people. Doorknocking is the best tool we have for gathering truly representative input. Many folks don’t email and call City Hall, so I have to find ways to solicit their input more proactively.

Q:  How may we follow your news in the new year?

A:  I’ll be launching an email newsletter where folks can follow along about City Hall happenings. I also love social media and will post about our progress at City Hall.


New Year: New Leader - A Discussion with Scott Duimstra, Library Director of the Hennepin County Library System

Article by Becky Fillinger, photo provided 

Scott DuimstraScott Duimstra brings a ton of energy and ideas to his new role as Library Director of the Hennepin County Library system. We talked to him about engaging more students with the library system, library renovations, expanding access to the libraries and more. Did you know that 2.8 million people visited our library system in 2023? Keep reading to learn more about his ideas and ways to engage with one of the best library systems in the country.

Q: Congratulations on your new position as Library Director of the Hennepin County Library! What attracted you to this position, and even before that, what motivated you to become a library director? 

A:  Thank you. I’ve been a librarian for 20 years, earning my Master’s of Science in Information from the University of Michigan. I’ve held several positions in libraries and my goal was never to be a library director, it just happened as I moved up. Once I was the Executive Director for the Capital Area District Libraries, I loved it. I saw how the position could positively impact the entire library system. I also enjoyed being the face of the library in the community.

For what attracted me to the Hennepin County Library system, it was an easy decision for me. The Hennepin County Library system is known nationally as one of the premier library systems. From their staff to their buildings, to their collections, they are one of the best. Regarding the process, a library director search firm contacted me to see if I’d be interested in applying for various director positions. I told them that I was happy with my current position, but if the Hennepin County Library director position ever opened, to let me know. Well, they did, I applied, went through three rounds of interviews and here I am. I’m overjoyed to be here as the Library Director.

Q:  In your previous position as Executive Director of the Capital Area District Libraries in Lansing, MI, you spearheaded a program called Student Success Initiative. Could you tell us about the program and do you believe it could transfer to the Hennepin County Libraries? I know it’s early, but what is your vision for the library's role in the community over the next few years?

A:  The Student Success Initiative was one of my proudest achievements at the Capital Area District Libraries. When we looked at our library card holders, students were the group that had the least amount of library cards. In researching it, there were barriers to students getting library cards because their parents had to bring them to the library. What I did was to reach out to each superintendent for the schools in our service area to see if it was possible to add every student to our library system if they wanted a library card. The goal was to not only get library cards to students, but to also show how their card could be used to help them achieve academic success. For these cards, the students just used their student name or number. We made it as easy as possible. The program was a huge success and each year we hear from students about how their library cards positively impacted their lives.

Regarding your question as to whether the Student Success Initiative would work in Hennepin County, it most certainly would. We are already working on a similar program. Our Let’s Read initiative will start in 2024, and the focus is on K-5th grade reading support through tutoring, building home libraries with free books, and getting students library cards.

My vision for the role of the library in the community is to follow our vision statement and be a shared spaced for enrichment and connection. That enrichment and connection is different for many people and the library develops services, collections, and partnerships so as to fulfill our mission. For some individuals and families, the library is a place to start and continue their literacy journey, for others it’s a place to work and collaborate through access to technology, for others it’s a place where they can be comfortable and get access to community resources.

Q:  Do you have plans to collaborate with local schools, universities, and other community organizations to strengthen educational partnerships? 

A:  Yes. Whether it’s through a similar initiative like getting students library cards, or other initiatives, like increasing reading proficiency in our students, the Hennepin County Library is a natural partner for schools, universities, and community organizations that have a similar mission to ours which is “to inspire, facilitate, and celebrate lifelong learning.”

Q: Similarly, do you have ideas for expanding the library's reach and increasing accessibility to its resources? 

A: Expanding the library’s reach and increasing accessibility is a major part of our strategic plan for the coming years. We continue to look at our services, our collections, and our policies so as to reduce barriers to library use and see how we can ensure that library services are open to all residents of Hennepin County. The accessibility might be the layout of our spaces, it might be sending materials to an individual’s home, it might be ensuring that the materials and formats we have can be accessed by a variety of age groups.

Q:  Can you discuss plans for updating or renovating library facilities to meet the changing needs of patrons? 

A:  We have a number of renovations planned for the future. Currently, our Rockford Road Library and Sumner Library are being renovated and are scheduled to reopen in 2024. Our Westonka Library and Southdale Library have major renovations coming in the next couple of years.

Through any of our renovations, we look at how the spaces are currently being used along with balancing how they’ll be used in the future to develop libraries that our communities will enjoy. In 2023, 2.8 million people have visited our libraries. Through those visits, they use our spaces to browse our collections, access technology, connect with their family, play in the children’s area, study in our spaces, and use our meeting rooms. Our libraries are as dynamic as the many ways in which individuals and families use them.

Q: What role do you believe the library should play in promoting cultural awareness and celebrating the Hennepin County’s history and heritage? 

A: I believe the library should play a large role in promoting cultural awareness and recognizing the history and heritage of Hennepin County. At the Hennepin County Library, we have a wonderful Minneapolis and Hennepin County collection that covers the history of the area. Along with these collections, we have exhibits at our spaces. Currently, through our TransFabulous program, we have the exhibit Gender in Community at our Minneapolis Central Library.

Q:  What are you reading at this time? Do you have a favorite author?

A:  I’m currently reading “Horse” by Geraldine Brooks to get ready for the author to join us at the Pen Pals event on March 14 and 15. For my favorite author, that’s a difficult question. I read across genres for whatever fits my mood at the time. Some of my favorites are Marcel Proust, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Geraldine Brooks.

Q:  How may we stay current with library news?   

A:  Check out our website, follow us on social media – Facebook, X, Instagram and make sure to visit one (or all!) of our 41 libraries and talk to our fantastic staff.

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