Are You MN Enough? (I guess we'll find out!)

Welcome to season 3 of Are You MN Enough?, an original series from Rewire - Twin Cities Public Television.
Twin Cities video makers – be they amateurs or professionals, individuals or production companies – are invited to submit their entertaining, original, engaging 2-6 minute take on a quintessential Minnesota topic. In previous seasons, topics ranging from food on a stick, weather obsession, Scandinavian stereotypes and “Minnesota nice” have been covered. What other unique aspects of life in Minnesota does the greater internet need to know about? What cliché would you like to overturn or prove true?
Video submissions for Season 3 of Are You MN Enough are being accepted now through September 12. They will first be reviewed by the Rewire team, with up to 6 finalists put up for public voting beginning September 18. The winning entry will be awarded $2,000, with $1,000 for 2nd place, and $500 for 3rd place. Submitted videos will be judged based on their originality, production quality, and caliber of content.
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